Chapter 166 The Fight Has Been Cool!

Zhunti and Daddy couldn’t help crying when they saw Taiqing’s shocked reaction.

Oops, it’s cool to be supported by someone!

Now they are backed by seniors, even if they are too clear, what can daddy be reluctant to do?

Isn’t it just holding back?

This is too clear. Daddy relies on the heels and feet to be better than them. If they are stronger than them, they are arrogant to them. They have long been displeased with each other!

It’s so pleasing to see him being so angry now, and it’s a relief!

Seeing Zhunti and Jiu’s screaming appearance, Taiqing Daddy was once again irritated.

These two bald donkeys… really owe them to clean up!

Relying on someone supporting him and swaying in front of him?

Don’t look at how many catties you are?

Dare to provoke him too clear daddy?

It’s so mad at him!

Taiqing Daddy was so angry that his seven orifices gave rise to blue smoke, and the three corpses jumped into thunder, and rushed directly in front of the two who were snickering.

He lifted two slaps, and slapped them one hand one at a time.

Two loud noises of “Papa” sounded in the human race, and swollen handprints quickly appeared on the faces of Zhunti and Liying, accompanied by a fiery pain.

Zhunti and Jioyin painfully covered the half of the face that was beaten, eyes full of shock and anger.

What kind of wind does this daddy smoke?

How dare you hit them?

They are backed by the senior, isn’t it too clear that Daddy is not afraid?

“This person’s palm is to beat you for disrespectful elders! How do you say this deity is also your named senior brother, how can you allow you to slander you like this?”

“Taiqing daddy, you!”

As soon as Zhunti and Jiuying were about to question, Taiqing daddy slapped again, and the two of them screamed “Aoao”.

“This second palm is because you don’t respect your brother’s orders!”

“The deity kindly persuades Er Deng to leave the Human Race, but Er Deng insists on preaching in the Human Race! It is really time to fight in vain of Brother Gu Ben’s order!”

Zhun mention:? ? ?

Access:? ? ?

Good words to persuade?

Are you afraid that people are getting old and confused?

The front is clearly abusive to drive them out, so how can you persuade them?

And if you want to hit them, just say, where are so many excuses?

Seeing Taiqing daddy still wanted to slap them, Zhunti and the lead couldn’t bear it, so he directly summoned Qibao Miaoshu and Bodhi, and stared at Taiqing daddy viciously.

“Taiqing daddy, no matter what you say today, we will never leave the human race!”

“Yes! This way… we have set it up!”

“Huh! Overwhelming!”

Taiqing Daddy also summoned Panlong and squat, his eyes showed a cold killing intent.

What if there is senior backing behind these two goods?

He didn’t believe that the senior would really come out for them in person!

It is estimated that these two bald donkeys went to visit the senior. In fact, they are not very familiar with the senior. They just used this gimmick to scare themselves!

Are you really scared?

These two bald donkeys have a backstage, doesn’t he have it?

You must know that his daddy is Heavenly Dao Sage!

Behind him is the ancestor Hongjun, the entire Heavenly Dao, and even the entire prehistoric world.

He didn’t believe that senior would really be an enemy of the entire prehistoric for these two things!

Zhun mentioning and receiving introductions to Taiqing Daddy was distracted for a moment, seized the gap and pinched, and took the lead!

“Seven Treasure Tree!”


The two gave an order.

In the blink of an eye, the Seven Treasure Tree was transformed into a huge sturdy vine, exuding strong Spirit Power.

But Bodhi took root as soon as it landed, and in a blink of an eye it grew into a towering tree in front of Taiqing daddy.

The tree is eight feet high, the leaves are like a bed, and the branches are as strong as Optimus Prime, as if it could pierce the sky in the next second.


With an order, Qibao Miaoshu went to Taiqing Daddy.

The sturdy cane is like a giant python, opening its blood basin and opening its mouth towards Taiqing Daddy.

At the same time, the relics that were as hard as iron on the Bodhi Tree also fell one after another, shooting towards the Taiqing daddy like a machine gun.

Facing this difficult Qibao tree and the dense relics attack, Taiqing daddy also threw the Panlong crutches.

Panlong crutches can lift up the heaven and earth, cross the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, pull away the bones of the universe, and turn out of the Vientiane Forest. The body contains boundless magic power to show the avenue.

As soon as Panlong came out, the power of countless great avenues immersed in it, and a thick protective cover immediately gathered in front of Daddy Taiqing.

The Panlong Squat is the key center of the protective cover!

With a loud “bang”, Qibao Miaoshu ran into the thick protective cover, almost breaking the tree vine.

Then there is the “crackling” sound of relics…

The terrifying potential energy exploded in the entire human territory, the world trembled, and the space was violently shaken by the explosion.

The space shook and the earth shook.

A loud sound like thunderous ears sounded from the human race, resounding throughout the entire prehistoric life, and the eardrums of the prehistoric creatures were sore that they even blasted directly into bleeding.

The many great abilities of the predecessor began to be surprised again.

Why did you fight again?

Fighting with Sage is just like playing, fighting as soon as they say fighting, without giving them any mental preparation!

Sage has a good fight for a while, and always has a good fight!

I’m afraid this is not addicted to fighting!

Zixiao Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun said that his brain was very painful.

Why does the holy light appear in the human race of Shouyang Mountain?

Taiqing, daddy actually fought with the two western sages?

Are these three people idle?

Are you boring to find something to do?

Can you fight in Terran territory?

His apprentices really don’t let him worry!

Everyone suffers from the serious illness. If there is nothing to do, you have to fight, and you have to fight inwardly!

If you don’t fight for a day, you’ll feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable!

One day is peaceful, so annoying!

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian naturally also discovered the huge movement of the human race.

Both are incredible.


Dage actually fought with the Western Two Saints in the human realm?

“Dage has always been sensible, why is he so confused today?”

“It must be the western bald ass that angered Dage and forced Dage to take action!”

Yuanshi Tianzun stared bitterly at the holy light from the human race.

“I really don’t understand why Dage suddenly went to the Human Race and got into such two troubles, making him so dangerous now!”

Tongtian said nothing about this, he chose to remain silent.

Although he was not happy with the Western Two Saints, he knew that if the Western Two Saints were fighting, they would definitely not be Dage’s opponents, so the two of them would not take the initiative to provoke a war.

Unless it’s… forced helpless…

It’s better not to speak…or Yuanshi Tianzun will talk again…

“Tongtian, why don’t you speak? Don’t you agree with what I said?”

Facing Yuanshi Tianzun’s questioning, Tongtian remained silent, and simply closed his eyes for cultivation.

He didn’t want to say anything against his heart!

Of course he doesn’t want to cause trouble!

After all, he is still a quasi-sage, if he wants to fight, he is afraid that he is not the opponent of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Instead of caring about these things, it is better to seize the time to cultivate and strive to prove the Dao sanctification as soon as possible!

Seeing that Tongtian ignored himself, Yuanshitian was extremely energetic.

“You! I think you are completely hopeless after being invaded by demonic energy!”

“Even Dage is in danger and doesn’t feel moved at all!”

“Fine, the deity should go and help Dage by himself!”

Having said that, Yuanshi Tianzun flew away angrily…

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