Chapter 241 Funeral? I’m dead, why don’t I know?

After Kunpeng and other monster races ran out of the horrible Shouyang Mountain like The Underworld, they ran all the way, fled, and returned to the prehistoric land.

Due to running too fast, they even forgot to transform back into human form.

Suddenly, there were a series of “bangs, bangs, bangs”, and several of them slammed into an extremely hard “wall” one after another.

Just when they were wondering why a wall appeared on this good flat ground, the “wall” actually spoke? !

“Oh, I hurt my ancestor to death!”

“This is something I ran into, everyone panicked.”

Kunpeng Baize Lion and other demons were also hit with pain, rubbed their aching buttocks, and got up to have a good theory with the “wall” in front of them.

As soon as they raised their heads, the demons were all startled, and then they couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Ancestor Styx!? It’s you!”

Kunpeng was overjoyed and jumped three feet high in excitement.

They met acquaintances just after they escaped from The Underworld Shouyang Mountain. How can this make him unhappy, how can it make him unhappy?

Old Ancestor Styx looked intently at the thing that hit him in front of him-it turned out to be a group of small animals?

Big bird, white dog, and a flock of pheasants? ? ?

Seems to hear someone calling him in front of him?

Which fellow daoist is it? Let him see!

The ancestor Styx looked around, but did not see other figures. Apart from him, there was only this group of critters in front of him!

Who is calling him?

“Look! I am here!”

Kunpeng’s whole demon was almost in front of Ancestor Styx, but Ancestor Styx still ignored him, and looked around.

Is this ancestor Styx blind?

Can’t you see yourself? ?

“I don’t know fellow daoist, where is…?”

Patriarch Styx rubbed his ears, and he wondered if he had auditory hallucinations. How can you only hear the sound and not see the person?

“Just in front of you!!”

Kunpeng is almost blown up with anger, this Luo Hu is really blind!

I’m already in front of him, still pretending that I can’t see him?

Play with him! ?

Patriarch Styx was shocked and blinked his eyes.

“Is there nothing but a big jumping bird in front of you?”

Kunpeng realized the seriousness of the problem. It turned out that he has never changed back to a human form, he is just like his body! !

No wonder this ancestor of Styx has been looking elsewhere!

“This big bird…is me.”

Kunpeng used his demon power to change back into a human form again, and now it looks more pleasing to the eye!

Seeing this, Baize Lion and the three demon saints also used their demon power and turned back into human form. They walked in a hurry, forgetting that they were still in their original state!

When Old Ancestor Styx saw that it was the demon master Kunpeng, the attendant Baize Lion and others, he immediately stepped back in fright, pointing at them with trembling hands, his face full of horror.

“Demon Master Kunpeng? Attendant Baize Lion? And…there are the three missing Demon Saints?”

“These, these are real? Are they alive?”

“Old Ancestor Styx, what do you mean by this? Isn’t it alive or dead?”

Kunpeng was a little unhappy when he heard what the ancestor Styx said.

How does this ancestor Styx say so ugly?

It is so good to curse them to death?

What’s your mind?

The ancestors of Styx became even more frightened after they got the affirmative answer from Kunpeng, and the whole person was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall off!

Are they dead?

His ancestor of the Styx was invited by the Demon Emperor to attend the funeral of the demon master Kunpeng and other demon clan. Who knew that he ran into a live demon master Kunpeng and other demon during the journey?

This is simply scary to contemplate, right? !

Are they resurrected from the dead?

His ancestor Styx has lived for so long, and he has never heard of the primordial beings that can come back from the dead!

He must have not rested well, not only auditory hallucinations, but also hallucinations…

Old Ancestor Styx raised his palm and gave himself a palm directly without hesitation.

The scorching pain and burning sensation came from the face of Ancestor Styx. The Ancestor Styx grinned with pain and pained his heart. Then he had to accept that all of these were facts and true! !

Kunpeng and other demons were very confused about the operation of the ancestors of the river.

What is he doing?

What is this confusing Sao operation?

However, before they could think clearly, the ancestor of Styx came by surprise.

“Kunpeng fellow daoist, are you still alive?”

Kunpeng:? ? ?

What does it mean that I am still alive?

When did I die?

The words of the ancestor Styx completely angered Kunpeng, and he believed that the ancestor Styx had designated that serious illness!

Is not this nonsensical?

He is standing in front of Ancestor Styx, can this be fake?

Not alive, is it still dead?

This ancestor of Styx did not deliberately find fault, right?

At this moment, the ancestor of Styx looked at Baize Lion and them in disbelief, and even reached out to touch them.

After confirming the incomparable touch of Baize Lion and the others, the ancestors of the Styx were even more shocked.

“It’s true! Why are you all alive?”

As soon as this remark came out, the ancestor of Styx immediately aroused public outrage.

Baize Lion resisted the urge to go up and blast the damn ancestor of Styx, swallowed the bad breath bitterly, and turned his head away.

Listen to what the ancestor of Styx is saying?

Is this human?

Why are they all alive as you call it that?

How long is it for them to die sooner?

It feels that they shouldn’t live in this wild world, death is their best destination!

Although Kunpeng on the other side was so angry with the ancestor of the Styx, he quickly discovered the problem.

Judging from the reaction of the ancestor of the Styx, he insisted that they were dead.

But why is this?

Why would the ancestors of Styx think they are dead?

What happened in the middle?

Thinking about this, Kunpeng’s tone eased a little, and patiently asked Styx Patriarch.

“Ancestor Styx, why are you so surprised to see us alive?”

“Yes, yes, it’s just like we shouldn’t live, it’s damn! What is the reason for this?”

Baize Lion glanced at the ancestor of Styx with his hands on his hips, obviously with a strong guilt.

Does anyone dare to curse him to death?

This ancestor of Styx is the first!

Seeing that Kunpeng’s attitude slowed down, the ancestor of Styx slowly began to explain that he was not so afraid of them.

“Actually is not old man, I cursed you to die, but the demons are all holding a funeral! Isn’t the old man about to attend the funeral when he was invited?”

“So the old man suddenly saw you who were resurrected from the dead…somewhat shocked…”

Kunpeng: Huh? funeral? ? ?

What the hell!

Baize Lion: The funeral…

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what situation

Kunpeng’s mouth twitched, he had a bad feeling.

“Um, ancestor Styx… dare to ask who this funeral… is it?”

After hesitating again and again, Kunpeng still decided to ask his inner doubts, although he had guessed the answer out of ten.

When the ancestor Styx heard this, he couldn’t help looking at the Kunpeng demons, and said.

“Isn’t it yours? This funeral was specially organized for you by the Demon Emperor…”

The corners of Kunpeng’s mouth became more conspicuous, and the word “speechless” was written all over his face.

funeral? ? Or is it ours?

I’m dead, why don’t I know?

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