Chapter 220 Di Jun visits Chen Sheng again? !

At this moment, Kunpeng, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at Di Jun with tears and cried to Di Jun.

“Your Majesty, all these years of being a child is sincere to you and to the entire Monster Race!”

“The little heart is harder than iron, and truer than real gold! The little one has always been heartfelt, how can he do such a frenzied thing?”

“Now your Majesty actually believes Nuwa Empress’s demon, doubting the little one is sincere, and the little one is sad!”

After crying, Di Jun’s heart was faintly shaken.

Kunpeng’s contributions to the Yaozu over the years are all in his eyes. If Kunpeng hadn’t helped him in the dark, he would not be able to get close to the thigh of the ancestor Hongjun.

If he didn’t follow Kunpeng’s words and cooperate with Daozu, where did the monster race come from?

From this point of view, Kunpeng must be sincerely doing good for him and for the Yaozu!

So Di Jun patted Kunpeng’s shoulder comfortably, staring at Nuwa with cold eyes.

“Nuwa Niangniang don’t want to talk nonsense anymore!”

“The demon master has always been heartfelt to the demon clan and the emperor. The emperor believes that he is not the black hand who let go of the little Golden Crow, and all this will definitely not be his manipulation!”

Nuwa was shocked, and his jaw almost couldn’t close.

I’m a good boy!

This flipping speed is faster than flipping a book!

There were still doubts in the first second, why did you believe in incomparable one second in the next?

Seeing that Di Jun finally chose to believe in himself, Kunpeng immediately jumped up and hugged Di Jun’s thigh.

He expressed his gratitude with a snot and tears.

“My Majesty, thank you! My Majesty Xie is willing to believe in the little ones!”

Nuwa was completely speechless.

Are these two singing the show?

Performing Zhou Yu and hitting Huang Gai-will one be willing to fight and the other to endure?

No help, no help!

This emperor is stupid!

Simply hopeless!

Emperor Jun helped Kunpeng up and glanced at Nuwa and Fuxi.

“The two of you are going to talk nonsense here to provoke the relationship between the emperor and the demon master!”

“The demon race can have today, thanks to the help of the demon master!”

“If it weren’t for the demon master’s persuasion to the emperor, the emperor would not be able to make a wise decision to follow the Taoist ancestor.”

“The demon master has always done his best to the emperor and the demon clan, and the emperor still wants to doubt him. Isn’t this chilling the demon master?”

Nuwa and Fuxi couldn’t help but twitched their lips, looking helpless.

Maybe they shouldn’t take this trip.

Having said it so right, this Dijun didn’t even hear a word!

What do they picture?

Isn’t this just playing the piano against cows?

How can a stupid cow understand what they really mean?

This Emperor Jun is simply hopeless!

When it comes to this, I still don’t want to accept the reality and put aside the self-deception!

“Do your best? The demon master’s hard work is to lead the demon race to death?”

“Dijun, you are really obsessed! Don’t blame this seat for not reminding you, there is only a dead end to follow the ancestor Hongjun! The promise of the ancestor Hongjun will not be fulfilled!”

“His only goal is to destroy the two families of Lich together.”

“So to say that the monster race can dominate the prehistoric, that is simply a dream!”

After Nuwa threw a few warnings, he and Fuxi left the land of right and wrong.

If Dijun is still so obsessed, then they can’t do it… Let’s go with the flow…

“The goal of Dao Ancestor is to let the two groups of Lich be destroyed together, so that they can make the clan rise to the top?”

After listening to Nuwa’s words, Di Jun felt a little shaken in his heart and couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Seeing this, Kunpeng kept brainwashing Dijun, telling him how Daozu is good, and how Daozu has a future.

“Master demon, go down and take a good rest, Emperor Rong will think about it.”

After receiving Dijun’s order, Kunpeng naturally ran away in a hurry.

Today is really thrilling!

If it hadn’t been for his acting with sincerity, making Dijun believe in him, I’m afraid that his life is gone at this time!


Fortunately, he is witty!

Kunpeng couldn’t help secretly cheering in his heart, rejoicing that he was clever and witty.

On the other side, Di Jun thought about it more and more entangled, so he got up and took a trip to Shouyang Mountain.

Shouyang Mountain.

Chen Shengdong.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Emperor Jun was stopped by Luo Hu.

“It’s you again? Are you here to have a son again this time?”

“But we don’t have your son here!”

After speaking, Luo Hui began to display his demonic energy and was ready to drive people away.

To say that Luohu is the demon ancestor of the prehistoric world, and the ancestor of all demon ghosts.

All the demon ghosts in this prehistoric land are suppressed by his Xiantian, even the Demon Emperor Jun is no exception.

Demon Emperor Jun was stunned by the terrifying devilish energy exuded by Luo Hu, and he fell directly into the mud.

Di Jun rubbed his sore butt, patted the ashes on his body, got up embarrassedly and explained.

“No, no, Lord Luohu calmed down. I’m not here to pick something up this time, nor am I here to find my son…”

“It’s just that I have some questions, I want to ask your master, that is, Master Dongzhu!”

“Really? I don’t believe it!”

Luo Hui looked unbelievable, he didn’t believe that this emperor could be so honest!

Don’t pick things up?

Can he do it?

It’s all nonsense!

The monsters are treacherous and cunning, what if this is put in and hurts his master?

Thinking of this, Luo Hu continued to stop Dijun from entering Immortal Cave.

Helpless, Di Jun had to shout loudly.

“Small pleading to see Master Dongzhu!”

“Master Dong! The little ones have important things to ask for!”

“Lord Dong, please see you!”

Luo Hui’s face was ugly and gloomy to the extreme, and he immediately slapped Di Jun three feet away.

What is this guy yelling at?

If you quarrel with the master, you won’t be relieved if you cut him a thousand times!

The Chen Sheng inside is closing his eyes and restoring his mind, absorbing the Spiritual Qi of the tea tree.

Suddenly I heard some movement outside Immortal Cave, so I opened my eyes slightly and asked slowly.

“Black Lotus, what’s the situation outside Immortal Cave?”

“It’s nothing, but a bug…”

This guy actually woke up his master! ?

See if he doesn’t kill this guy!

Before Luo Hu finished speaking, he saw Di Jun shouted with all his might.

“Lord Dongzhu, please see you!!!”

When Luo Hui saw it, he immediately raised his fist and hit Di Jun on the ground.

“You are looking for death!”

At this moment, a cold voice came from the cave.

“Hei Lian, let him in.”

The master had said so, Luo Hui’s fist that was about to fall stood in the air instantly, gave Di Jun a bitter look, and then helplessly lowered his fist.

“Get in! Go!”

When Di Jun saw Luo Hui, he was relieved, regardless of whether he was reluctant or unwilling, and immediately got up and rushed into the Immortal Cave.

It’s too hard to see Master Dongzhu!

As soon as I entered, I saw Chen Sheng was already sitting at the stone table and making hot tea.

“Meet Master Dongzhu…”

Although Di Jun has always been an arrogant and arrogant person, the Lord Dongzhu in front of him is terrifying!

Since the last time he was well “educated” by the master of the cave using the law of time, he has become more restrained and respectful in front of this master.

He doesn’t want to experience the feeling of being trapped by the law of time again!

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