Chapter 234

Although he felt very distressed about Taiyi’s encounter, Di Jun had no choice but to sigh helplessly and shook his head.

“Brother may not be able to do this thing… sorry, too…”

Donghuang Tai listened to it, and the eyes that were shining brightly dimmed in an instant.

Sure enough, Mozu Luohu is still Mozu Luohu, even the big brother can’t be the master, and he may not be able to beat him…

However, this demon ancestor Luo Hu is the great enemy of their monster race, and has an inconsistent hatred with their monster race.

This demon ancestor Luo Hu not only plucked his hair, but also injured him badly. What’s even more exaggerated is that not only him, but the demon master and others have also been tortured by Luo Hu. There is no news yet!

But Luo Hu was so cruel to him, and he wouldn’t be easy to show mercy to other people. The demon masters must also be tortured by the demon ancestor Luo Hu!

Thinking of this, Dong Huangtai’s eyes were full of anger, and he knelt down to Dijun angrily and said.

“Big brother, according to my younger brother, the demon masters must have been arrested by the demon ancestor Luo Hu, and maybe they are also suffering from Luo Hu’s cruel torture at this moment!”

“Brother, this matter can’t be tolerated any more, no longer tolerate. This is about the reputation of the monster race, it is about the face of the monster race!”

“Isn’t the demon master’s arrest equivalent to damage to the demon clan’s face? If this is allowed to our demon clan’s non-compliance and Luo Hu’s development, I am afraid that the demon clan’s face will be completely insecure!”

Donghuang Taiyi’s remarks were not unreasonable. After listening to Taiyi’s remarks, Di Jun’s eyes evaded fear and there was a trace of firmness and approval.

How can they say that the monster race is also a big race in the prehistoric world, how can it withstand the provocations of Luo Hu again and again? How could he let Luo Hu rub the face of their monster race under his feet?

Dijun frowned and made a coldly voice, his hatred for Luohu flashed in his eyes.

“The emperor’s guess is correct, it really is him, Demon Zu Luohu!”

They Yaozu originally went to test Luohu, but now it’s good, the news has not been tested, and they have compensated the clan members. It is really not worth the loss!

Even if the clansmen paid in, but now they still have to be humiliated by Demon Zu Luohu, how can this be tolerated?

Can’t bear it! !

This matter must be asked for an explanation from the demon ancestor Luo Hu! !


Dijun is in trouble. In terms of strength, he is not Luo Hu’s opponent at all. How can he ask Luo Hu to talk about it?

It’s impossible for them to go to Shouyang Mountain to talk to Luo Hu for reason, right?

This prehistoric world has never been a place for reasoning. It is based on strength and compared to a fist.

Whoever has a strong fist and who has a strong strength makes sense!

Thinking about this, Di Jun couldn’t help feeling a little frustrated.

“But neither of you nor I are Luohu’s opponent… even if the entire monster race adds up, it may not be the opponent of that demon ancestor Luo Hu…”

Hearing what Dijun said, Donghuang Taiyi immediately moved Taozu out.

“Oh, brother! Have you forgotten Daozu?”

“He is our demon clan’s backer, he will definitely help the demon clan!”

After Tai Yi’s reminder, Di Jun instantly remembered the existence of Hongjun’s ancestor, and was immediately overjoyed.


Why did he forget Daozu?

Dao ancestors have always supported the demon clan, and they also intend to support the demon clan to become the overlord of the prehistoric world in the future.

There is Dao Ancestor, they are afraid of that area Demon Ancestor Luo Hu?

Are you afraid you can’t be the master?


Thinking about this, Dijun and Tai were overjoyed, and the two immediately got up and rushed to the Purple Heaven Palace.

On the other side, Yuxu Palace.

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun are getting together angrily to heal each other.

Since the last attempt to invade the human race with the Yao race, they were seriously injured by Broken Sword and Tongtian, the two have been hiding in this Yuxu Palace to heal each other.

To this day, the injury has not healed.

The more they thought about it, the more angry they got, and they threw all the pots on Tongtian.

Yuanshi Tianzun was the first to hold back his anger, waved his hand angrily, and screamed in the direction of Jin’ao Island.

“My Tangtang Yuanshi Tianzun will end today, thanks to the one from Jin’ao Island!”

“He should be shredded into pieces, cut by thousands of swords, and then wiped out in ashes, so that the deity’s hatred can be solved!”

“Second brother Mo is furious about this…”

On the side, Taiqing Daddy slowly got up with Panlong crutches, clutching his aching chest, frowning and coming to Yuanshi Tianzun’s side, analyzing.

“Second brother, don’t be impulsive. This Tongtian doesn’t know what sorcery he has learned, which greatly increases his strength and makes his swordsmanship advance by leaps and bounds.”

“With his current terrifying strength, the two of us may not be his opponents together… so we must not be impulsive.”

Hearing Taiqing Daddy said this, Yuanshi Tianzun was even more angry.

Now even Daddy thinks that Tongtian’s strength is above them!

Is it possible that this Tongtian is really so powerful?

The two of them work together and can’t kill a little Tongtian?

A little rubbish who is just a quasi saint is also worthy of clamoring with them?

“Dage, what should we do then? Is it possible that the sky can climb onto our heads?”

“Is there any reason for this?”

“Dage! This damn Tongtian is doing this to us, is it possible that we really spared him like that?”

“Spare him? Humph.”

Taiqing daddy sneered, his eyes shot out two cold lights, his face was vicious and cunning.

“That must be impossible.”

“You and I can’t move him, it doesn’t mean that no one can move him…”

“Dage, you mean…”

“Master, this is one of them.”

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard it, his expression full of anger was instantly filled with joy, overjoyed.

“Yeah! You can also find a master!”

With such a high authority, the master can definitely help them make the decision and punish the damn sky-reaching man!

Without further ado, Yuanshi Tianzun took Taiqing daddy and hurried to Zixiao Palace…

Besides, Dijun and Taiyi happened to be on the way to Zixiao Palace, and the four of them just ran into each other by coincidence.

“Isn’t this Demon Emperor Junhe Taiyi? What a coincidence!”

Yuanshi Tianzun’s words are thorny both inside and outside, and his attitude is extremely unfriendly.

He has always had no good feelings towards the monster clan. Obviously there is no strength, and it makes trouble all day long!

If it wasn’t for the Yaozu to drag them to attack the Human Race last time, they would not have been beaten by Tongtian, and would not suffer this serious injury, and they have not healed yet.

They will get this injury, and they have nothing to do with these two goods!

Dijun has fled since the last time the Yaozu failed to invade the human race, and stayed behind closed doors. He had no face to face the two Sages, and he didn’t know how to explain to them.

Di Jun dodged his eyes, lowering his head not to look at the two Sages in front of him.

Donghuang Taiyi was puffed up after Luohu plucked his hair, and now listening to Yuanshi Tianzun’s prickly tone, his anger soared and he slammed back unkindly.

“It’s a coincidence, but we have something important to find Dao Ancestor, I’m afraid we can’t chat with the two Sages more!”

“That’s right!”

Yuanshi Tianzun curled the corners of his lips and blocked the way of Tai Jun and two of them.

“We also went to find the master, so it happened to be on the way, why not be together?”

“I don’t know what is going to be called Master?”

Donghuang Taiyi heard that both hands clenched fists, and said bitterly.

“For that Demon Zu Luohu!”

“Where are the two Sages?”

“For the sky!”

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn’t help uttering resentment when he mentioned Tongtian, and the whole person couldn’t stop shaking with anger.

“Speaking of which, Tong Tian and Luo Hu are still in the same group! Both of them are damned!!”

Donghuang Taiyi saw Yuanshi Tianzun and they had the same purpose and the same enemy, and felt that he had found the same kind, and immediately agreed to Yuanshi Tianzun’s request.

“Good! Then we will go with the two Sages to seek Dao Ancestor!”

With that said, the four of them walked together and went to the Purple Heaven Palace to seek Dao Ancestor together!

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