Chapter 181 Climb for the Lord!

In a short while, Haotian came to the entrance of Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

Coincidentally, it happened that Luo Hu was standing at the entrance of the cave and received him.

“What’s the matter?”

The tone is cold, without a trace of temperature, and Luo Hu’s own devilish energy is very strong, even if he has a righteous face now, it will give people a sense of oppression invisibly.

Seeing this, Haotian, who was as timid as a mouse, trembled in fear, and his body couldn’t stop shaking, staring at Luo Hu in front of him with horror, so scared that he couldn’t even speak.

Luo Hu was not a good-tempered lord at first, and he was a little annoyed to see the person in front of him who did not respond to his own question for a long time.

“What’s your question? Dumb?”

Being so frightened, Haotian’s legs softened and he staggered and almost fell.

Luo Hui: Useless things!

But if I ask a few more questions, I’m afraid of this. What can I do in the future?

But Luo Hui definitely didn’t expect that the bullshit in front of him, relying on the relationship of Hongjun ancestor, will be the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Realm in the future-Haotian!

Sure enough, it’s good to have a relationship!

Haotian finally stood still and responded tremblingly.

“That’s it, Master Attendant. My master asked me to meet Master Dongzhu… Yes, I have important matters to discuss.”

“Your master? Who is it?”

Luo Hui was a little puzzled, and looked at Haotian disgustingly.

He really couldn’t think of who could bring up such a waste boy.

Even if you are as timid as a mouse, it’s still a stutter…

“My master is the ancestor of Hongjun, the first ancestor of the prehistoric world!”

Haotian was quite proud, he didn’t notice the change in Luo Hui’s expression at all, and he still gushed.

“My master asked me to come here this time just to negotiate with Mozu, Master Dongzhu.”

Luo Hu squinted his eyes.

Demon ancestor? Master Dong?

It seems that Hongjun, an old thing, can’t do things!

After investigating for so long, even his identity was not found…

This boy is also ridiculous, his demon ancestor Luo Hu is standing in front of the boy, but the boy is indifferent, and insists that the demon ancestor Luo Hu is the master of the cave.

“Why are you looking for the Demon Ancestor?”

Facing Luo Hui’s question, Haotian was a little confused.

I’m going to talk with Lord Demon Ancestor, not with an attendant. This attendant cares about knowing so much what he is doing?

He is not the Demon Zu Luohu!

It’s really weird!

“Um, Master Attendant, my master asked me to discuss with Master Demon Ancestor, so let me… It’s never too late to see Master Demon Ancestor…”

Luo Hui: What qualifications does a little boy have to see my master?

Even if Hongjun is here, he is not necessarily qualified to see my master!

“Don’t you say how do I know that it is a good thing or a bad thing, how do I know if this matter is harmful to my master?”

Luo Hui blocked Haotian tightly, as long as he didn’t say that he would not move.

Haotian was in a cold sweat, and Luohu’s Death gaze was almost slashing him. It was terrible!

But he was afraid that he would say it himself. The attendant was afraid that he would not even let himself in, so he threw him out.

But seeing Luo Huan’s such a tough attitude, Haotian finally bit the bullet and said it.

“That’s it, Master Attendant, my master said that if the demon ancestor is willing to leave the prehistoric world, the master is willing to agree to any conditions…”

“Leave the prehistoric?”

Luo Hu couldn’t help sneering, what is this old thing calculating?

He left the prehistoric?

Once he leaves Honghuang, he will lose the source of his power. Isn’t he still letting Hongjun ancestor slaughter him by then?

This old thing is fine!

Still want him to leave Honghuang?

no way!

“Yes…Master can agree to any conditions of the Demon Ancestor…”

“Any conditions? Seriously?”

“Of course it’s true! It’s true!”

Seeing that the attendant was a little relieved, Haotian was overjoyed.

This is hopeful!

But the next second Luo Hu’s words almost didn’t make him vomit blood and die.

“Then what if the Demon Ancestor wants to be the Lord of Heavenly Dao?”

“Will your master still agree?”

Haotian was speechless, cold and sweaty.

Lord of Heavenly Dao?

Isn’t this the position of Hongjun’s ancestor?

Oops, this must not be done!

If he agrees, wouldn’t Daozu want to kill himself?

Must not…

“Master attendant, this may not be very okay…”

Luo Hui’s face sank, and he spoke coldly.

“Really? No?”

“But you clearly stated any conditions before?”

“It’s any condition, but this one really doesn’t work!”

Haotian was so anxious that he was about to cry.

There are thousands of conditions, but he chose the one that is the most difficult for him. Doesn’t this mean he should die?

And the task of Daozu deceiving himself is simple, where is it simple?

“No? Then you are playing with me?”

Luo Hui looked very ugly, stared at Haotian coldly, and waved his big hand violently.

I saw a group of terrifying black demonic energy attacking Haotian, and it directly threw him out.

Haotian was beaten to a height of three feet, eight feet away, vomiting blood, and even more magical energy penetrated into his body to erode his internal organs, and his pain made his whole person almost fainted.

Haotian: What, how?

This mere attendant would have such a strong devilish energy?

It seems that the inside is indeed the demon ancestor Luo Hu, no doubt…

The power of the demon ancestor is really terrifying…

“This is the end of playing with me!”

“By the way, go back and tell your master that unless you give the Lord of Heavenly Dao to the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor will not leave the Primordial Land!”


A harsh voice came from a distance, scared Haotian ran back to Zixiao Palace.

At this time, Chen Sheng inside the house heard some movement outside, called “Black Lotus” a few times, and did not reply for a long time. He had no choice but to go and see what happened.

Slowly walked to the door and looked around. There was no one but Black Lotus, but there were indeed signs of fighting on the ground.

“Black Lotus, what happened?”

“Oh, sir, why are you here!”

Unlike the cold and fierce before, Luo Hui second changed his face and became extraordinarily well-behaved and sensible in the face of Chen Sheng.

“Calling you to ignore me several times, I just came out by myself.”

“Master, this is just a little bit, it’s not worth your distraction.”

“Really? Nothing really happened? I think the movement is quite big.”

“It’s really nothing, don’t worry, sir.”

“It’s just that the guy who was beaten by you before sent someone to ask you for peace.”

When Luo Hui said this, Chen Sheng remembered it.

Just the one who owed it before!

How dare you send someone to ask for peace?

Please bullshit!

Sum up? Climb for the Lord!

Chen Sheng was very satisfied with Hei Lian’s treatment, patted Hei Lian on the shoulder, and smiled.

“here you go!”

“It should be like this when facing this kind of person, give it a big beating!”

“Stay for peace?”

“They will come again in the future, just throw them out!”

For such bad people, there is no need to show mercy!


Hei Lian was also very pleased to receive praise from the master, and nodded vigorously.

So the two returned to Immortal Cave and continued to live a leisurely little life…

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