Chapter 239 Are you brave? Then courage!

“Come on, the next project is… pick up the stick I threw out!”

The ancestor Luohu raised his head slightly, and saw five wooden sticks suddenly appeared in his hand.

Luo Hu shook the five in his hand, staring sharply at the Kunpeng and other demons in front of him, smiling maliciously.

The demons were stared at by Luo Hu’s cold smile, they couldn’t help but sucked in cold breath, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. At the same time, he was full of anger, and it itched Luohu with hatred…


Isn’t it enough to let them go through the ring of fire?

Now they actually want them to pick up the stick?

What do you take them for?

Train as a lowly dog?

They are arrogant monsters!

How can they be trained as lowly dogs?

This is simply a great insult to their monster race!

It’s simply deceiving the demon too much! !

The demons stared at the wooden sticks in front of them, stupefied and refused to move one step forward.

Seeing this, Luo Hui raised his eyebrows and spoke coldly. The words were full of threats, which made people shudder!

“Why? Good Face? Unwilling to pick up a stick?”

“In that case, it’s useless for you to keep it… After all, this deity hates disobedient dogs the most…”

Speaking of Luohu’s big hand, the rich demon energy gushed out from his body again, coming straight toward the demons.

The terrifying demonic energy rushed toward the demons, and the powerful forces suppressed some of the demons out of breath.

This is the gap in strength!

Originally reluctantly, the demon clan, who had a very tough attitude, immediately stunned, and the demon squatted down like dogs one by one, waiting for Luo Hui to give orders.

Seeing this, Luo Hui was quite satisfied.

He clapped his hands, raised a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth, and nodded.

“Really good! Dogs just have to be good!”

“Isn’t it enough? I have to force the deity to release devilish energy to threaten you!”

When all the demons were doing pretty well, Luo Hu didn’t care too much.

Throwing out the sticks one by one, and then watching the funny scene of the demons rolling and rushing to find the sticks.

A dignified generation of demon masters was flopping all over the world, looking for his wooden stick; and the proud servant Baize Lion, who is also a noble demon clan, actually pouted his nose like a dog and went to pursue the breath of his wooden stick; The other three demon saints are even more amusing, completely confused about the direction.

Seeing all the demons in front of him struggling to find the sticks, but they couldn’t find them in despair and helplessness, Luo Hu couldn’t mention how excited he was!

He is almost amused by this funny picture!

After a while, I saw Baize Lion and the three demon saints coming back, biting the sticks in disgrace.

On the other side, Kunpeng didn’t find it but flew back grimacingly.

As soon as Kunpeng came back, before he stood still, he was accused and abused by Mozu Luohu.

“Where’s the stick? Why do others have it, but you don’t?”

“No, I didn’t find…”

Kunpeng buried his head in his own feather, and the deeper he buried, the lower his voice…


Luo Hui scolded harshly.

Kunpeng’s face was flushed with suffocation. He was really hateful and angry. He suffocated his grievances and had nowhere to vent. He dared to be angry and didn’t dare to speak!

When did he experience such humiliation as a dignified generation of military strategists of the monster race?

This is the first time!

His dignity was trampled underfoot in this way, and his demon character was trampled and ruined so casually!

“Since it is trash, then you have to be punished… Kneel down to the deity and serve as the deity’s foot pad.”

Luo Hu didn’t seem to want to let Kunpeng go easily. He caught Kunpeng at one of his mistakes and humiliated him. Kunpeng was so complacent that he wanted to find a hole and jump in immediately!

“What, what?”

“Being a stepping… meat pad?”

Kunpeng’s mouth grew in disbelief, and he almost suspected that he had auditory hallucinations.

As a foot pad? !

Is this damn serious?

This doesn’t treat them as demons at all!

It is simply an insult to them!

Being bullied over and over again, how could he bear this breath?

Kunpeng finally couldn’t hold back his breath, anger surged into his heart, spewing out, he finally broke out! !

“Enough of you! Really think our monster race is good to bully?”

“You really trained our dog?”

Kunpeng pointed at Luo Hu as an accusation, and other demon saw this also joined the line of accusing Luo Hu.

“That’s right! We are a noble monster! We are not a lowly dog ​​to be slaughtered by you!”

“Yes! Don’t be a bully for us! Behind us is Dijun, the entire monster race! Is it possible that you really want to be an enemy of the entire monster race?”

“Are you really not afraid of death?”

Kunpeng and others became more excited as they talked about it, and in the end they turned against the guest and threatened Luo Hu.

“I advise you to let us go as soon as possible, otherwise your majesty will not let you go!”

“Yes! I will definitely not let you go!”

This group of monsters provoked Luo Hu with such boldness, Luo Hu said nothing, did not refute, just listened quietly, and then evoked a sneer.

He remembered all these words one by one!

Let them jump for a while, and later they must be better than dead, and give them a good meal!

The demons were still scolding with gusto, and the thief was vigorous!

And Luo Hu on the side didn’t respond at all, just smiled strangely, quiet and scary.

Baize Lion couldn’t help but asked weakly.

“Well, why doesn’t this guy refute? Are you being scolded stupid?

“No… I always think this guy is planning something bad…”

Kunpeng shook his head, disagreeing with Baize Lion’s opinion. He always felt flustered, and a bad premonition flooded his mind.

Sure enough, the Demon Ancestor is still the Demon Ancestor, and his heart is extremely vengeful!

Luo Hui sneered, then raised his hand slightly, and saw the heinous circle of fire appeared in his hand again.

His eyes were stern, bursting out cold chills and endless killing intent. Luo Hui put the ring of fire on the heads of the demons and let out a cold and secluded laugh.

“This is just a small physical punishment for you! Be careful, don’t move, or it will be ashes!”

Luo Hui reminded him “kindly”, and then looked at the monsters in front of him fiercely.

How dare to speak ill of him, and dare to threaten him?

This is the end!

“Aren’t you brave? Go on brave!”

Luo Hui glared at them fiercely and then added another circle of fire, increasing the punishment for them.

After all…the disobedient dog is to be trained!

Can’t get used to them!

And the demons on the other side were cursing happily, and suddenly two circles of fire fell from the sky and slammed straight on their heads.

They were so scared that they immediately used their life’s strength to resist the attack of the circle of fire!

They just rely on their own power to prevent the fall of the ring of fire, and just stalemate with the ring of fire.

Due to the long-term maintenance of a movement, it didn’t take long for them to gradually become a little unable to hold it, and they began to shake…

At this time, the demons began to cry without tears, and they felt regretful in their hearts!

Didn’t they owe it to clean up?

What is it to mess with that ancestor? !

Isn’t this self-inflicted…

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