Chapter 2 “Unremarkable” Da Luo Realm

These two people are the human ancestors and the virgin Nuwa of the human race!

Nuwa came to the human race this time to collect humane incense and make treasures.

While in Shouyang Mountain, the Suiren clan asked Nuwa cautiously: “My Mother, there is a Dao brother in my human race, who is already the Cultivation Base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, can you give me some pointers and let my human race have more details?”

Today, the strongest human race is the third ancestor of the human race.

The Jinyi clan, the Suiren clan, and the Chao clan have obtained the Heavenly Dao merits, and they are all golden immortal Cultivation Bases, which are considered very good among the Xiantian tribes.

Realm is divided into Earth Immortals, Celestial Immortals, True Immortals, Xuanxian, Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, and Daluo Jinxian.

Jinxian is really just a stronger ant in Honghuang.

And Daruo Jinxian is a watershed in the prehistoric, you can comprehend the law and fur when you enter Daruo, and sit on the side!

Therefore, the Suiren clan thought, if Nuwa can give some advice and let Chen Sheng step into the Daluojinxian, wouldn’t the human race have more protection?

After Nuwa listened to Suiren’s words, her expression changed slightly, and immediately returned to normal.

The human race is not very good in the prehistoric times. Being able to cultivate Dao Jinxian Realm in such a short period of time, it seems that this person is indeed a plastic talent.

Thinking of this, Nuwa nodded slightly, and said to Sui Renshi: “Finally, I will give him some advice.”

After all, he created the human race and was revered as the Virgin by the human race, but left nothing in the human race.

Suiren was very excited when he heard Nuwa’s words, and hurriedly took Nuwa to Immortal Cave of Chen Sheng’s Closed Door Training.

Chen Sheng was actually a little annoyed to see Suiren coming.

From time to time, this cargo instigated him to come out of the mountain and sit in the human race.

Let him go out?

Isn’t this hurting him?

How dangerous is it in the precipice?

With his strength, what can he do?

But this time, Suiren didn’t come by himself, he still had to give him some faces.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng had to smile and said, “Fellow daoist, please come in.”

Suiren smiled and prepared to introduce Nuwa to Chen Sheng.

However, when Nuwa looked at Chen Sheng, she frowned and said with a little surprise: “Daluo!?”

Just now, Nuwa was a little surprised when he heard that this person was Taiyi Golden Immortal, but at this time, he discovered that this person turned out to be Realm?

In this way, the talent of this human race is really heaven-defying!

Although there is only a thin line between Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian, it is like a moat!

The human race was created by Nuwa. Therefore, Nuwa never thought that any human race could reach the Da Luo Jinxian, so she was especially surprised at this time.

The Suiren clan is a little confused, what?

Da Luo Jinxian?

After reacting, Suiren was ecstatic!

In this way, wouldn’t their human race also have Daluo Jinxian sitting here! ?

Sui Ren said with great excitement: “Chen fellow daoist, now you have made your breakthrough to Da Luo Jinxian, my human race has Da Luo Jinxian sitting in town, don’t you need to be bullied anymore?”

Chen Sheng looked at Sui Renshi and Nuwa like a fool. There was a big Luo. What’s so exciting?

Besides, he won’t leave the customs.

Chen Shengbai glanced at the two of them, and slowly said, “Look at what you have never seen before. In Honghuang, what is Realm?”

Then, Chen Sheng sighed and continued: “Although I am waiting to prove that Daluo, the past, the future, and the present are three in one, standing in the long river of time, holding the three thousand avenues, the true spirit is immortal, and the consciousness is Immortal…”

“and many more……”

Although Suiren is not Realm, but he always feels that there is something wrong.

What’s this talking about Realm?

Does he have any misunderstandings about Realm?

Three Thousand Avenue?

Everyone in the predicament knows that only Da Luo Jinxian can touch the fur of a Dao, and Da Luo has mastered the Three Thousand Dao?

You can’t bully me just because I’m stupid! ?

Sui Ren’s face was dumbfounded and said to Chen Sheng, “Fellow daoist, are you afraid that you are joking?”

Nuwa also looked at Chen Sheng a little displeased. Why is this nonsense with Human Race?

Standing in the long river of time! ?

The past, present, and future are all in one?

Palm Three Thousand Avenue?

The true spirit is immortal, consciousness Immortal?

Is this a Realm?

She, Nuwa!

As Sage, it’s not so awesome, right?

This person really dare to say!

Chen Sheng glanced at Sui Ren curiously, and said solemnly: “Didn’t you hear me say that though? Although Daluo Realm is already pretty good, it is still not worth mentioning in front of Sage!”

Nuwa’s mouth twitched. How did she make a brain damage?

Realm is immortal?

It’s ridiculous!

Chen Sheng ignored the look in Nuwa and Suiren’s caring for mentally handicapped children, and continued with a sigh of relief: “Daluo Realm is still the lowest level among the prehistoric. Nowadays, Daluo Realm is like a dog, and quasi-sages are everywhere. It’s dangerous!”

Sui Ren was utterly imperfect by Chen Sheng’s words, and said dumbfounded: “Fellow daoist, what are you afraid of misunderstanding about Hong Huang?”

Chen Sheng looked at Suiren with sympathy, and said to Suiren: “Are you deceived by others?”


Nuwa couldn’t help but feel a little unhappy. As Sage, she also surrendered and pointed out a little big Luo Jinxian, this person is still talking crazy here!

Palm Three Thousand Avenue?

Don’t talk about the Three Thousand Avenues, even if it is her Nuwa, as Sage, she only understands the good fortune Avenue!

It’s a little too far from being in control!

And this yellow-haired kid, dare to believe it!

“Shut up, ignorant kid, dare to make up here, thinking that you have good aptitude, so you can be lawless?”

Nuwa frowned and scolded with a slightly angry expression.

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