Chapter 179: Capture the Bamboo Shoots!

“Master, is it…what’s wrong?”

“Dage…I mean Taiqing Sage looks very open and easy-going, and he is also very good for the Master Tongtian, not like someone who can do such things…”

Listening to this, Chen Sheng couldn’t help but sneered.

“Why are you as stupid as Tongtian?”

“Taiqing, daddy is magnanimous and easy-going?”

“Don’t be funny! He is a smiling tiger, superficial and secretive. The thing that pits the sky the most is his good Dage-Taiqing daddy, he thinks of many tricks to damage the sky!”

“Grab the bamboo shoots!”

Tongtian seemed to have been struck by thunder, and was stunned in the same place.

He couldn’t believe that what Chen Sheng said was true, and he was unwilling to accept this fact.

“How could Taiqing Sage…”

“No, it’s impossible…”

“There must be something wrong…”

“Do not believe?”

Seeing Tongtian repeatedly questioning own words, Chen Sheng was a little annoyed.

What he said is obviously true, so why do you keep not believing it?

Still deceiving yourself and others!

In that case, he let this stupid apprentice take a good look at the true face of Taiqing daddy, so as to completely eliminate the illusion of this stupid apprentice.

Chen Sheng smiled and raised his slender, white fingers, and swiped them gently into the air.

I saw a long river suddenly appeared in the sky where there was nothing.

This long river is formed by dense clusters of small stars, and there are many clocks rotating on it, some fast and some slow.

If you look closely, you will find that this long river is actually made up of many small fragments.

From the beginning of Pangu’s creation, to the Dragon and the Lord’s Measurement of Tribulation, to the Lich’s Measurement of Tribulation, and then to the later Conferred God’s Measurement of Tribulation and Journey to the West, you can find relevant fragments in it.

The sky was clearly shaken.

“This, this… Isn’t this… the rumored long river of time and space?!”

The long river of time and space is the most fantasy existence in the great wilderness. It is a very miraculous existence that can be traced back to the past and present, and to predict the future.

It contains profound and profound power, which is a bit more Fantasy than Three Thousand Daoyun, which is incomprehensible.

At this time, it is said that only the avenue Sage can be drawn at will, so it seems that Master is a real cow!

In the meantime, Chen Sheng intercepted a lot of pictures about the Tongtian period from the long river of time and space, placed them in front of Tongtian, and spoke lightly.

“Then you can take a good look and see if what I said is true or false.”

Picture after picture began to play automatically like a movie.

The first is the screen of Conferring God and Volume of Tribulation, and the picture scroll slowly opens.

In the picture, everyone gathers in the Purple Heaven Hall. The ancestor Hongjun first clarified the intention of calling everyone here.

“Today, Huan’er is waiting for this God to measure the calamity.”

“Fenging the gods and weighing the robbery?”

Everyone felt very puzzled.

“What is Conferred God and Volume Tribulation?”

“There are three hundred and sixty-five gods in the vacancy in the heavens, and now the Three Realms needs to send someone to fill it. I wonder if you wait a moment?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone retreated one after another.

Yuanshi Tianzun: “Master, it’s no good. Everyone in my interpretation is talented. How can I be sent to the list and become a slave to the realm of heaven?”

The second sage of the West: “This, this…this is nothing to do with the West, right?”

Nuwa: “I have no disciples.”

Taiqing daddy: “Master, I only have one disciple from Xuandu, no one can come to the court like the third brother Tongtian, this is absolutely not!”

It is precisely because Taiqing daddy mentioned Tongtian that everyone has pointed the finger at Tongtian.

“Master, I think it will work! With so many disciples of Junior Brother Tongtian, filling these three hundred and sixty-five gods should be a piece of cake, right?”

“That is, Junior Brother Tongtian has many disciples, so we should do more for this!”

The next second, as soon as the screen turned, Tongtian saw him in the screen being pressed and signed by Taiqing Daddy, Yuanshi Tianzun and others, and there was no resistance to it.

The ancestor Hongjun, who was sitting on the main seat, said silently to all this, tacitly acquiescing in the behavior of Daddy, Yuanshi and others.

Seeing this, Tong Tian felt a burst of anger due to his brother’s betrayal, and his whole person couldn’t help shivering.

How can they do this to themselves! !

I have always treated my two elder brothers with my sincere heart. In the end, the one who hurt me the most, wished I would die sooner than the two elder brothers who were closest to each other? !

The heart stabbed for no reason, and his eyes gradually became cold.

“Ha ha……”

Tongtian couldn’t help but sneered, feeling inexplicably ironic.

He treats people sincerely, but he ends up like this?

It really deserves to be my “good brother”.

“anything else.”

Chen Sheng slipped his hand and another picture appeared in front of Tongtian.

As soon as I got off the mountain, Jiejiao was surrounded by the long-planned interpretation of the teaching, the people’s education and the Western religious groups.

“Brother Dage, what do you mean?”

“Do you really want to destroy Little Brother’s teachings?”

“The third brother, we don’t want to…”

Daddy looked embarrassed.

“But… our other teachers really can’t take out extra disciples, so I have to wrong my third brother…”

“Dage, what nonsense with him?”

Yuanshi Tianzun is still that Yuanshi Tianzun, arrogant and rude.

“This omnipotent has no kind of teaching, and it recruits some wet and egg-shaped generations! It is their blessing for these people to be on the list of gods, Dage need not feel guilty for it!”

“Everyone listens to the order! Give it to the deity!”

Following Yuanshi Tianzun’s order, the mighty disciples of the teachings went up to Jin’ao Island. The disciples were killed on the list, and the disciples of the teachings did not stop them, and they swarmed in.

Seeing the Wuyangyang crowd rushing towards Jin’ao Island like crazy, Tongtian immediately ordered to go down.

“All the disciples listened to the order and set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!!!”

The Wanxian Formation was developed by Tongtian and Wanxian in order to cope with such emergencies.

The usually well-trained disciples of Jiediao quickly set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Array.

“As expected to be my disciple, it is reliable!”

Seeing this off the screen, Tong Tian couldn’t help but raised his thumbs in admiration.

But Tongtian never expected that the Ten Thousand Immortal Array would be broken!

“Master, isn’t this Ten Thousand Immortal Array invincible? Why was it broken?!”

The sky was full of shock and disbelief.

“You take a good look.”

Tongtian went back and took a closer look, and found that Chang Er Ding Guangxian had betrayed him.

At the critical moment of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, he handed over the Formation Eyes and Six Soul Banners, which led to the destruction of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and countless thousands of immortals were killed and sent to the Conferred God List.

In the picture, countless disciples uttered heartbreaking screams, and even stumped limbs flew horizontally with blood flowing. In a short while, Jin’ao Island was bloody, and corpses were everywhere.

The cut-off teaching is annihilated!

Although Tongtian didn’t experience it personally, the scenes seemed so real, and his hearts were pulled together-so painful!

And all this is thanks to own “good brothers”! !

The picture did not stop, it continued.

The Tongtian in the picture almost collapsed after seeing the destruction of Jijiao with his own eyes, and attempted to blew himself up with the others.

“Waiting to destroy my religion, I want Laer to be buried with me!!”

Just when Tongtian was about to explode, the ancestor Hongjun descended from the sky.

I thought that Dao Zu was here to preside over justice for himself, who ever thought Dao Zu was in the same group with them!


The sharp exit stopped Tongtian.

Then, under the threat of the Falling Holy Pill and the cooperation of everyone, he forcibly took Tongtian away and was imprisoned forever…

Take the bamboo shoots! !

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