Chapter 23 Nuwa is numb, Suiren comes to visit

Since both the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan have lost, who is the ultimate winner?

After a moment of silence, Hou Tu asked curiously: “Even the most powerful Wu Clan and Monster Clan have been defeated, so who is the final winner?”

Nuwa also looked at Chen Sheng curiously.

Chen Sheng glanced at Houtu and Nuwa, and said with an inscrutable expression: “Want to know?”

Nuwa and Hou Tu nodded in unison, looking at Chen Sheng expectantly.

Chen Sheng took a sip of tea and shook his head and said, “The secret of heaven must not be revealed!”



The two of them almost held back their breath!

This kind of half-talking and not saying anything is really immoral!

Afterwards, Chen Sheng sighed and said to himself: “Human race is the protagonist of heaven!”

Nuwa and Houtu were surprised again!

How can this be! ?

Human race has been the weakest existence among the prehistoric since its birth.

Has always been bullied in the predicament!

How could it be the protagonist of the prehistoric?

Or the protagonist of heaven?

Both Hou Tu and Nuwa couldn’t help but feel a little skeptical, after all, this is really incredible!

But after thinking about it, Nuwa felt able to understand again.

After all, Renren is not the protagonist of Heaven, so why does this hermit gate help humans?

After a moment of silence, Nuwa didn’t forget the purpose of his trip, and asked: “Fellow daoist, I don’t know where you are from, why have you never heard of your name before?”

Hou Tu is also a little curious, although she doesn’t know what happened between Nuwa and Chen Sheng before.

Seeing how much Empress Nuwa respects this fellow daoist and the cup of tea that fellow daoist added to her, the earth knows that what the fellow daoist said is definitely not groundless!

So I am also very curious about what this fellow daoist is.

Chen Sheng looked at Nuwa and Houtu with a foolish look, and said solemnly: “I am a Xiantian human race? Two fellow daoist, aren’t he stupid?”

Nuwa:? ? ? ?

So strong, still Xiantian people?

Is the Xiantian human race she created so strong?

Why didn’t Nuwa know?

Nuwa is numb!

Hou Tu was also speechless for a while. The hermit lord didn’t want to reveal his origins, so why did he make up such a clumsy excuse?

Afterwards, Chen Sheng sighed and advised Nuwa and Houtu: “Although I am stronger in your opinion, it is not that I am strong, but you are too weak. But in the midst of the precipice, there are many crises, like me. I’m afraid Luo will die when he goes out, you two girls should still be careful, don’t pretend to be Hou Tu and Nuwa!”

Hou Tu and Nuwa had another twitching mouth!

too weak?

He actually said that Nuwa Sage and the Houtu ancestor witch are weak in the prehistoric times?

If Chen Sheng would die if he went out, what were they?

Nuwa and Hou Tu couldn’t help but complain in their hearts. Isn’t this fellow daoist a fake Da Luo?

Hou Tu wanted to explain to Chen Sheng, but Nuwa directly cupped hands and said, “Fellow daoist is right, thank you fellow daoist for reminding.”

Since this fellow daoist really did not want to be named and found such a botched excuse, Nuwa naturally could not continue to ask more questions, and simply followed Chen Sheng’s words.


Houtu can’t stand it anymore. A hermit can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger here. A Nuwa Sage is not willing to admit that he is a Nuwa empress?

It’s incredible!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Houtu got up and arched his cupped hands to Nuwa and Chen Sheng and said, “Two fellow daoist, Dage is probably finished talking, I should go.”

Chen Sheng nodded and sent Houtu away.

Nuwa also understood that Chen Sheng was unwilling to tell her true identity, and looked a little disappointed.

As soon as Houtu walked away, Nuwa said, “Fellow daoist, you have to say goodbye first, and then come to visit.”

Chen Sheng nodded, seeing that it was late, and took the things back into Immortal Cave.

The Lich War is intensifying, and he can’t leave the hill at will!

After the two left, Hou Tu met Di Jiang who had returned.

Di Jiang noticed what was different in Houtu, and asked curiously: “Sister, what did you do? How do you feel that it has become much stronger in a few moments?”

Hou Tu smiled, and said to Dijiang: “Dage just now I was strolling on Shouyang Mountain and I met a very strange person.”

Later, Hou Tu asked Chen Sheng to have tea, and also said that Chen Sheng said that the Lich race was defeated.

Although Lijiang was a little shocked, Chen Sheng’s tea contains the power of law, and I am very grateful to Chen Sheng for helping his younger sister to make breakthroughs.

However, when Hou Tu mentioned that both the Witch Race and the Monster Race would lose, Dijiang frowned, and some did not believe that the Witch Race would lose.

So Di Jiang shook his head and said to Houtu: “That fellow daoist is probably too worried. My Wu clan is Pangu Houyi, so powerful, how can I lose?”

Hou Tu also knew that Di Jiang would not believe it, after all, this was too unbelievable.

She pondered for a moment, and then continued: “Dage, guess who else I met just now?”

Di Jiang felt a little strange, didn’t he mean that he met a strange senior?

Who else can there be?

After noticing Dijiang’s suspicious eyes, Hou Tu continued to say: “The Nuwa fellow daoist was there just now, and the Nuwa fellow daoist respects this fellow daoist very much!”

Hou Tu is more sensible and automatically ignores Nuwa not admitting that he is Nuwa.

Dijiang has some doubts, Nuwa is there?

Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in his mind!

Could it be that……

Di Jiang suddenly thought of the master he had said in the mouth of the Nine Swords Stargrass, and couldn’t help being surprised!

Could it be said that the fellow daoist that Hou Tu met was actually the master of Brewmaster News?

Then what he said does have some weight!

At this time, in Terran territory.

The three ancestors sat around and discussed together.

“The Monster Race has repeatedly committed crimes. It’s simply deceiving people too much! Thanks to Master Nine Swords who can protect my Human Race, my Human Race can survive this crisis!”

Jin Yi said indignantly.

You Chao nodded, and said with some emotion: “Speaking of Master Nine Swords, I think we should be more grateful to that fellow daoist. If it weren’t for the Fellow Daoist for letting Master Jiu Swords come to protect my human race, the consequences for my human race would be disastrous. !”

The Suiren clan quite agrees with the Chao clan’s words. Although the senior did not come out of the mountain, he still cared about the human race and let the nine swords star pattern grass protect the human race.

Such great kindness, Human Race should be unforgettable!

Thinking of this, Chao said, “Yes, that fellow daoist helped me so much. We should thank that fellow daoist.”

Hearing this, the Suiren clan hesitated.

Because he had visited that fellow daoist many times and knew the temperament of that fellow daoist, he said: “That fellow daoist may not be bothersome…”

The Jin Yi clan thought for a moment, and said, “Whether to go or not is the heart of my human race. It is his business that fellow daoist sees us or not!”

Upon hearing this, Suiren nodded.

Afterwards, the third ancestor went outside Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave…

“Chen fellow daoist, please see you from Suiren!”

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