Chapter 251 Is This the Book of God?

Shouyang Mountain.


After a few sips of tea, Suiren felt refreshed, and his heart was no longer impetuous and calmed a lot.

Suiren stared at the so-called divine book on the desktop for a few seconds, then sighed helplessly.

What a disappointment, Chen fellow daoist!

I trusted you so much, but you deceived me so!


Now even the fellow daoist Chen is unwilling to save the human race, what should the human race do in the future…

The more and more Suiren thought about it, the more worried he got, but he was frowning, and the whole person was enveloped by clouds…

At this moment, someone knocked at the door.

“Master Suiren, are you there?”

“What’s the matter, say.”

Suiren’s was annoyed, and his tone naturally became bad.

The informant at the door was obviously taken aback by Suiren’s unkind tone. He thought it was Own who had disturbed Lord Suiren’s sudden announcement.

So the person who notified him couldn’t help trembling all over, trembling and talking.

“That… Master Suiren, the other two ancestors heard that you are back, and they specially set up a banquet in the hall to catch the dust and celebrate for you…”

“Then, that little one won’t disturb Lord Suiren…”

After speaking, the person in charge of the report ran away as if oiled on the soles of his feet.

Suiren couldn’t help but twitched his mouth when he saw this: Am I that scary?

Why don’t you eat him so fast?

Ling Yi and You Chao are going to pick up the dust for me and celebrate?

If they knew that I had gone, they would bring back two broken books, maybe their faces would have changed, right?

That’s it, let’s go…

Before leaving, Suiren glanced at the broken books on the table, and took the two broken books with him.

“It just happens to be with you.”

After a while, the third ancestor of the human race met.

When Lingyi and Youchao saw Suiren, they immediately greeted them with a smile.

“Suiren, you are back!”

“Come and come! The big hero of the human race, please sit down, don’t you have a small harvest?”

Faced with the problems of the Lingyi and Youchao, Suiren shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

“Where is the harvest?”

“Hey, this fellow Chen fellow daoist still has a firm attitude as always, and resolutely refuses to go out of the cave…not to say that he is a parallel importer!”

When Ling Yi heard it, he couldn’t help but laughed, and immediately covered his mouth with his sleeve.

“The parallel importer? This Chen Fellow Daoist is too modest, right? A weed he casually brought before was the Nine Sword Stargrass God Grass, and a casually broken sword turned out to be a superb sword. …”

“This fellow daoist Chen is obviously strong, why didn’t he admit it?”

“Yeah yeah!”

On the other side, the Chao clan also responded.

“Let me say, Chen fellow daoist is good at everything, but it’s not good to be overly modest. Isn’t this too Versailles?”

Then the two turned their gazes to Suiren, and they couldn’t help asking.

“Suiren, I heard from the tribe that you went to the Immortal Cave of fellow daoist Chen this time to get the Cultivation Technique, so can you get it?”

Suiren became even more sad when he heard it. He rubbed his sore eyebrows, first shook his head, and then nodded again.

He doesn’t know if it counts…

Originally, I wanted to invite Chen Sheng to come out of the mountain to preach the Human Race and personally teach it to the Human Race Cultivation Technique, but Chen Sheng is a stubborn temper.

Although he didn’t get out of the mountain, he gave himself two more so-called Cultivation Technique divine books. This can be regarded as an indirect teaching of Cultivation Technique to them, right?

So for a while, he didn’t know if it counted.

Sui Ren’s shook and nodded Sao operation could stun the other two ancestors.

What does it mean?

Did you ask for it or didn’t you ask for it?

“Suiren, what do you mean? Have you got it?”

Chao had always been anxious and couldn’t stand his temper, so he asked first.

Suiren didn’t know how to answer them, so he simply explained the cause and effect of the matter to them in detail.

Then he took out the two dilapidated books in his arms, placed them on the table, and pointed his fingers at the two books.

“It’s these two divine books.”

When the Ling Yi clan and You Chao clan looked at them, they instantly felt that they had been tricked by the Sui Ren clan.

Do you call this a sacred book?

Where does it look like? !

Where is the shadow of a divine book in this shabby appearance?

If you didn’t say this, they thought it was just picked up from the garbage!

“Suiren, if you have nothing to gain, just say it straight. There is no need to lie… we can’t understand you, right…”

Ling Yi’s, who had always been gentle to others, was also annoyed at this moment, and her beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of frost.

This Suiren clan, if they fail, they fail. Why should they be treated like monkeys?

Is this looking down on them, thinking that their IQ is low?

“Yeah, Suiren, it looks like it was picked up from the trash…you even want to lie to us and look for two decent books, right?”

The Suiren clan on the side was really miserable, and he really wanted to cry without tears.

Don’t talk about them, even he himself can’t accept that these two books are actually divine books? !

But that’s what Chen fellow daoist told him. He always told the truth, saying that he lied is too wrong to him!

He really didn’t lie, fellow daoist Chen said to him himself…

Sui Ren was wronged for no reason, and felt very uncomfortable.

So he firmed his look, stood up, and sweared.

“My Suiren can swear as my ancestor, that everything I say is true! If there is any fraud, the sky will thunder and thunder!”

Suiren suddenly swore a poisonous oath that the other second ancestors did not expect, and they were also shocked by Suiren’s behavior.

“Suiren, how are you…”

“To prove that what I said is true! This is really what fellow daoist Chen said personally, saying that these two books are divine books!”

“Don’t say you don’t believe it, even I don’t believe it!”

Seeing that the Suiren clan took a poisonous oath, the other second ancestors who were still a little annoyed with the Suiren clan instantly lost most of their anger, turning from anger to shock.

They couldn’t help but widen their eyes, full of disbelief.

“Dang, really?”

“Chen fellow daoist really said that?”

Sui Ren nodded, and said every word.

“It’s true!”

As soon as this remark came out, the other two ancestors were even more shocked.

“This turned out to be a divine book?”

“That’s it? That’s it?!”

The divine book is so tattered?

Did Chen fellow daoist get it wrong?

At this time, Ling Yi’s still had a glimmer of hope, and said slowly.

“The grass given by Chen Fellow Daoist before was also very inconspicuous, but it is the nine sword star pattern grass that guards the human race! Maybe the two books are the same, but they look a little unsightly, and the contents may be Surprise!”

Hearing what Ling Yi said, there was Chao who felt reasonable and nodded in agreement.

“Don’t turn it over, there are no surprises in it, because I have seen it…I don’t know if I have no talent, I can’t understand anything…”

Before Suiren’s words were finished, the two ancestors couldn’t wait to open the so-called divine book. They were not listening to Suiren’s words.

Sure enough, after turning a few pages, the two ancestors froze in place.

They can’t understand anything…

“Is this a sacred book? I can’t see a word…”

“Me too, can’t understand a word… Am I stupid?”

Even if the book is broken, it’s still so difficult to understand, is this really…is it a divine book?

The trio of ancestors faced the two broken books in front of them, and then sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, they are too good to understand the true meaning of the “God Book”…

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