Chapter 211 Nuwa Was Surprised!

The ancestor of Hongjun was beaten into a panic by the mysterious person who led the heavenly dragon to come from Shouyang Mountain, and finally had to let Nuwa obediently let go and spread the whole prey again in an instant.

All the mighties were shocked.

Wa Palace.

Fuxi was surprised and delighted when he got the news.

What is shocking is that the ancestor Hongjun was beaten so embarrassed and miserable by his brother-in-law, and he was suppressed so much that he could not fight back. The happy thing is that the ancestor Hongjun had to relieve the confinement of the sister Wa under the threat and force of the brother-in-law. , Released the Wa girl!

As soon as Fuxi got the news that Nuwa had been lifted from confinement, he rushed to the gate of Wa Palace to welcome the return of Wa sister.

After a while, I saw the familiar figure pacing towards me, and a sweet voice came from not far away.


“Little Sister!”

Fuxi greeted him immediately and gave Nuwa a big hug.

“You can be regarded as coming back! I’m really worried about me during this time!”

“Are you not hurt?”

“Hongjun, that old Yinbi didn’t do anything to you, right?”

After a series of questions were thrown, Nuwa was a little at a loss, she didn’t know which one to answer first.

However, this is the warmth of home…

Nuwa felt warmth in her heart and patted Fuxi’s shoulder comfortingly.

“Brother don’t worry, I’m fine!”

“Although Hongjun’s Lao Yinbi put me in confinement, he didn’t do anything to me.”

“Furthermore, the confinement was released under the pressure of senior, and I was forced to release me!”

“Presumably at this moment, Hongjun’s old yin ratio must be suffocated tightly. He can’t get angry when he is angry, and I can’t talk about suffering. How miserable!”

Nuwa felt inexplicably relieved when he thought of the suffocation of Hongjun’s ancestor.

“Deserve it!”

“Let him always do wicked things!”

“I’m being retributed now, have you been cleaned up?”

Fuxi was also very relieved by this.

This ancestor Hongjun had done so many wicked things to his sister Wa and their monster race before, if not for his own strength, he would have taken care of him a long time ago!

Now that my brother-in-law comes to clean up him, it’s very good, very good!

People like this are lacking lessons!

Thinking about this, Fuxi was even more satisfied with this brother-in-law.

He has strength but is not proud, but rather humble; and he is affectionate and righteous, and has saved Nuwa many times, between the Witch and Human races. More importantly, this person has a strong view of right and wrong and distinguishes between love and hatred.

For the good, he will help; but for the evil ancestor Hongjun, he will never show mercy!

Such a perfect brother-in-law is simply the ideal brother-in-law in his heart!

Wa Mei really made a profit this time!

Thinking about this, Fuxi looked at Nuwa with a smirk.

“Brother-in-law saved you again this time…”

“Yes, senior rescued me.”

“Oh~ like this~”

Nuwa suddenly felt Fuxi’s familiar gaze, his face flushed with shame, and Shuangxia flew horizontally.

“Brother, what are you thinking about again…”

“How could it be possible for me and senior…Oh, there is nothing…”

The more Nuwa talked, the more embarrassed she became, and in the end she was so ashamed that she ran back into his own Immortal Cave.

Fuxi looked at Nuwa’s going away figure, nodded thoughtfully, and her aunt smiled.

“I understand for my brother, I understand for my brother…”

On the other side, Pangu Temple.

Witch tribe.

After learning that Hongjun ancestor had released Nuwa, the Wu clan was even more delighted.

“I heard that the ancestor Hongjun released Nuwa Empress!!”

As soon as Zhu Jiu Yin got the gossip, he immediately ran back to the Pangu Hall and shared it with the ancestors.

When the ancestors heard this, they were shocked and delighted.


“Manny Nuwa was released?”

“This is really great!”

Nuwa Empress is really the savior of their witch tribe. I heard from Hou Tu before that Nuwa Empress was imprisoned by the ancestor Hongjun because of their witch tribe, and they have been distressed.

Even thinking about how to save Nuwa Empress!

it’s good now!

Empress Nuwa was released!

The big rock in their hearts also fell.

They wrote down this kindness, and they will go to visit another day, thanks to Nuwa Empress for her life-saving grace!

“In other words… This ancestor Hongjun hates Empress Nuwa so much, how could he let Empress Nuwa so easily?”

Ju Mang couldn’t help raising questions, he didn’t believe Hongjun’s ancestor could be so good!

After all, the ancestor Hongjun was despicable and shameless. He was known for his insidious cunning. How could he, who has always been savvy in calculation, able to spare Nuwa, who had ruined him so easily?


Absolutely impossible!

As soon as Ju Mang said this, the ancestors and witches were also puzzled.


It stands to reason that the ancestor Hongjun is so insidious, how could he say that he put Nuwa on him?

It must be kept to torment slowly, how could it be let go so easily?

This must not be easy!

“Zhu Jiu Yin, tell me what is going on?”

“Why did the ancestor Hongjun let go of Nuwa so easily?”

“It’s impossible for his conscience to find out, right?”

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and responded.

“Of course not, all thanks to the senior’s help.”

“I heard that the senior had beaten Hongjun ancestor to the floor and yelled. Finally, Hongjun ancestor had to obediently let go of Nuwa.”

Is that so? !

When the ancestors heard this, they couldn’t help laughing.


“Hahaha, I didn’t expect it! Old Ancestor Hongjun also had such a frustrated day!”

“That’s not it? Sure enough, senior has the means!”

“Senior does what it is called a beautiful one!”

“Good, good!”

All the ancestors applauded the senior’s approach.

This is a great pleasure!

In the future, they will be backed by seniors, so why are they afraid of a mere ancestor of Hongjun?

It’s no longer a problem to come up to ten more!

But the Yaozu, on the other hand, was completely unhappy.

“What the hell?”

“Nuwa was released?!”

When Di Jun heard the news that the little demon brought back, he slapped the table and stood up, and with a sharp wave of his big hand, all the things on the table fell to the ground.

The little demon was so scared that he took three steps quickly, and he didn’t dare to take a mouthful.

He is a little demon who tells a letter…

Why is it so miserable…and have to endure your majesty’s anger…

“Your Majesty… This is absolutely true…”

“Damn it! Who released Nuwa?”

Emperor Jun gritted his teeth and looked at Wa Palace bitterly.

“Is it Fuxi? Is it the Wu Clan? Or someone else?!”

“Impossible, Nuwa was obviously imprisoned by Dao Ancestor. It would be difficult for ordinary people to open the barriers of the dungeon unless Dao Ancestor himself wishes!”

“Then how did Nuwa be released?!”

It’s impossible for Daozu to release Nuwa, right?

That Daozu must be cramped!

But the next second the little demon’s words made Di Jun start to doubt life.

“Yes… It’s Dao Ancestor…”

The little demon shook involuntarily because he was afraid of Dijun.



Did Dao Zu release Nuwa? !

Di Jun was completely shocked and stayed in place.

Was Dao Zu’s brain convulsed, or did his ears misheard?

Why did Daozu release Nuwa in good faith?

Nuwa broke them so many things, her existence is a big disaster!

How could she be spared easily in the face of such a catastrophe?

In other words, it has to be shut down for millions and tens of millions of years, right?

Actually… just let it go? !

Di Jun is really puzzled and angry!



“What’s the picture?”

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