Chapter 227 Baize Lion was also caught!

As soon as Baize Lion heard it, his face instantly became solemn, and his whole person was stunned in place, motionless.

Go to Shouyang Mountain?

That’s a dangerous job!

Kunpeng, who went to Shouyang Mountain to test Luohu’s situation before, has yet to know his life or death, and the news is unclear!

Maybe Kunpeng has been buried under the devil Luo Hu’s men!

Under such circumstances, His Majesty also asked himself to go to Shouyang Mountain to explore the news of Kunpeng, and by the way, test the news of the demon ancestor Luohu.

Isn’t this asking yourself to die?

The corners of Baize Lion’s mouth twitched.

Majesty, can I say no…

Seeing that Baize Lion didn’t move and didn’t reply, Di Jun naturally saw his reluctance.

But someone has to do this. If you don’t do it, I won’t do it. When will it be delayed?

Thinking of this, Di Jun didn’t give Baize Lion much time to think, and he cut the chaos with a sharp knife.

“Since you don’t object, I’ll leave the matter to you!”

“It shouldn’t be too late, clean up, and set off quickly.”

Baize Lion:? ? ?

Your Majesty, when did I agree?

If I don’t object, it doesn’t mean I agree…

Baize Lion wriggled his lips and wanted to open his mouth to say something, but seeing Di Jun’s Death gaze, he closed his mouth immediately and swallowed the words that were about to be rejected.

Baize Lion’s face was bitter, and he had no choice but to answer.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After speaking, Baize Lion had no choice but to leave.

Shouyang Mountain.

In a short while, Baize Lion came to the hill beside Shouyang Mountain—that is, Chen Sheng Immortal Cave.

This is already his second time here!

The last time I came here, I got up with your majesty to find ten majesty!

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw the familiar black-faced boy.

I saw Xiao Zhengtai with a dark complexion looking at himself with an unkind expression, and speaking coldly.

“Who is here? What are you doing here?”


Baize Lion hesitated and couldn’t speak for a long time.

I can’t directly say that he is an undercover agent sent by the Yaozu to test Luo Hu’s conspiracy, and he came to Kunpeng, right?

Seeing that Baize Lion couldn’t speak for a long time, Luo Hu was also a little impatient, and a group of demonic energy directly attacked Baize Lion.

Just forget it!

It’s really annoying to hesitate for a long time!

Does this monster race have that serious illness?

Without saying what to do, Tiantianjing sends some demons to be annoying!

Before Baize Lion could react, he saw the demonic energy attack Own’s eyes.

The black magic energy directly invaded Own’s body and began to erode Own’s internal organs, gnawing on Own’s flesh and blood, and the original abundant demon power was stripped and sucked away by the Own little by little.

Baize Lion felt that the demon power in his body was losing bit by bit, and he couldn’t use any strength all over his body.

“You… are you doing a sneak attack?”

Luo Hui coldly glanced at the Baize Lion, who had been eroded by his own magical power and had no power to bind a chicken, and couldn’t help but go back.

“His Royal Highness the Demon Emperor, and what Dao Ancestor learned!”

After Baize Lion heard this, he became anxious and vomited blood, and he passed out completely.

Since the devil qi that invaded the body was still sucking on Baize Lion’s Monster Qi, soon, the Monster Qi in Baize Lion’s body was so weak that it could not maintain its human form, and it became a prototype.

I saw Baize Lion’s head and four claws resembling a lion. There is a circle of white hair like a lion’s mane on the neck. There is a single horn on the forehead. The tail looks like a fox’s tail, but it has a lot of hair and fluffy hair.

Baize Lion’s body color is mostly pure white, the back, four claws and the tip of the tail are dark gray, and the hind legs also have lines of the same color.

Luo Hui looked closer, but couldn’t recognize what it was. He grabbed Baize Lion’s tail with one hand, picked it up, and took it into Immortal Cave.

In the Immortal Cave.

Chen Sheng is teasing the beautiful big bird Kunpeng!

Chen Sheng took a tea branch to play with the big bird, which could suffocate Kunpeng in the cage.

Think of him as a dignified generation of demon masters, and be treated as pets in a cage, forget it!

Now it’s even more excessive, actually responsible for pleasing a human race?

As long as he didn’t respond, Chen Sheng would keep poking him with branches, making him uneasy.

If he responded and amused Chen Sheng, Chen Sheng would continue to poke him and continue to play with him.

Anyway, he was poked anyway, and Kunpeng was immediately immunized and stopped moving.

Who loves to amuse who is going to amuse!

Anyway, daddy won’t accompany you!

Seeing that the big bird that would have fluttered a few times did not move, and there was no response from poking it, Chen Sheng couldn’t help feeling a little boring.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why is this big bird unresponsive?”

“It’s so boring!”

Throwing down the branches of enlightenment tea, Chen Sheng returned to the futon and continued to drink his own enlightenment tea.

Where has Kunpeng, who has always been arrogant, been subjected to such humiliation?

Immediately glared at Chen Sheng with a grin, wishing to bite him alive!

As soon as Luo Hui came in, he saw Kunpeng showing a fierce look towards the master, with eyes full of murderous intent.

As a result, Luo Huo’s eyes were cold, and a Death stare shot towards Kunpeng, the warning sign getting stronger.

“Kunpeng, I remember that I reminded you, don’t have any disrespectful thoughts to the master!”

Kunpeng: “I didn’t think of it again!”

Luo Hui: “A look is not enough! One last warning, if there is another time, you will wait to be my plate of Chinese food!”

Hearing what Luo Hu said, Kunpeng immediately frightened, so scared that he didn’t dare to take a mouthful.

Only the two of them can hear the conversation between Luohu and Kunpeng, the others cannot.

Seeing Luo Hui’s eyes fixed on the big bird in the prison, Chen Sheng thought it was Luo Huo that liked the big bird in the cage, so he slowly spoke.

“Like it? Just take it.”

“No, no, this bird should stay with the master to relieve his boredom.”

After speaking, Luo Hui threw the Baize Lion in his hand to the ground in front of Chen Sheng.

“Master, this is a new catch today, and I don’t know what it is…”

Chen Sheng looked at Baize Lion on the ground carefully, and couldn’t help shook his head.

This thing resembles a fox, a lion, and a dog. It’s really not clear what animal it is.

But since it was picked up for nothing, it must be accepted!

Chen Sheng was very happy and curled his lips.

“That’s it! Big Bird has a new partner!”

Chen Sheng asked Hei Lian to find another cage and directly put Baize Lion in.

With a loud “bang”, and Baize Lion was thrown into the cage, the wound was pulled a second time, and he woke up with pain abruptly!

When Kunpeng saw Sansi who was kept by him, his bird’s eyeballs almost fell out of fright.

This… this is not someone else!

This is the Baize Lion beside Di Jun! !

How could he come here?

Still caught? ?

“Baize Lion, why did you appear here? Are you arrested?”

Hearing the familiar voice next to him, Baize Lion turned his head abruptly, but there was an indelible anger in his eyes.

Is it really him-Kunpeng the demon master? !

It turns out that he was caught and locked up?

If you found him, you should have completed the task given by your majesty, right?

The completion is completed, but may not be able to reply.

Because… I was arrested too!

Seeing that Baize Lion didn’t respond to him, Kunpeng couldn’t help but ask again.

“Baize Lion, what do you want to say, why are you here?”

It’s okay if you don’t ask, Baize Lion’s face immediately turned dark, as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

“Why why… not because of you, demon master!”

Kunpeng was dumbfounded.

Did he do nothing?

What does it matter to him?

People squat in the cage, and the pot comes from the sky!

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