Chapter 19 The Witch Clan Appears, Tai Yi Counsel

All this was seen by the people of Honghuang.

The Donghuang Taiyi holding the Donghuang Bell is extremely powerful, and everyone in Honghuang doesn’t think that this grass can be the opponent of Donghuang Taiyi!

What’s more, there is still the monster army oppressing the realm!

It seems that this grass is more ill-fated, and with curiosity about the direction of the situation, the people of Honghuang are paying more and more attention to the direction of this matter.

Immediately afterwards, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi made a move!

The Donghuang Bell made an ear-splitting roar. As soon as this sound came out, a radius of a hundred li began to collapse!

A monstrous wave of air engulfed the entire wilderness in an instant!

Even the stars in the sky have turned to ashes, and the space has been torn apart piece by piece!

When Donghuang Taiyi saw this person, her face changed drastically, frowning and whispering: “Dijun, what are you doing here!? This is a grudge between my monster race and human race, and has nothing to do with your witch race. , I advise you not to be nosy!”

Di Jun rolled his eyes on the spot, this Donghuang Taiyi is still not wanting face as always.

Still grudges?

Obviously, it was his Donghuangtai who bullied others!

Di Jun directly mocked and relentlessly said: “I want to intervene in your demon clan’s affairs, and I can’t understand your demon clan’s defiant style. ”

Dong Huangtai saw that Di Jun was pierced by him at a glance, and she became angry and frowned, and said, “Di Jiang, since you toast and not eat fine wine, don’t blame me for killing you today!”

The Eastern Emperor was too anxious. While controlling the Eastern Emperor Bell, he commanded the group of demons, planning to kill Dijiang on the spot!

Anyway, his monster clan has been grudges against the witch clan for a long time. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds if he could take this opportunity to completely kill an ancestral witch of the witch clan?

However, Dijiang didn’t move, and he looked at Donghuang Taiyi like a fool.

Donghuang Taiyi is unclear, so he wants to continue rushing forward!

But at this moment, a few Witch Clan figures suddenly descended from the sky.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t dare to fight them, so he stopped for a while!

Zhu Rong looked at Donghuang Taiyi with his hips akimbo, and whispered, “Dage, you are going too fast. Fortunately, I will catch up.”

Dijun smiled without saying a word, but looked at Donghuang Taiyi coldly and said, “Do you want to fight? Do you want to start now?”

Donghuang Taiyi:…

What a hammer!

The twelve ancestor witches came six at a time, how to fight?

But persuaded, the demon king’s aura can’t be defeated!

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t dare to fight with the 12th Ancestral Witch, but he couldn’t lose his aura. He could only coldly said, “Huh! Dijiang, do you really want to do it with me? You are not afraid that all the six great Ancestral Witches will die. Do I have it?”

Relying on the Yaozu’s style of deceiving others, weak when strong, and strong when weak, how can it dare to really do something with them?

However, the atmosphere has also cooled down at this time, the monster race and the Wu race human race are facing each other, and no one is willing to take a step back!

After guessing that Donghuang Taiyi would not be able to make a move, the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass also instantly converged its light and returned to the Immortal Cave.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the Nine Swords Star Pattern Grass, and walked in front of him, but did not dare to speak!

At this critical moment, Di Jun arrived.

Di Jun frowned, glanced at the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass and the six ancestor witches, and then said to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi: “Second brother, Heaven Court has just lost the treasure, you quickly follow me back to investigate! ”

Donghuangtai kept standing like this again and again, only feeling that her palms were sweating. Seeing Dijun rushing to give him a step, she immediately got off!

“Hmph, if it weren’t for the loss of my precious treasure in Heaven Court today, you would have to die in human territory!”

After speaking the ruthless words, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun returned to Heaven Court with lightning speed.

Nine swords star pattern grass:…

Ancestral Witch:…


This is really the usual style of Yaozu!

In the entire prehistoric land, only the Monster Race can do such a thing!

After Donghuang Taiyi took away the monster army, many human races heaved a sigh of relief.

The three ancestors also hurried up to greet him. After the Suiren clan bowed to Dijiang, he said to Dijiang: “Thank you, Lord Dijiang, for his life-saving grace to my human race!”

Seeing that the Suiren clan saluted, other human races naturally did not want to be left behind, and saluted Dijiang one after another.

Dijiang just waved his hand casually, and then said to the Suirenshi: “The Lord Nine Swords just now, I have a good relationship with him, and I want to see him.”

Suiren was taken aback, ah…

Why do people always want to see the protector of their human race?

Before Suiren could answer, the voice of Nine Swords Stargrass came out from Immortal Cave.

“Let him in.”

Suiren nodded immediately and sent Dijiang to Immortal Cave where the Nine Sword Stargrass was located.

At this time, Sanqing on Kunlun Mountain had quite some opinions on this matter.

Daddy sighed and said, “This human race is really troubled and troubled!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said dismissively: “It is common for the fittest to survive in the predicament.”

The Lord Tongtian frowned. He didn’t agree with Yuanshi Tianzun’s words. Instead, he said with some emotion: “This human race was obviously created by the demon emperor Nuwa, but it was repeatedly attacked by the demon clan and was finally rescued by the witch clan. Really ironic!”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy nodded unanimously. Who said they didn’t?

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