Chapter 198 Hongjun Imprisoned Nuwa? !

Zixiao Palace.

Seeing that the plan was about to be completed, Nuwa suddenly had something bad.

Watching Houtu’s Samsara being stopped by Nuwa, the ancestor Hongjun’s eyes were red with anger, and he couldn’t say a word.

This Nuwa!

It doesn’t appear early or late, but it happens at this time!

Just wait a little longer and Houtu will be able to successfully transform Samsara.

Once Hou Tu successfully transformed Samsara, Hongjun’s plan to destroy the two groups of Liches was directly successful!

It’s all right now. Not only did the plan fail, but it also alarmed Houtu and raised Houtu’s vigilance against own.

It will be even more difficult for the Wu Clan and Houtu in the future!

Nuwa and Houtu are still teaming up?


It’s ridiculous!

Really think you can deal with Heavenly Dao together?

It’s just overkill!

“Haotian, bring Nuwa to the deity!”

A cold voice sounded throughout the Zixiao Palace, mixed with deep anger.

The ancestor Hongjun’s eyes were dark, bursting out a fierce light.

He could not wait to catch Nuwa right away to skin and cramp, and his body was broken into pieces!

It’s hard to understand his hatred if he doesn’t do this!

“Yes Yes……”

Seeing that the ancestor Hongjun was angry, Haotian immediately retreated wittily.

Intuition tells him-it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!

Not Zhoushan.

Houtu worshipped Nuwa, and after a few more conversations, he left.

Nuwa also got up to go back to the Wa Palace, but was blocked by a figure.

“Nuwa Sage, wait a minute.”

I saw a handsome young man standing in front of her, blocking her way.

“My Daozu wants to see you, please come with me.”

Dao Zu?

Hongjun! !

Haha, it’s Hongjun, it’s fast!

Seeing that he had ruined his plan, he immediately sent someone to “capture” himself.

Although I don’t know if I can return it, do I have the right to refuse?

Regardless of whether he took the initiative to go or was tied up by Hongjun, the ending is going to go.

It might as well be decent and go by yourself!

“Let’s go.”

With that said, Haotian led Nuwa to the Purple Heaven Palace.

In the Zixiao Palace, the ancestor Hongjun sat on the main seat, staring at Nuwa with a gloomy face.

“Nuwa, are you guilty?”

The stern voice resounded through Zixiao Palace, lingering in everyone’s ears, making people tremble.

Haotian was frightened to death by this dignified and cold voice, but Nuwa was not moved.

“Also ask Daozu to point out that I don’t know what crimes I have committed or what mistakes I have committed.”

“Hugh must pretend to be garlic! Samsara is what you stopped!”

“I did stop it, but I was helping her.”

“Help her?”

Old ancestor Hongjun is almost out of anger

“Houtuhua Samsara is the destiny of heaven, you are clearly heaven-defying and disobey Heavenly Dao!”

“It’s for Heavenly Dao, or for selfish desires. Compared to Daozu, I know better than me.”

Facing Nuwa’s sharp gaze, Hongjun was slightly taken aback.

Could it be…she knows it all?

Know the own plan? !

“Don’t be shocked, I know everything.”

As soon as Nuwa said this, Hongjun’s ancestor was suddenly frightened.

Could it be that Nuwa can’t read mind-reading skills? !

No, no, this Nuwa can’t stay at all!

This product has seriously threatened itself!

If humanity rises again in the future, how should one gain a foothold in the prehistoric world?

Thinking of this, the ancestor Hongjun said in a hurry.

“Bold Nuwa! Repeatedly ignored Heavenly Dao, disrupting Heavenly Dao’s plan and order; and repeatedly confronted the deity, let the deity’s holy face sweep the floor!”

“If this person is not confined and let him reflect that she will not correct it!”

“Haotian, drag Nuwa down and put it in confinement!”

Nuwa sneered.

Is Hongjun saying that she can’t help but feel guilty?

That’s why she was so anxious to put her in confinement?

Don’t think about it!

As Haotian was about to step forward, he was pushed away by Nuwa with a palm.

“If you want to add a crime, why don’t you have any trouble?”

“Bold Nuwa! It has affected Heavenly Dao’s general trend, but he has not been punished obediently!”

Seeing that Haotian was overthrown, Hongjun decided to take a shot personally, and personally clean up this Nuwa, who doesn’t know the height of the sky!

The ancestor Hongjun took out the good fortune jade disc, the Xiantian treasure that contained the Three Thousand Dao Principle, and flew towards Nuwa.

“The Law of Wind!”

As soon as the ancestor Hongjun’s voice fell, he saw a powerful mysterious breath coming out of his body, and then the law of wind on the good fortune jade disc turned into a bunch of weird runes along the good fortune jade disc and appeared in Hongjun. In front of the ancestors.

The ancestor Hongjun glanced, and felt clear in his heart.

Nodded, folded his hands together, summoning the wind in Zixiao Palace.

Nuwa was very puzzled, and didn’t know what the ancestor Hongjun was doing!

At this moment, the ancestor Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes.


I saw a wind blade “shoo” passing in front of Nuwa, directly scratching Nuwa’s smooth face.

Then I saw a huge group of wind coming straight towards Nuwa, only to hear a “bang”.

Before Nuwa could react, the whole person was hit by the strong wind, and then the whole person flew three feet away and hit the door straight.

“Kacha Kacha” several times in succession, Nuwa’s ribs were broken.

The whole person was dizzy and dizzy. With a “poof”, blood was vomited, and the whole person fell to the ground.

“Ancestor Hongjun! You, you…”

Nuwa stared at the ancestor Hongjun bitterly, because he was badly injured but was powerless and could only be slaughtered.

Old Ancestor Hongjun walked towards Nuwa slowly, looked at her condescendingly, and slammed his hand against her again.

“Nuwa, Nuwa, you are good at anything, the last thing you should do is fight against the deity!”

“Do you really think that you can defeat Heavenly Dao, heaven-defying with these little tricks?”

“What do you really think the deity can’t take you?”


“Hongjun…you, you mean!”

Nuwa was so painful that his facial features were distorted, and his eyes were full of hatred for Hongjun.

“Do you think you will not say anything when you imprison me?”

“They just think you have a ghost in your heart!”

“You are doing a guilty conscience…”

The ancestor Hongjun laughed.

“so what?”

“The entire prehistoric land belongs to the deity, can they still be able to reverse it?”

“Nuwa, Nuwa, just stay in confinement and reflect on it!”

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, Nuwa disappeared into the Purple Cloud Palace and was thrown into the dungeon by the ancestor Hongjun.

“Haotian, look at her, don’t let her run out!”


After speaking, Haotian also disappeared.

The dungeon of the Purple Cloud Palace is composed of three hundred and sixty-five layers of different barriers, and the people who are thrown into the dungeon and confinement are dark except for darkness.

And each layer of this enchantment requires a specific cracking method, which is not so easy to crack.

If you want to open it with strength, it is even more fantastic!

Because no one can open it with brute force in the entire prehistoric land, not even the ancestor of Hongjun, let alone a small Nuwa?

Haotian shook his head sympathetically.

At this moment, Nuwa is afraid that he has suffered guilty…

On the other side, the ancestor of Hongjun issued a holy command in the Zixiao Palace to announce to the prehistoric world.

“Nuwa Sage ignores the operation of Heavenly Dao, and has repeatedly affected the general trend of Heavenly Dao; and has spoken harshly to the deity and disobeyed many times.”

“Therefore, Nuwa was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Zixiao Palace today, let him reflect on himself and reflect on his mistakes!”

“May all sentient beings change if there is nothing, and encourage them.”

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