Chapter 213-The Master of Versailles Literature

Although Chen Sheng comforted Tongtian, Tongtian still felt guilty in his heart and felt that he was not worthy of being Chen Sheng’s disciple.

Master also spoke to comfort him and let him cultivate diligently, which shows how much Master looks forward to him!

That being the case, he couldn’t let the Master down!

Luo Hu on the side seemed to see through Tongtian’s heart, and shook his head helplessly when he saw this.

Tongtian fellow daoist is so pitiful!

Seeing him like this, he must have thought a lot…

But where does his master have such thoughts?

The master of his family simply felt that he had hurt Tongtian’s self-esteem, so he wanted to comfort him.

Tongtian fellow daoist, I’m afraid it’s self-conscious…

But how can Tongtian care about these?

He is sure that Master must have expectations of him!

So Tongtian drank another cup of tea and looked at Chen Sheng gratefully.

Thank you Master for looking forward to him!

He must learn swordsmanship, Insight Kendo, and don’t let the master down!

Chen Sheng was stared a little inexplicably, and almost choked him when he drank the tea in his mouth.

This guy… what’s the matter?

Why are you looking at him like this all of a sudden?

Don’t do that, he is so scared…

“Why, what’s the matter?”

“Master, disciples must fully enlighten the Dao! They will definitely live up to Master’s expectations!”

The corners of Chen Sheng’s mouth twitched.

Why is this guy smoking?

Why did you suddenly say that you want to enlighten?

and also……

When did you expect him?

I didn’t expect too much from him…

Forget it, don’t say it.

Otherwise, it’s time to blow his self-confidence…

“Disciple, you can have this ambition, it is naturally excellent, and it is very gratifying to be a teacher.”

“However, this way is not so easy to comprehend. You still need to spend more time on the disciple.”

Tongtian Wenzhi nodded and continued to ask.

“Master, there is a problem that has troubled the disciple for a long time, and the disciple would like to ask Master for some advice.”


“Everyone says that Sage is the supreme being in the prehistoric world, and that all under Sage are ants…”

“It’s really good to say that, Sage is indeed the supreme existence in a sense.”

Chen Sheng replied slowly.


“Except for Tianding Sage.”

“Like Sanqing Sage, Nuwa Sage, and the Second Sage of the West, including the ancestor of Hongjun, he is the Heavenly Sage. Heavenly Dao gave them the position of Sage, so they must be subject to Heavenly Dao for life.”

“As the saying goes, Heavenly Dao uses Sage as a humble dog, and Sage uses all things as a humble dog. That’s the truth.”

After listening, Tongtian couldn’t help asking.

“Then Master, how do disciples become holy?”

“The disciple means how to become a Sage other than Heavenly Dao.”

Chen Sheng was obviously shocked by this.


This guy is going to be holy?


But this strength… is it a bit low?

Even he, a big Luo Jinxian, dare not want to become a saint, this guy, who is obviously inferior to him but wants to be saint?

This is too weird, right?

Chen Sheng almost cried out in exclamation, but forgot to think about it.

After all, it can’t hurt people’s self-esteem, right?

this is not good……

Shocked, shocked, although my heart is rushing, but the face is still calm.

Chen Sheng raised his eyes and slowly said.

“Tianding Sage was originally assigned by Heavenly Dao. It also depends on fate. Others think Chengdu may not be possible.”

“But Sage other than Heavenly Dao is not necessarily. It is not bound by Heavenly Dao, as long as it has a heart, it can be sanctified.”

“There is only one way to become this saint…”

“what way?”

Tongtian widened his eyes and looked at Chen Sheng with joy. The whole person had already taken up the small notebook and was waiting, and he was about to record all of Chen Sheng’s next words!

“In this wild world, if you want to become this saint, you must completely control a road.”

“As long as you master any one of the three thousand avenues, you can become a sage other than the Tianding Sage – that is, the avenue Sage!”

“To say that Dao Sage, it is the most powerful existence in the prehistoric world. It is said that Pangu God did not fully become Dao Sage when he used his power to prove Dao, but it was only half Dao Sage.”

“But the power of half a avenue Sage is so strong, it is conceivable how terrifying the power is if it reaches a complete avenue Sage?”

After a pause, Chen Sheng continued.

“This Dao Sage is not only super powerful, it is also not affected by Heavenly Dao, and can even leap above Heavenly Dao…”

“So Dadao Sage is the best existence in the prehistoric world! But to become Dadao Sage, this path of proving Dao is also very difficult…”

“After all, it is not an easy task to master a complete principle of the Great Dao!”

Chen Sheng spoke with enthusiasm, and Tongtian was also fascinated by it, and he kept taking notes in his notebook.

Chen Shenggang wanted to complain about this, but seeing the appearance of Tongtian’s hard work, he couldn’t bear to destroy his self-confidence.

Forget it, let’s stop talking about it.

What if one day this guy might succeed?

Thinking about this, Chen Sheng’s original remarks immediately turned into words of encouragement.

“Although it is not an easy task, but as a teacher, I believe you can definitely succeed!”

Tong Tian was pleasantly surprised by Chen Sheng’s sudden encouragement.

Master, this is encouraging him… right?

Sure enough, Master is looking forward to him!

He must work hard to Insight, practice hard, and he must not let the Master down!

“Yes! Thank you, Master!”

“The disciple will definitely succeed in preaching the Tao, and I won’t let the master down!”

Chen Sheng nodded with satisfaction at this.

“That couldn’t be better.”

“If you can prove the Dao and become the Dao Sage, then it will give me a face!”

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng couldn’t help sighing.

“Hey, your master is also useless. He has been cultivating for so long, and he is just a parallel importer.”

Listening to this, Tong Tian shook his head quickly.

“No, Master, you are amazing, you are a great Sage!”

As soon as he said this, Chen Sheng seemed to have heard some big joke, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Hahaha, Avenue Sage? Me?”

“Disciples don’t want to be joking, they are no more than a parallel importer as a teacher.”

Seeing this all over the sky, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Master has begun to humble Versailles again…

Since Master said it was “parallel import goods”, then “parallel import goods” is fine.

“Master, even if you are Da Luo, you are the Da Luo who has mastered the Three Thousand Great Dao. It is different from the average Da Luo, but it’s amazing!”

Listening to this, Chen Sheng couldn’t help sighing again.

“Hey, Three Thousand Avenue? This is ashamed of it…”

“Although the teacher didn’t know what was going on, he suddenly mastered these three thousand avenues, but he was not proficient, but he only knew a little bit of fur…”

“For example, kendo is far from complete proficiency. I am ashamed to say that I only have a general idea for my teacher, and there are not many that can teach you…”


Is this what people say?

This is simply Versailles literature, alright!

Tongtian: Shocked!

Good guys!

The master of Versailles literature is by his side! ?

…A sword smashed the ancestor Hongjun and smashed the Zixiao Palace. Is this kendo called almost?

Wouldn’t it be a god if you fully grasp it?

Is this still called being able to teach own not much?

Tong Tian twitched the corners of his mouth.

He really didn’t know whether to praise Master’s humility, or to complain about Master Versailles!

This is too Versailles!

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