Chapter 258: Born to be a man, I would rather die than surrender!

Hongjun’s ancestor’s anger and punishment on the human race not only shocked the Wa Palace, but also shocked other powerful abilities.

The most shocking and distressing one is Zhun mentioning and receiving.

Sumeru Mountain.

The two sages of the West were still crying with joy for the explosion of human luck, embracing and weeping.

In the next second, their smiles completely froze on their faces.

They saw their eyes widened, and they looked at the sudden change in the direction of the human race in disbelief, astonished.

and many more!

What is the human direction?

Why is it suddenly surging, lightning and thunder?

It was clearly a sign of auspiciousness before, but it turned into such a terrifying sight in the blink of an eye.

“Brother, Human Race…what’s the situation?”

Jiuyan pulled the corners of his mouth, his expression dignified, and he spoke with some uncertainty.

“Look at this momentum… Maybe it’s God’s punishment?”

“What?! God’s punishment?”

Zhunti was so surprised that his chin was about to fall off. Is this ancestor Hongjun doing such a cruel move? Actually use the natural punishment on the human race?

The Second Sage of the West rubbed his eyes and looked intently at the Human Race, unavoidably frightened, and his face was full of panic.

sky! ! !

What a punishment! !

This ancestor Hongjun is real! ?

One shot is God’s punishment?

Or do you shoot against the human race?

What did this Terran do wrong?

Why do you want to treat them this way? !

The quasi-tipping guide is not only painful, but also distressed.

Of course, what they are distressed is not the human race itself, but the strong and strong human luck! !

Punishment is not a joke this day, it is comparable to the existence of Sage!

With this heavenly punishment coming down, the human race is 80% unable to escape the end of the extermination…

They finally succeeded in persuading Nuwa and fellow daoist senior to preach in the human race. They haven’t enjoyed enough of this human luck!

Now you have to watch this powerful air luck be forced down by Hongjun’s ancestor, or even annihilated? !

How can this make them not heartache, how can they not feel sad?

“Brother, if the human race is destroyed, wouldn’t the luck also be annihilated?”

“Now I only pray that the human race can escape this catastrophe…”

It is a sorrow to mention and lead, but it is helpless.

After all, the other party is the famous Hongjun ancestor, even if they are united, they may not be Hongjun ancestors opponents. I only dared to be angry but didn’t dare to speak, shattered the grievances and swallowed in my belly.

Facing the ancestor Hongjun’s punishment on the human race, most of the great abilities are a bit regretful, but Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing daddy are very supportive of this, especially the Taiqing daddy, he is now so happy that his beard is going to the sky. NS!

Yuxu Palace.

Seeing Taiqing Daddy’s delighted look, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn’t help but become happy, and handed a cup of tea to him.

“Brother, drink tea.”

“Happy now, aren’t you?”

I still remember that the last second was too clear. Daddy came to his Yuxu Palace angrily and scolded Nuwa, the Second Western Saints and the Human Race, his face was full of sorrow and sorrow.

But in the next second, after learning that the human race had been punished by the master, Taiqing Daddy turned from sadness to joy, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth never came down.

“Happy, that’s natural.”

Taiqing Daddy picked up the teacup, gently blew off the tea foam, and savoured a sip of the fragrant tea that Yuanshi Tianzun handed him.

Then he let out a long sigh, and his whole body was indescribably relaxed.

“The penalty was dropped well this day, it was wonderful!”

“Master’s move is very much to my heart!”

“It’s time for the human race who doesn’t know the heights of the sky and earth to clean up!!”

In fact, it is Taiqing Daddy jealous that the strong luck of the jealous human race will be divided away by others.

That’s good, since you can’t get it, it’s better to let the master destroy it all!

Everyone can’t get it, so it won’t make him feel unbalanced! !

Especially the western bald donkeys, no one can easily make them cheap! !

Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded in agreement, looked at the human race angrily, and said word by word.

“This Terran really owes something to clean up!!”

He hadn’t forgotten that the guardian of the human race broke his sword and severely injured him!

He has always kept this hatred in his heart!

“If it weren’t for the human race’s booze, brother, your position as the leader of the cult will not be abolished!”

When Yuanshi Tianzun said this, it aroused Taiqing Daddy’s anger.

He saw endless anger flashing in his dark and deep eyes, and his whole body exuded terrible annoyance.

Taiqing daddy’s veins violently violently, staring at the direction of the human race.

“Hmph, the human race abolished my position as leader in the past, but today the master has destroyed his entire race! Very good, very good…”

“We don’t need to act, Master will teach them a lesson…”

“Second brother, just sit back and watch a good show!”

I don’t know how the Daoist clan annoyed the ancestor Hongjun, but since they have annoyed Master, then Master will definitely make them unable to eat!

They won’t go to this muddy water. Wouldn’t it be fun to sit and watch a good show?

The two of them just sat with tea, watching every move of the human race, as if watching a live broadcast, would they still comment on it.

On the Human Race side, Hongjun’s ancestor’s words exploded in the Human Race and aroused the anger of the Human Race.

Their human races are also creatures in this prehistoric world. Why did the ancestor Hongjun want them to kill him?

Why can’t you tolerate them so much and want to kill them impatiently? !

Although afraid of the deterrence and holy pressure of the ancestor Hongjun, the Suiren clan was still extremely angry and took the lead to stand up and question the ancestor Hongjun with an angry voice at the sky.

“Tao Ancestor, why did you suddenly come down to the heavens and punished the human race?!”

“Also born as a prehistoric creature, why can’t Heavenly Dao tolerate the human race?”

The ancestor Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace originally thought that if he had lowered the punishment, the human race would be a little safer.

How would he know that not only did this group of human races not be suppressed by Heaven’s Punishment, but on the contrary they dared to lose their temper at him and yelled at him.

Hongjun:? ? ?

Isn’t this just looking for death?

The solemn and solemn voice came from the sky again faintly.

“The Human Race violated the Heavenly Dao Code and wanted heaven-defying many times!”

“That deity is doing the heavenly way except for the evil of your human race, isn’t it wrong?”

The human race burst suddenly, raging to the sky, and approached the direction of Zixiao Palace.

Scourge? !

Actually say that their human race is a scourge?

What the hell did their human race do, how come it suddenly became a scourge? Still inexplicably targeted this way? !

At this time, the Suiren clan spoke again, mobilizing the morale of the clan.

“Heaven-defying? Human race has never been heaven-defying. It just follows its own mind!”

“If Daozu thinks that the human race has rebelled against Heavenly Dao, then I am sorry, our human race will not give in because of this, we only do what we think is right!”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, believe that man will conquer nature! Being a man, you would rather die than surrender!!”

As soon as Suiren’s words came out, the emotions of the human race were adjusted to the highest point, the morale of the human race soared, and many human races cheered up one after another.

Since Heavenly Dao and Hongjun ancestor deliberately destroyed them, they are no longer afraid!

Since you can’t hide, it’s better to be hard-headed!

In this battle, their human race would rather die than surrender to Heavenly Dao, and smash to the end with the ancestor Hongjun!

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