Chapter 248: A book that is refreshing and a book that is immortal!

Shouyang Mountain, the territory of the human race.

Since the last time he was almost successfully invaded by the monster clan, the Suiren clan has been depressed, worried about the strength of the human race and the safety of the human race in the future.

The human race’s current strength is too low, as humble and weak as an ant in front of those monster races and Sage, there is no resistance at all, and no strength to fight back.

At that time, if it weren’t for Broken Sword Senior and Master Tongtian to come to help Terran, Terran would be buried in the evil hands of Yaozu and Erqing Sage.

But Broken Sword Senior and Tongtian Hierarch cannot always accompany the Human Race to guard the Human Race. If the Human Race wants to survive and not be bullied, they can only become stronger.

Only when they themselves become strong can they truly protect themselves without relying on the shelter of others.

Although the two Western Sages said they had preached in the human race, the effect was very weak, and the strength of the human race had not changed significantly.

It seems that he still has to take a trip!

Now, I am afraid that only the mysterious fellow daoist with profound strength can truly rescue the human race, and can bring the strength of the human race to a higher level!

Thinking of this, Suiren cast his hopeful eyes on Shouyang Mountain…The small hills on the side, it’s time to ask the mysterious fellow daoist for help!

Thinking about this, the Suiren clan went to Chen Sheng for help again.

Chen Shengdong.

Hei Lian saw that he was a human race, thinking that it would not do any harm to his master, so he didn’t stop him any more, and directly opened the cave door and let the person in.

As soon as the Suiren entered Immortal Cave, he rushed towards Chen Sheng who was sitting and practicing calligraphy, as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

“Chen fellow daoist! I have a ruthless please ask fellow daoist!”

When Chen Sheng heard this familiar voice, he was so scared that he dodged and avoided the Sui Ren who was oncoming.

Chen Sheng couldn’t help but twitched when he saw this, and wailed in his heart.

How can Hei Lian see the door?

Why did you put this product in?

Nothing good when he comes!

Maybe he was going to help Terran again!

It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s that the predicament today is too terrifying!

Quasi-sages are as many as dogs, and big Luo Jinxian walks everywhere!

And he is only a small big Luo Jinxian, or a parallel trade big Luo Jinxian, if he goes out, wouldn’t he be sure to die?

No, no!

In any case, I will not take half a step out of this Immortal Cave today!

Although I want to help Terran, my strength really doesn’t allow it!

Wouldn’t it be like giving away the head for nothing? He himself took his life very hard, okay?

Before the Suiren clan could ask for one another, Chen Sheng took the lead and refused his request.

“I think it’s impossible to get out of the mountain. It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s because my strength doesn’t allow it!”

“Fellow daoist, don’t waste your tongue to persuade me. I will not change my decision easily anyway. This mountain…I won’t be out.”

Sui Ren was stunned, and then looked sadly at fellow Chen fellow daoist, who had a tough attitude in front of him, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and wanted to cry without tears.

Depend on!

He didn’t say anything yet, and was rejected again?

Is this fellow daoist Chen the roundworm in his stomach?

This is a clear understanding of myself!

Now that the lines of own have been said, the Suiren had no choice but to take the road of selling miserably.

He knelt down in front of Chen Sheng with a “puff”, crying with a headache.

“Chen fellow daoist, the Demon Race almost invaded the Human Race a few days ago! If it weren’t for the Broken Sword Senior and Tongtian Hierarch arrived in time, the Human Race would probably die at the hands of the Demon Race!”

“The strength of the human race is too low now, it can’t stand a blow from the outside world, and it has no ability to protect itself!”

“That’s why I came here to ask fellow daoist Chen for help! Please fellow daoist Chen come out to help the human race!”

“As long as fellow daoist Chen is willing to go out and teach some Cultivation Techniques to the Human Race, the Human Race will not have to be afraid of foreign invasions in the future!”

Chen Sheng had a headache when he heard that the Suiren clan let himself out of the mountain reluctantly.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to help, but that he really can’t help!

“Fellow daoist, listen to me! What about me, but a parallel importer, really can’t protect the human race, and can’t help much. Going out has no other effect except to die.”


you? Parallel importer?


Obviously, his strength is far above Sage, yet he still says that he is just a small parallel importer?

fellow daoist!

Don’t be humble at this time, right?

If this continues, the human race will be over!

Sui Ren continued to know the reason and move with affection, and called Chen Sheng a soft and hard bubble.

Chen Sheng moved his hand helplessly and sighed for a long time. It seems that he would not leave easily without giving this Sui Renshi an explanation today!

Well, then I will give him an explanation.

Seeing that Chen Sheng showed signs of letting go, his attitude was not as tough as before, and the Suiren couldn’t help feeling happy.

Chen fellow daoist Is this going out to protect the human race?

In the next second, Chen Sheng’s actions made Sui Ren deeply aware-he was thinking too much!

I saw Chen Sheng easily took out two dirty books from the shabby corner, which was dilapidated, covered with moss, and hung with several layers of cobwebs.

Chen Sheng handed the two dirty and shabby books with dusty surfaces to Sui Renshi, and said slowly.

“Doesn’t the fellow daoist just want to beg for Cultivation Technique to make people stronger?”

“Take these two practice books, fellow daoist, and take a look at them. Maybe they are useful for Cultivation Technique in the human race…cough cough.”

The dust on the surface of these two books was too much, which made Chen Sheng’s nose and throat very uncomfortable, so he coughed slightly.

Suiren’s eyes widened, and the results of these two shabby, old and dirty “sacred books” were unbelievable.

Ah this…

This book… is really a spiritual book for practice?

Why does it look so shabby?

And it’s so messy, how can it look like a divine book?

Suiren didn’t know what to do with these two books, and he seriously had reason to suspect that Chen Sheng used them to perfuse him.

This is more perfunctory than the weeds before!

Although the weed is indeed a magical grass, it is still a little grassy.

This book has been damaged and has no samples. Is it really a sacred book?

Seeing Suiren’s eyes full of doubts, Chen Sheng had to continue to explain perfunctorily.

“Fellow daoist, this is the so-called sacred book that is not in appearance! Don’t look at them as shabby, but they are indeed very effective for practicing Cultivation Technique!”

“One of these can be refreshing, and the other can be immortal!”

“Believe me, when you finish practicing these two Cultivation Technique divine books, your human strength will definitely increase, and your luck will also increase! There is no problem in cultivating a Taiyi Golden Immortal!”

Chen Sheng explained that the Suiren clan was completely confused, the Suiren clan was a little shaken, but still a little confused.

Just these two broken books… are they so magical?

One is refreshing and one is immortal?

Isn’t fellow daoist just trying to perfuse him to talk nonsense?

Suiren really wanted to be right, these were really Chen Sheng’s nonsense in order to perfuse the Suiren.

If Chen Sheng didn’t say that, the Suiren clan would definitely pester him again to let him go out and teach the Cultivation Technique of the human race, and bless the human race…

He doesn’t want it, it’s safe and comfortable in the cave!

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