Chapter 224 Going to test Luo Hui? I can’t do it!

When Di Jun heard this, he was stunned, he almost doubted his own ears.


What did Daozu say?

Did he hear me right?

Let him test the Demon Zu Luohu? ?

Are you serious?

Daozu, are you sure you are not joking?

Seeing that Dijun was stunned and did not respond, the ancestor Hongjun kindly “reminded” him.

“Presumably you didn’t hear clearly, that deity should say it again. This deity wants you to test the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu to see what new conspiracy he has recently.”

Isn’t he clear enough now?

Di Jun called a man who wants to cry without tears, and a dumb eats yellow lotus-I can’t tell if there is bitterness!

Now he can’t refuse even if he wants to refuse!

Di Jun was embarrassed, but in his heart, 10,000 people were unwilling to go.

Who is Rahu?

That is the famous Demon Ancestor!

Let him test the Demon Zu Luohu, isn’t that just putting a knife on his neck?

If this is a little careless, your own life will not be guaranteed!

Di Jun was a little displeased, so he rejected Hongjun’s ancestors.

“Taozu, I think this life may not be suitable for me…”

“After all, it is a bit embarrassing for me to test Demon Zu Luohu…”

“I really can’t do this!”

The ancestor Hongjun glanced at Di Jun coldly, and his careful thoughts were in his grasp.

I didn’t want to go, I didn’t want to go, and I found so many reasons…

His dignified ancestor Hongjun is not stupid, how could he believe these shit words?

“It turns out that the demon Emperor Jun is afraid of such trivial things!”

Di Jun: Little things? ?

Since it’s a trivial matter, why don’t you go by yourself?

Let me go?

“If you don’t go, you can…”

When the ancestor Hongjun said this, Di Jun’s eyes flashed with hope.


So… Is Dao Zu planning to let him go and find someone else?

That’s great!

This kind of thankless, and possibly life-saving work is best left to others. His Dijun is so afraid of death that he can’t handle this job!


The ancestor Hongjun squinted his eyes and laughed terribly, making people startled with horror.

In the next second, Hongjun’s ancestor’s words successfully knocked Dijun from heaven into The Underworld.

“If you don’t go, of course, it’s just that…I can’t guarantee the position of the overlord of the monster race!”

Di Jun was silly and surprised.

Good guys!

Actually threatened yourself directly?

Worthy of being the ancestor of Hongjun!

It’s insidious!

“It’s okay, the Demon Emperor can sit down and have a cup of tea to think about it slowly, not in a hurry.”

“Whether to go or not is between your thoughts, and the position of the Demon Emperor is also between your thoughts.”

Ancestor Hongjun’s cold voice resounded through the entire Zixiao Palace, making people stand upright, and felt a moment of fear.

Coupled with the coercion of Hongjun’s ancestor Sage, it really makes people dare not speak!

Di Jun was obviously so angry that he was so angry that he was furious, but he had to control himself to avoid losing control in public.

This ancestor Hongjun said to give himself time to think about it. Isn’t that putting pressure on himself invisibly?

Do you have the right to say no?

Did his ancestor Hongjun give him the right to choose?

Di Jun sighed helplessly. It seemed that he couldn’t get rid of this temptation of Luo Hu anyway!

It is impossible for him to not want the position of the Demon King!

This is his dignity and his final bottom line!

This is forcing myself to agree to not agree!

Dijun gritted his teeth and reluctantly agreed.

“I promised that I will test Luo Hu.”

“It seems that the Demon Sovereign thought clearly and made a wise move.”

The ancestor Hongjun’s smile grew stronger, and he drank the tea beside him.

Xiaoyanger, fight his ancestor Hongjun?

Then let yourself teach the Pope what is the rules and what is the style!

The rule in the prehistoric world is that strength is supreme.

Without strength, everything is floating clouds, and there is no right to choose at all, and can only be slaughtered by others!

Seeing this, Haotian on the side couldn’t help but mourn for Emperor Jun in his heart. At the same time, he was also glad that he finally didn’t have to test Luohu!

Very good!

I finally don’t have to test Luo Hu again!

Own bitter days are finally over!

Testing Luohu is not a normal job, it is life-threatening at any time!

I went there a few times before and was thrown out a few times, every time it was scarred and embarrassed.

Now, all this is finally not done by yourself!

I finally got away from Sea of ​​Bitterness!

But it was pitiful for the demon emperor Jun, and this drudgery finally fell on his shoulders…

Poor Demon King, come on!

I hope you can come out alive…

“If Dao Ancestor has nothing else, I will leave.”

Di Jun’s expression was complicated, his face was depressed, and there was a hint of annoyance for Hongjun’s ancestor in his tone.

But what about it?

Everything is a foregone conclusion, even if Di Jun is dead, he can’t change this result.

Facing Di Jun’s anger, the ancestor Hongjun didn’t take it seriously. Anyway, he was so angry that he couldn’t bear the slightest damage.

Good! Good!

Thinking that someone could test Luo Hu in the future, the ancestor Hongjun couldn’t help being in a good mood, so he drank all the tea in his teacup.

On the other side, Di Jun angrily returned to Heaven Court, unable to help but feel extremely distressed.

What should he do?

That’s Demon Zu Luohu!

If you go to test yourself, your life will be hard to burst!

But Daozu’s order must be done…

This is really hard!

When Emperor Jun was frowning and unable to do anything, Kunpeng walked in.

He happened to have something about the monster race that he wanted to report to Dijun.

When Di Jun saw that it was Kunpeng, he immediately had an idea.


Since the ancestor Hongjun can entrust the work to Kunpeng, he can also entrust the work to Kunpeng!

In this way, he can not only complete the task of Dao Ancestor, but also don’t need to risk himself to test Demon Ancestor Luo Hu!

That’s great!

Thinking of this, Di Jun’s worries and sorrows disappeared instantly, his eyes gleamed, and the corners of his mouth could not help raising slightly.

“Monster, you have always done your best to the monster race and the deity, and you have always been loyal, right?”

Suddenly, Di Jun came and asked Kunpeng directly.

Why did your Majesty suddenly ask him this question?

Is it because I was not sincere when I showed my loyalty before?

So your Majesty is doubting yourself again?

Did your Majesty listen to someone’s bewilderment and begin to pursue him for letting go of the little Golden Crow?

Well, that won’t work!

Kunpeng was stunned in an instant, with a cold sweat, and immediately once again expressed his sincere heart to Emperor Jun.

“Your majesty is a clear lesson! The ministers are naturally heartbroken to the monster race and your majesty. This is what the minister should do!”

“Your Majesty must not listen to the nonsense of others. The ministers are absolutely loyal to the monster race and your Majesty!”

Di Jun heard it and nodded.

“This emperor naturally knows, but I don’t know…what extent the demon master can do for the emperor, for the demon clan…”

“Go up to the mountain of swords, go down to the sea of ​​flames! No matter what it is, as long as your majesty orders, the minister will do his best to do it!”

The smile at the corner of Di Jun’s mouth deepened.

You are waiting for this sentence!

It can be regarded as a routine given by him!

“So, very good!”

“The demon master, you will test the demon ancestor Luohu for the emperor!”

“This glorious task will be entrusted to you by the emperor!”

When Kunpeng heard it, the whole person was stupid.

What? !

Did he hear me right?

His Majesty actually asked him to test the Demon Zu Luohu? ?

Are you sure you are not joking?

“Your Majesty, your Majesty…I’m afraid I can’t do it to test Luohu!”

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