Chapter 245 Don’t forget to dig a well when you drink water? That’s it!

What a terrifying existence this is!

Can you actually convince Luo Huixun, the demon ancestor, who even Hongjun ancestor did not dare to shoot at will, and is willing to be his tea boy?

Taiqing daddy was shocked, his heart was obviously panic, but his face was still calm, maintaining the composure that a Sage should have.

“Huh! Maybe you made up to scare the old man! The old man will not be fooled!”

right! right!

It must be this damn Tongtian who was talking nonsense together, just trying to frighten himself with this!

When did this great man have such a powerful person?

Why doesn’t he know?

Even if he doesn’t know, the master should know, right?

Even the master does not know this person, so it seems that this person does not exist in all likelihood!

This is what Tongtian said to scare him!

This damn sky!

Obviously he was eroded by the devilish energy, and he was so bewitched by the demon ancestor, but he was still unwilling to accept this fact, and even lied to cover up his being bewitched by the demon ancestor!

What a coward! !

Seeing that Taiqing daddy was so unwilling to accept the reality and didn’t trust him, Tongtian raised his eyebrows, and rushed back to Taiqing daddy forcefully.

“Did the deity scare Taiqing Sage? Isn’t Taiqing Sage very clear?”

“By the way, speaking of Dage, the reason why you can become holy can’t be separated from my master’s order, right? What, forgot?”

The cynicism of Tong Tian directly made Taiqing daddy angry enough, but at the same time, he also awakened Taiqing daddy.

Daddy was taken aback, and then thought for a while, as if there is really only one thing…

When he visited Shouyang Mountain before, he was indeed directed by a senior.

Could it be that the senior is…Tongtian’s so-called master? The master of Demon Zu Luohu? !

It turned out to be him? !

Taiqing Daddy was so shocked that his beard was about to fall off.

I originally thought that the senior person was already very good at pointing me to myself. Who would have thought that he was far more hidden than he looked!

Such a mediocre person can actually make the temperament violent, so brutal that the demon ancestor Luo Hui who plucked out the hair of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is obediently obedient?

It can be seen how unpredictable his strength is?

Taiqing Daddy’s eyes flashed clearly, and he couldn’t escape Tongtian’s eyes. Tongtian smiled and took a sip of Yuqiong wine on the table in front of him.

“It seems Taiqing Sage has already remembered it!”

“I really want to say that you can get this holy position today, thanks to my master’s advice. Otherwise, with your previous understanding… how could you think of going to the human race to preach to accumulate immeasurable merits and become holy? ”

“If I remember correctly, Taiqing Sage seems to have been stuck for a long time when he was sanctified, tens of millions of years, right?”

“They all say that they don’t forget to dig wells when drinking water, but why does Sage become a gratitude and revenge when it comes to Taiqing? Not only is not grateful to Dade, but also makes trouble for us several times in an attempt to slander Master…”

Another wave of cynicism came. Daddy was speechless. His face was blue and purple, making him look particularly ugly.

Even though he was about to be blown up by anger, he couldn’t find any words to go back to this damn Tongtian!

Because what Tongtian said is true!

Had he not been lucky enough to get the guidance of the senior, he might still be stuck at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage!

It won’t be breakthrough and sanctification so soon!

Although it delayed his blessing to be sanctified, it also delayed his blessing to become the leader of that person.

But now that everything is right and wrong, his position as the leader of humanity is gone, and a lot of human luck has been snatched away by the two bald donkeys in the West!

And he will suffer such a heavy loss, thanks to the master of Tongtian and Nuwa!

That’s why people who dig wells do not forget to drink water… which is strange!

Still want him to be grateful to the so-called Master Tongtian?

Daddy hates him so much, how can I be grateful?

Thinking about this, Taiqing daddy flicked his sleeves fiercely, frowned, and said with a blushing face.

“Huh! That’s the same thing before!”

“Now the old man, the leader of the human race, has been forcibly abolished by Nuwa under your master’s calculations. The old man no longer owes you any favors to your master!”

“If it weren’t for him and Nuwa to frame the old man, how could the old man fall to where he is today?”

“We’ve already cleaned up! So you don’t want to use this to block the old man!”

Seeing Taiqing from the sky Daddy was so obsessed with no repentance, so he shook his head helplessly and let out a long sigh.

“Taiqing Sage, you are not saved.”

When Daddy heard it, he immediately became displeased.

What kind of bastard is this Tongtian talking about? !

And what does he look like?

What does it mean to be unsaved? !

I’m better off myself! !

Obviously he was out of help!

It seems that he has been eroded by the devilish energy, and he has said such bastard words!

“Shangqing Tongtian! You are bold! How dare you slander Sage so much?”

Taiqing Daddy blows his beard and stares with anger, and has long lost the image of a respected old man at the beginning. He tore off the “hypocritical” mask on the surface, revealing the hideous real face behind him.

I saw Taiqing daddy’s hostile spirit, and his eyes were full of hatred and fierceness towards Tongtian, and a trace of… murderousness flashed inadvertently?

Seeing that Dage, who had been so good to him before, had a murderous heart towards him, Tongtian felt a trace of heartache, but he quickly regained his senses and faced Daddy Taiqing with his eyes.

I have repeatedly discouraged Taiqing and daddy has no effect. He has repeatedly advised him not to walk on the path of no return to Heavenly Dao, but he will not listen.

In that case, there is really no way I can do it…

Since it doesn’t make sense, you can only show your own kendo and speak with strength!

After all, in this wild world, everything is imaginary, only the fist is real! Only strength is real! !

Since the last time Tongtian saw his master smashed the ancestor Hongjun with a sword and cut over the Zixiao Palace, he immediately returned to Jin’ao Island Closed Door Training Cultivation.

During the Closed Door Training cultivation, he tried to digest the swordsmanship he saw, and then practiced repeatedly to improve his own strength and Insight’s swordsmanship.

After that period of Closed Door Training cultivation, he clearly felt that his own kendo has taken a step forward.

Swordsmanship, which he thought was still obscure, suddenly became simple and easy to understand. The runes that crawled around like earthworms suddenly became as simple as “1+1=2”!

The endless breath of entrapment and swordsmanship entangled Tongtian’s body and penetrated into Tongtian’s body. Tongtian felt a strong air current flowing freely in his body, and then went straight to the sky.

Tongtian seemed to have been opened up through the two lines of Ren and Du, and the whole person looked refreshed, became very relaxed, and had a more thorough understanding of the laws of kendo.

In just a few moments, he thoroughly learned the art of kendo!

He felt that Sword Qi had spread all over his body unknowingly, and gradually became one with him!

At this moment, both his swordsmanship and swordsmanship have broken through!

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