Chapter 161 Little Grass, Little Grass, Let Go!

The West is booming? !

I am very pleased to hear the quasi mention and the introduction.

Since even senior said so, it shows that it is extremely feasible to go to the human race in the West!

The luck of the human race will even feed back Western religions, which will make Western religions flourish and the West will flourish.

This method is feasible, and it can even make the West flourish. How can they not like it?

“Senior, really?”

Chen Sheng: Here comes again…

Every time…

I like to ask some weird questions, but I don’t believe it when I answer it myself.

Chen Sheng’s face was cold.

“believe it or not.”

“Believe it! Of course! It’s true that senior said so badly!”

“Yes, yes! Thank you senior for pointing out and answering our doubts!”

Zhunti and the interviewer saw that Chen Sheng’s face was not good and immediately smiled flatteringly, and began to slap Chen Sheng’s flattery.

Sure enough, no one in this world doesn’t like to listen to flattery!

Even though Chen Sheng was angry for a moment in front of him, he disappeared under the assault of the second sage of the West.

Seeing that Chen Sheng’s expression improved, Zhunzi and the lead seized the opportunity, and immediately spoke.

“Um, senior… Western churches may need your support if they want to preach in the human race…”

Now this Chen Sheng is the boss of Yangshan, and even Nuwa listens to his words, let alone this human race.

If Chen Sheng’s consent is obtained, wouldn’t the Daoist tribe in the Western teachings be unimpeded?

On the contrary, if Chen Sheng and Nuwa are guarding the human race without the consent of Chen Sheng, then it will be even more difficult for Western religions to preach to the human race!

Chen Sheng knew it well after hearing it.

Do you dare to feel that these two are sent by the Western Two Saints to persuade own?

Want to succeed in making Western Daoist tribe by yourself?

The Western cloth Daoist tribe is good for the West to promote the prosperity of the West, and for the human race, it is also good for the luck of the Ascension race.

Is this a win-win situation? Very good, very good…

Thinking about this, Chen Sheng nodded.

“I think this is feasible.”

“But Human Race is not my master after all, I’m just a little big Luo.”

Two Western Saints: You are here again. Even Nuwa Empress listens to you. Who is the master if you don’t?

Also, where are you a little big Luo?

You are obviously a hermit, Sage…

Seeing that Zhunti didn’t speak, Chen Sheng thought they were frustrated because they couldn’t be the master, so he immediately explained.

“Don’t be sad. Although the Human Race cannot be the master, you can talk to the Sui Ren clan, and he can be the master on behalf of the entire Human Race.”

Hearing this, Zhun mentioning and receiving the lead were ecstatic, and immediately thanked Chen Sheng.

“It’s so good!”

“Thanks senior!”

After speaking, the two of them left happily.

Shouyang Mountain.


Zhunti led the two to come here with colorful auspicious clouds with joy, and they were spotted by Nine Swords Stargrass as soon as they stepped into the territory of the human race.

“Who is here!”

There was a coldly voice, and Zhunqiang was obviously taken aback.

“who is it?”

The two looked around, but they didn’t see a half figure.

Damn it!

Who is talking before?

“I want to ask you something!”

Coldly’s voice came again, this time there was clearly a hint of discomfort in the voice.

Nine swords star pattern grass: These two people, dare to ignore his question?

Simply presumptuous!

Zhun mention:? ? ?

Access:? ? ?

Where did the sound come from?

Obviously there are no people in the surrounding area?

“Where do you look!”

The two of them looked for a while and didn’t pay attention to their feet. This was simply disrespect and insult to his Nine Swords and Star Pattern!

This time, Zhunqiu and the pick-up heard the direction of the voice clearly, and it was actually coming from under his feet.

When he took a look, he saw a blade of grass standing upright, even if he didn’t pay attention, he thought it was a weed!

“Brother, is this… a blade of grass?”

Zhunti expressed his shock at this.

Weeds have become fine these years!

“Bold grass, do you know who we are? We are the second sage of the West-Zhunti, take the lead!”

Thinking of their dignified Sage body, they were actually blocked by a blade of grass? ?

A broken grass is also worthy to stop them?

What a shame!

“Who is in charge of this nine swords? Even if it is Sage, you must first ask about the meaning of this nine swords before entering the human territory, with the consent of this nine swords!”

Hearing what Jiujian Xingwencao said, it was sure to provoke an anger into the sky.

Their Sage descends on the Terran, it is simply the honor of the Terran!

These Nine Swords despise them so much, and don’t put them in the eyes, Damn it!

Quasi came up with a violent temper, and directly hit the Nine Sword Star Pattern Grass with a blow.

He has to tidy up this unknowingly thick grass today!

“Seven Treasure Tree!”

Zhunti took out the Magic Treasures Seven Treasure Tree, turned it into a thick vine, and waved it towards the Nine Swords Stargrass!

Jiujian Xingwen’s eyes became cold, and he smiled disdainfully.

Haha, little bugs!

With his Nine Swords Stargrass here, you still want to break through?


The Nine Sword Stargrass stretched out its leaves, and the cold Sword Ray radiated out, blocking the attack of the Qibao Miaoshu.

At the same time, this horrible Sword intent trapped them by taking advantage of the inadequacy and completely blocked their way.

Nine swords star pattern grass: This strength…not as good as before…

Zhunti and the lead also didn’t expect that they would be cleaned up by a blade of grass, and immediately showed an expression of embarrassment and resentment, and the whole person was so ashamed that they wanted to find a hole to get in.

This stern Sword intent is actually so similar to Broken Sword?

“Say! What do you want to do in Terran Territory? What’s the matter?”

Nine swords star pattern grass coldly looked at the Zhun Ti and the lead in front of him, the two of them were not friendly and peaceful at first sight.

Still want to force it?

This is the end!

“Fellow daoist, this is all a misunderstanding…”

The lead was so restrained by Sword Qi that he couldn’t move, and immediately explained.

“We are here because the senior asked us to come…”

“The senior?”

The Nine Swords Star Pattern was stunned.

Which senior?

Make it clear!

“It’s the senior who owns the broken sword.”

After saying that, Jiujian Xingwencao was shocked.

Actually the master made them come?

How could the master let this kind of person come to Terran?

Seeing it, Stargrass’s expression moved slightly, and he continued to explain.

“Fellow daoist, I think you really misunderstood. We are definitely not here to lead the war. It is the senior who asked us to find the Sui Ren clan to share the Daoist clan in the West.”

Do you still know Sui Renshi?

Western cloth Daoist?

Is it really sent by the master?

At the same time, Chen gave birth to Immortal Cave.

Chen Sheng was just about to drink tea after watching the two western sages leave, and suddenly slapped his head.

“Oh, why did I forget Xiaocao!”

“He is garrisoning the human race now, acting as the protector of the human race, what if he doesn’t let those two in?”

“Oops, I forgot to let him know!”

Although the Nine Swords Stargrass Cultivation Base is not high and the strength is not strong, it is better than those two!

Those two people are really good at cooking, and they can be seen a little bit with their feet. If they meet Xiaocao, won’t they be beaten?

Luo Hui: Nine Swords Stargrass? Then they must be cleaned up…

Chen Sheng said that it was too late and it was fast, and immediately spread the voice to Jiujian Xingwencao from a thousand miles away.

At this moment, the nine swords star pattern grass was thinking, but suddenly received a voice transmission from Chen Sheng.

“Xiaocao, I did let these two people pass, let them go.”

Nine Swords Stargrass: It was really let by the master…


So Nine Swords Stargrass harvested Sword Qi, and released the Second Sage of the West.

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