Chapter 236 Becoming Stronger? nonexistent!

The demon clan that was arrested is probably dead…

Most of them are less fortunate…

The words of the ancestor Hongjun echoed in Di Jun’s ears, and Di Jun was frightened and froze in place.

Emperor Jun:…

Is it possible that they are all dead as a demon master?

real or fake?

Is there really no room for salvation?

The more Di Jun thought, the more angry he couldn’t help but his eyes were slightly cold, and he looked towards Shouyang Mountain bitterly.

This damn ancestor Luo Hu is simply deceiving the demon too much!

His Dijun swears that he himself must avenge the demon masters and them!

“The Demon Emperor, please also change in mourning…”

The ancestor of Hongjun saw that Emperor Jun was dumbfounded and was silent, so he comforted him a few words.

Then, the ancestor Hongjun turned his head to Taiqing daddy and Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, took a sip of the tea, and then slowly asked.

“What about you? What are you doing here?”

“Is it the same as the Demon Sovereign who came for the demon ancestor Luo Hu?”

When Taiqing daddy and Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun saw the ancestor Hongjun suddenly turned their target to themselves, they immediately stiffened and paused.

“No, no, no! We didn’t come for Luohu, but for the sake of Shangqing Tongtian!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said and said, anger appeared in his eyes, and a fierce expression appeared on his face, and he directly sued Tongtian.

“Master, this Tongtian is getting bolder and bolder!”

“Before we and the Monster Race wanted to go to the Human Race to refining a few witch-killing swords in order to advance the Lich War.”

“Doesn’t know that Tongtian and Shouyangshan are in collusion! He has stopped us many times, and even shot Dage and me seriously!”

“Master, it is better to get rid of the scum like Tongtian as soon as possible!”

When Hongjun ancestor heard this, his gloomy face was covered with a layer of cold frost.

Shangqing Tongtian?

The matter of Demon Zu Luohu hasn’t been resolved yet, why is this guy causing trouble again?

The plan to stop him before Tongtian was not enough, and he actually injured Taiqing Daddy and Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun?

But let this guy be able to!

“Tongtian? I hurt you?”

The ancestor Hongjun was angry with a hint of shock, he was a little unbelievable.

A quasi-sage Tongtian can actually beat Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing daddy Sage? !

Not only that, but also injured them?

It’s a rare anecdote in the wild!

But thinking about it is right, this Tongtian must have been bewitched by that devilish energy to have such a terrifying power!

Otherwise, how could a little quasi-sage be Sage’s opponent?

Also knocked over two Sages?

is it possible?

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately complained of Tongtian with resentment, clenched his fists, bloody veins bursting with anger.

“It’s true! Master, what the disciple said is true!”

“That damn Tongtian doesn’t know what magic of cultivation is capable of exuding such terrifying power and using such a powerful and domineering kendo!”

“Our injury hasn’t been completely healed yet!”

Daddy, who had been silent on the other side, couldn’t hold back anymore, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Master, the disciple is unclear about one thing.”

“This sky is clearly not sanctified, why can it be against the saint?”

“He is nothing more than a quasi-sage… disciples still don’t understand why such a terrifying power erupted?”

Di Jun and Tai Yi couldn’t help being puzzled.

“Yes, Daozu, why is this?”

“Taozu, I don’t understand…”

When Hongjun heard this, he couldn’t help but sneer, his eyes full of disdain and scowling.

“What’s the matter? It’s just that Tongtian was bewitched by the Demon Ancestor, so he got the blessing of the Demon Ancestor. Otherwise, how could it be so strong?”

“The quasi-sage is the quasi-sage! The strength is the Sage section!”

“Becoming stronger? That doesn’t exist at all! It’s just the blessing of demonic energy!”

Hearing what the ancestor Hongjun said, everyone’s hanging heart was also let go.

Taiqing daddy can’t help feeling a little grateful: great!

It turns out that the sky hasn’t become stronger!

These are just their hallucinations, the hallucinations brought to them by the blessing of devil energy!

He just said, how could his strength grow so fast in just a few years!

This Tongtian must have been bewitched by the demon ancestor Luo Hu, and it is estimated that he is still in the dark, and I don’t know the situation!

Yuanshi Tianzun was particularly relaxed and delighted after he learned that Tongtian’s becoming stronger was just an illusion, and the fierce color in his eyes spewed out even more unscrupulously.

After a long sigh of relief, the tight string loosened a lot.

so far so good!

Fortunately, all of this is just a blessing of devil energy, it is imaginary!

Or else he won’t be crushed by the sky in the future?

How can this be?

How could his dignified Yuqing Sage be beaten by a little quasi-sage?

How can this make him, who has always been arrogant, accept it?

Fortunately, Dao Ancestor said that everything is an illusion, and his hanging heart can be regarded as letting go.

Tongtian, meet again in the future, is when you die!

“What about Nuwa? Is Nuwa also blessed by demonic energy?”

Di Jun couldn’t help asking.

This Nuwa has always been the hatred of the Monster Race, and it is also the obstacle for their Monster Race to invade the Witch Race.

But unfortunately, their monsters can’t help her!

Because Nuwa is an upright Sage, they simply can’t beat it!

Although it is not Heavenly Dao Sage, Nuwa is also successful in proving Dao sanctification through the World Evangelism Method, so it can be regarded as a successful Sage.

Could this also be false?

When Di Jun said this, it instantly aroused the curiosity and attention of other people.

Yes! Tongtian is a quasi-sage, and his sudden increase in strength can be explained as the blessing of demonic energy. What about Nuwa?

Could it be that the proving that the sanctified Nuwa unleashes such terrifying power is also illusory? Is it also because of the blessing of the devilish energy?

When asked this way, the ancestor Hongjun couldn’t help but violently twitched.

He obviously can’t answer this question, because Nuwa is an exception!

Not only did Nuwa break away from his control, he was even thinner out of the shackles of Heavenly Dao!

And her world-based Dao method has no upper limit, unlike the own Dao method, which is bound by Heavenly Dao.

Nuwa’s method of using the world to prove Taoism can be said to have unlimited potential. As long as she wants to, her strength can be cultivated to herself and even the entire Heavenly Dao, completely becoming the strongest in the prehistoric world!


How could his ancestor Hongjun tell the truth to the group of people in front of him?

If you tell them this, what will they do with the world proving like Nuwa one by one?

Then how does he restrain them?

Then, in this wild world, there is still a place for his ancestor Hongjun?

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Hongjun began to frantically discredit Nuwa.

“The same is true for Nuwa! Like Tongtian, she is blessed by the devilish energy!”

“But they are all paying the price of freedom to gain strength! Once they make a deal with the Demon Ancestor and the devil energy enters the body, they will be completely used by the Demon Ancestor in the future and become the puppets of the Demon Ancestor!”

Hearing what Hongjun ancestor said, everyone knew it.

The person who had moved his thoughts instantly strangled him in the cradle.

Become the puppet of the demon ancestor?

How can this allow them, who have always been arrogant, to accept it?

They will not give up their own dignity for strength like Nuwa Tongtian!

Since the doubts in everyone’s hearts have been answered by the ancestors of Hongjun, they all thanked them and retired…

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