Chapter 192 Hong Jun Appears? The lich stayed for ten thousand years!


When Di Jiang gave an order, he saw Pangu phantom in the Dutian Godsha array attacking towards the Universe Star Dou array.

I saw Pangu imaginary picking up a heavy fist and only hammering it down at the Universe Star Array.

one time!

Two clicks!

In the third time, the Universe Star Array couldn’t help shaking, and a crack appeared faintly.

Di Jun was shocked when he saw this, his eyes widened in disbelief.

“How, how is it possible?!”

Hasn’t the power of Star already absorbed the power of these ancestral witches?

Plus God Jiang was seriously injured before?

How can you still summon the phantom of the God of Pangu?

And the power of this Pangu phantom is not inferior to the deity?

Is this reasonable?

This is simply the operation of heaven-defying!

“Huh, why is it impossible? Are you questioning the power of God Pangu?”

Di Jiang looked at Di Jun coldly, and when he raised his hand, he saw countless Killing intents gathered in the eyes and injected into Pangu Void.

With the Killing intent, Pangu phantom becomes stronger, and the power is more abundant and powerful.

I saw him growl, his whole body exuding power that could destroy the world.

Then he raised his fist and slammed toward the Universe Star Dou formation as if the Great God Mountain was pressing on the top.

The Universe Star Array is powerful, but the power of Star is very insignificant in the face of Pangu’s natural power. The Pangu Hammer Universe Star Array is as easy as hammering a cicada wing.

Just hearing a “bang” sound, the starlight protection cover of the Universe Star Array instantly shattered into a spider web, and then “cracked” to the ground.

Seeing this, Di Jun was shocked.

The Universe Star Dou formation without the protective cover is very fragile and cannot withstand Pangu Phantom’s next attack. As long as he punches again, this formation will be completely broken.

“Hold on! Hold on!”

Di Jun was so frightened that he screamed, and he didn’t care about the so-called image.

This is no joke after all!

This Universe Star Dou formation is the last guarantee of their monster race. If they can’t hold it, the monster race will not be far from destruction.

Hearing what the Demon King said, coupled with Pangu’s previous fierce attack, the demons also raised the spirit of twelve points to deal with this fatal blow, and did not dare to relax at all.

It was another heavy punch, and the important shoulders seemed to be pressing on two Mounts of the Gods. The huge weight and strength gradually made them out of breath.

Seeing that the Universe Star Dou formation was about to be breached, many monster races closed their eyes as if resigning.

Even Dijun wanted to give up.

Could it be that my monster clan really died here?

This damn witch race!

It’s cold, it’s completely cold this time!

It’s a pity that I haven’t been sanctified yet!

The ancestor Hongjun’s promise has not been fulfilled yet!

What a pity…

Just as the Demon Race was desperate, an attack fell from the sky, blocking the fatal hammer of Pangu phantom for the Demon Race.

Immediately afterwards, a loud sound came from the sky, full of majesty and chill.


Everyone looked up curiously.

The Yaozu wanted to see which god-tier saved them and allowed them to survive the aftermath.

But the Wu Clan wanted to see who prevented them from taking revenge, and they were almost able to annihilate the Yao Clan!

As soon as he looked up, he saw a middle-aged man dressed in a black mysterious robe, wearing a purple gilt crown, surrounded by profound energy, and a young man in a purple robe descended from the sky.

Everyone was shocked.

This person is no one else, but the ancestor Hongjun and his attendant-Haotian.

There was a lot of discussion between the two groups of Lich.

“It turned out to be Taoist ancestor?!”

“What? Dao Ancestor actually appeared at this time?!”


“Is Dao Ancestor here to save the Monster Race? That’s the blessing of the Monster Race!”

“Why did the ancestor Hongjun show up at this time? And he also helped the monster clan. Could it be that he was in a group with the monster clan?”

“Then with the help of ancestor Hongjun, our Wu clan must not be able to beat it!”

“Don’t panic, let’s watch it change first…”

Old Ancestor Hongjun and Haotian landed and spoke slowly.

“Don’t fight anymore! From now on, the lich will stop fighting for ten thousand years.”

It was clearly a commanding tone, but it was full of threats and warnings.

Everyone couldn’t help but tremble.

In this regard, the Yaozu was overjoyed, thinking that the ancestor Hongjun intended to support them.


The lich stayed for ten thousand years?

This is simply a great thing for them!

The Yaozu is now damaged, and it is no match for the Wuzu at all.

But not necessarily after ten thousand years.

After ten thousand years, the strength of the monster clan will be restored, and it is hard to say who will die by that time!

Maybe after ten thousand years, the situation will reverse, and the witches will die!

Old ancestor Hongjun is giving them a chance to develop the monster race!

Isn’t this what is support?

Di Jun is a joy.

It seems that Daozu must have not forgotten the agreement with own to support the demon race and the human race to enter the predominant land together!

Sure enough, the thigh of the ancestor Hongjun is incense!


Damn Wu Clan, now even Dao Ancestor is standing here with Monster Clan, see what else you can do!

The Yaozu was ecstatic, felt that he had grasped the straw and saw hope.

However, the Wu Clan was very angry and dissatisfied with the actions of the ancestor Hongjun.

What does ancestor Hongjun mean?

Is this standing on the side of the Yaozu openly helping the Yaozu?

Is this to support the Yaozu?

It seems that Empress Nuwa and Hou Tu are right, this ancestor Hongjun is really an old lady!

Before they were bullied by the monster clan, Hongjun ancestor not only didn’t blame the monster clan, but also wanted to help the monster clan destroy the witch clan.

Now the Wu Clan just wants revenge, Hongjun ancestor is obstructing it in every possible way! ?

Why? !

Their witch tribe was transformed by the Blood Essence of God Pangu, so why should they be so humiliated?

This ancestor Hongjun is a hypocrite, such a villain!

On the surface, it is full of humanity, justice and morality, saying that it is necessary to preside over everything in the prehistoric world in a fair and just manner, but in fact it is doing some sneaky activities!

Today’s incident is obviously to protect the monster race in favor of favor!

Not only did he block their attacks from the Wu Clan, but he also threatened to “stop the Lich for ten thousand years.”


When they were fighting against the Lich before, the ancestor Hongjun desperately tried to provoke the discord and start the Lich War.

Now that the war is going on as he wishes, let the Lich race stop fighting again?

How can it be so easy?

“Also please Dao Zu Mingjian! This time the Demon Race and the Wu Clan first forged Karma, so the Wu Clan made a move against the Demon Race!”

“The two families of the Lich have already forged a deadly feud. Today, the head of the Demon Race has been taken by the Wu Clan, and Daozu must not intervene!”

Di Jiang’s face was ruthless, staring straight at Di Jun, and said bitterly.

“The Lich races have stayed for a hundred years? That’s impossible! We won’t give the Demons this a chance to breathe!”

Gong Gong was also angry and itchy with hatred.


All the ancestors and witches unanimously opposed the orders of the ancestors of Hongjun, attempting to attack the monster clan again.

Seeing this hand violently waved, Hong Jun saw a powerful and terrifying force pouring out of his hand, hitting the Wu Clan like a giant dragon.

In an instant, the Wu clan was easily beaten into the air by the ancestor Hongjun, and then fell heavily, vomiting blood one after another.

Old Ancestor Hongjun said with cold eyes and a gloomy expression.

“How about the deity’s words?”

“You are questioning the deity’s Shengwei?”

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