Chapter 254 Don’t worry, Your Majesty, next time! !

Heaven Court.

Seeing that the Daluo Demon Clan sent by Kunpeng had not been news for a long time, he could not help but summoned Kunpeng and asked him about the situation.

“Monster, did you have news from the Da Luo Demon Clan you sent last time?”

Kunpeng couldn’t help but cold sweat, his face solemn.

How does this make him answer?

So many days have passed, and he has not received any news from that Da Luo Demon Race.

Don’t you let him tie someone up? Is it so strenuous?

Could it be that he was discovered and failed?

No, no, he can’t fail!

I have made a military order in front of your majesty. If he fails, isn’t it just to make yourself slap in the face frantically in front of your majesty?

If you lose your majesty’s trust, how can you gain a foothold in the Yaozu in the future?

Kunpeng then hesitated and said.

“This… back to your Majesty, he should have news soon, wait a minute…”

“Maybe there was an accident…”

At this moment, Baize Lion, who was investigating the news outside, rushed in in a panic and knelt in front of Di Jun.

When Di Jun looked at Baize Lion’s panic look, he knew that it was definitely not good news.

“Say, what’s the matter?”

Baize Lion seemed to have seen a ghost, his eyes widened in horror, and trembling body replied.

“Back, back to your majesty, yes… it’s about that Da Luo monster clan…”

Kunpeng couldn’t help being overjoyed when he heard that it was the Daluo Demon Race.

He and His Majesty were just talking about it, and the news of the Da Luo Demon Race came.

It came really in time!

He was so worried that he couldn’t make a difference, the news of the Da Luo Demon Race came, and he solved his urgent need!

“What’s wrong with him? Baize Lion, say it!”

Kunpeng urged impatiently on the side, and Baize Lion became even more frightened when he heard it, and his body shook more violently.

“Really, I really want to say…”



Di Jun and Kunpeng both nodded.

Seeing Baize Lion shaking so badly, Kunpeng thought it was the Da Luo Demon Race who succeeded. This made Baize Lion look so excited that he couldn’t even speak.

But the next sentence of Baize Lion directly made Kunpeng the whole demon stupid, and the whole demon was bad.

“That Da Luo Demon Race… he, he was photographed into meat sauce by the palm of the Sui Ren clan…”

At this point, Baize Lion couldn’t help it at all. The stomach was upset, and he started to throw up with a “vomit”.

Ever since he saw through the water mirror in front of the Daluo Jinxian Demon Clan being photographed into fleshy flesh, the bloody look lingered in his mind and directly became his shadow.

Every time he thinks of the bloody meat sauce, he feels nauseous.

When he reported to his Majesty before, he had also forcibly resisted not letting himself vomit out, but now he couldn’t hold it back at all, so he vomited everything in his stomach completely.

Kunpeng and Di Jun were shocked when they heard it, especially Kunpeng, who was shocked and angry, with extremely ugly expressions.

“What? That Daluo Demon Race was actually shot to death by Renzu Suiren?!”

“It turned into meat sauce?!”

This is too ridiculous, right?

The dignified monster was actually photographed as meat sauce?

Or by a weak human race without the power to bind chickens?

This is simply the shame of their monster race!

Kunpeng looked at Emperor Jun with some trepidation.

Sure enough, Di Jun’s face was gloomy to the bottom, exuding a terrifying cold light!

Kunpeng was frightened by Emperor Jun’s Death gaze and immediately turned his head, not daring to look up at Emperor Jun again.

It is estimated that now Di Jun wants to beat his heart to death!

Sure enough, the next second, Di Jun’s cold voice drifted into Kunpeng’s ears.

“Monster, don’t you mean that this method is feasible and will definitely not fail?”

“Why did the Daluo monster clan you sent was photographed into meat sauce by a human clan in the Suiren clan?”

“This is simply the shame of the Yaozu!”

“Your majesty calms down your anger, your majesty calms down your anger…”

Seeing that Di Jun was really angry, Kunpeng immediately threw himself down in front of Di Jun obediently confessed his mistake, and then madly tossed the pot.

“It must be that this human race is too cunning! Yes, it must be so!”

“Could it be that his whereabouts were discovered by that broken grass?”

“Yes! It must be so! Otherwise, at the level of the Yaozu Daluo Jinxian, how could it be defeated by the Suiren clan?!”

“Your Majesty, they cheat!”

Obviously it was their demon race’s fault, but after Kunpeng said that, it became the human race’s fault.

Human race resistance is that they are deceiving!

They are born weak and belong to the Houtian spirit race, so they are not worthy of being compared with these noble Xiantian spirit races!

However, the demons were still amazed by the fact that Suiren clan slapped the Daluo Demon Clan to death.

Di Jun’s expression was complicated, and a vague premonition struck his mind.

When did this human race become so strong?

Can actually compete with their monster race?

Can’t go on like this!

The ancestor Hongjun said that this human race has the potential to become a prehistoric overlord. If it is allowed to develop, it will definitely be an opponent of the monster race for the predominant overlord in the future!

Thinking of this, Di Jun couldn’t help cold his eyes, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

He glanced coldly in the direction of Shouyang Mountain, and then spoke.

“This Da Luo Demon Race will die if they die. Anyway, the Demon Race does not lack a Da Luo Jinxian…”

“But through this time, the emperor vaguely felt that the power of the human race is very dishonest, and they are slowly rising. Maybe in the future they will surpass our monster race…”

“All, the human race is a threat to the emperor that he doesn’t want to stay anymore, he must fight quickly and get rid of the roots!”

Kunpeng heard of it and immediately responded to the reconciliation, trying to make up for it.

“The minister also thinks what your Majesty said is reasonable! This human race should indeed be eliminated!”

“The inferior Houtian human race is not worthy of being the opponent of our monster race!”

“Your Majesty, rest assured, next time!”

“The minister will succeed next time!”

“hope so.”

After Dijun glanced at Kunpeng, he continued to look at Shouyang Mountain.

Their demon race’s move has obviously started to stun the snake, and the human race will definitely strengthen their defenses. At this time, it is really wrong to start.

I can only think of a way and wait for the next wave of opportunities…

On the other side, Zixiao Palace.

Although the Daluo Demon Clan was not made known to the whole world under the demon clan’s prevention, it still leaked some wind and let Hongjun ancestors know.

The ancestor Hongjun raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard it, and then looked at the human direction of Shouyang Mountain with a complex expression.


Da Luo Jinxian’s demon clan can’t beat Realm’s Suiren clan even lower than him?

And was slapped into meat sauce by Sui Renshi?

How did this human race suddenly become so strong?

This happened so suddenly that it was not under his control at all!

Could it be…this matter is also related to Luo Huo?

Was it the damn Luo Hu who was doing the right thing with them again?

Is it because Luo Huo gave them devilish energy to bless them, so as to ascension their strength?

There are more and more things out of his control in this wild world!

In the future, this human race will be the predominant overlord of the heavens, and must be in his hands. This is absolutely not a good thing for Luo Hui to ruin him! !

Thinking of this, the ancestor Hongjun had a touch of meaning and coldness in his eyes.

This human race… he’s afraid he has to keep an eye on it…

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