Chapter 177 A good cat can catch a mouse!

On the other side, Shouyang Mountain.

Since the separation of the three families, daddy has settled here with his disciple Xuandu.

While Yuanshi Tianzun settled in Yuxu Palace, Tongtian settled on Jin’ao Island.

After the separation, Taiqing daddy worries every night, and is always entangled by a problem.

Is it right to prove Taoism by virtue?

Because of this, he almost wanted to break his head, but there was still no result.

It stands to reason that he, as a Tianding Daoist, should absolutely believe in Heavenly Dao, believe in the ancestor of Hongjun, and should not doubt Heavenly Dao casually.

But the excitement that Tongtian gave him is too great!

If it’s not a matter of merits and proving the Dao, then why their Heavenly Destined Sage is no better than a quasi-sage pinnacle?

If it’s not a question of merit and proving the Dao, then why did they cultivate so much ascension for so long, but the ascension of genius cultivation is so fast in just a few years?

Not only is the law of kendo ascension, the strength of Cultivation Base is also breakthrough again and again, it is really terrifying!

After thinking about it again and again, Daddy decided to go to the Purple Heaven Hall.

He must ask this matter clearly, otherwise he will not be able to sleep peacefully and be tortured by it all the time!

Zixiao Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun was still angry about Sanqing’s arrogant claim to separate his own family, so he heard Haotian report it.

“What’s the matter?”

“Hui Daozu, someone outside the door wants to see you.”

The ancestor Hongjun is annoying at the moment, how can he want to meet guests?

He gave Haotian a coldly.

“not see.”

Haotian was trembling with fright by this Death stare, and he crawled and ran outside the door.

“Okay, Daozu, I will return Taiqing Sage for you…”

“Wait, who?”

The ancestor Hongjun keenly caught the four words “Taiqing Sage” and quickly stopped Haotian who was about to go out.

“Back, Hui Daozu, it’s Taiqing Sage…”

“Taiqing daddy…”

Okay, the deity didn’t even look for you, you came here by yourself!

That being the case, then this fight is definitely inevitable!

“Yes, Daozu, it’s Taiqing Daddy Sage, what’s wrong?”

“Bring him in.”

Haotian:? ? ?

Play with me!

I asked me to drive him out one second before, saying no; why would I bring him back in the next second?

It’s really a companion like a tiger…

Seeing Haotian stunned in place and not taking any action, Hongjun’s ancestor couldn’t help but say something.

“Have an opinion? Is it enough to live?”

The ghostly voice of the ancestor Hongjun frightened Haotian and he knelt to the ground.

“No objection, no objection… The younger one will go and bring Taiqing Sage in to Daozu…”

After a while, Taiqing Daddy was brought in.

“Meet Dao Ancestor!”

Daddy bowed respectfully. He heard a muffled sound of “boom” when he was about to get up, and then a big bag suddenly bulged on his head, and there was a tingling pain.

“Master, Master, what does this mean?”

After playing Taiqing daddy, the ancestor Hongjun felt a little more relaxed and sat back on his seat.

“Taiqing, think about why the deity beat you?”

daddy:? ? ?

Master, don’t you tell me how do I know?

“The disciple is dull, I really can’t think of why the master suddenly beat the disciple.”

“Tai Qing, Tai Qing, the matter of the separation of families in San Qing has spread throughout the entire prehistoric land!”

“No one knows the entire predicament, no one knows it, and it even becomes everyone’s laughing stock.”

“As the head of the Sanqing, not only did you fail to prevent this tragedy from happening in time, but you also let it happen. Where did you put the face of Sanqing? Where did you put the face of the deity?”

“You said the deity should hit you?”

daddy: It turns out that Master is angry about this!

However, I did not handle this matter properly, and it is understandable for Master to make such a big fire.

After all, that’s a holy face!

“That’s right, the disciple didn’t think about it, and caused the Master’s holy face to be damaged, so we should really fight!”

With that said, Taiqing daddy slapped himself twice to dispel the anger of the ancestor Hongjun.

Seeing this, the ancestor Hongjun lost his anger, and then asked.

“Is there something you are looking for as a teacher when you come to the Zixiao Palace today?”

“I really have a question to ask the teacher. This question has troubled me for a long time, and I can’t understand it all day long.”

“Just ask.”

“Dare to ask Master, is the proof of merit the weakest?”

When this question came out, the ancestor Hongjun was obviously shocked and shocked.

Why does Taiqing daddy suddenly ask this?

Could it be possible that he also found something?

You must know that this meritorious sermon is the best sermon method for Heavenly Dao to control Sage!

This is why I always encourage and teach my disciples this kind of preaching method. It is convenient for them to be controlled by Heavenly Dao, so that they are under their own, and will always be controlled by Heavenly Dao and themselves.

I thought a lot in my heart, but my face was calm.

“Why ask?”

“The disciple just thinks that the cultivation of this merit is too slow…”

“But through the sky with power to prove the Dao, he can advance by leaps and bounds, and cultivate so quickly, that’s why my disciples are puzzled.”

The sky?

It’s Tongtian again!

The ancestor Hongjun squinted his eyes.

A Tongtian and a Nuwa are restless pawns!

Delusion to get rid of the chessboard, get rid of the chess pieces bound by Heavenly Dao!

I thought it was just a few small ants, insignificant and difficult to achieve.

Unexpectedly, these elusive people are actually constantly influencing other people in the land, and now even Taiqing Daddy, a sober and sensible person who is usually so clear and sensible, is almost poisoned by it!

Seriously Damn it!

Even if they question Heavenly Dao themselves, why don’t they ask others to question it together?

“Ahem, it’s so clear.”

“This…there are just a few roads to sanctification. How can they be strong or weak?”

“It is success to be sanctified. As the saying goes, no matter black cat or white cat, the one who can catch mice is a good cat.”

Hearing what Hongjun ancestor said, Taiqing daddy’s doubts were mostly dispelled, but he still expressed doubts.

“Master, is there really no strength or weakness?”

“Of course not. After being sanctified, everyone’s strength is the same, and the rest is time. The earlier you become sanctified, the longer the sanctification time, the stronger your strength will be.”

“You see as a teacher and you are a good example.”

Taiqing Daddy thinks this is reasonable, but this rhetoric does not apply to Tongtian!

He is Taiqing. Daddy is obviously earlier than Tongtian to be sanctified. Besides, Tongtian hasn’t been sanctified yet. Why does he think he can’t beat Tongtian?

“Master, that Tongtian…”

Hearing this, the ancestor Hongjun spoke somberly and coldly.

“Tongtian, Nuwa and others have been invaded by demonic energy. The cultivation is definitely not a good way of proof!”

“That kind of Dao method will be all the rage for a while. Those terrifying breakthrough speeds are just illusions. Once you are sanctified, you will be punished by heaven over time.”

“Heaven’s punishment is not not reporting, it’s just that the hour has not arrived.”

“So if you go back, you still have to cultivate merits and proving Dao, which is very good for your future Cultivation Base breakthrough!”

Hearing what Hongjun ancestor said, Taiqing daddy completely dispelled his doubts and felt that Master was right.

So he bid farewell to the ancestor Hongjun and returned to Shouyang Mountain.

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