Chapter 156 Fuxi Angrily Beats Hongjun’s Running Dog!

Fuxi, who was standing next to Nuwa, naturally listened to the conversation between Nuwa and the ancestors, without missing a single detail.

“Little Sister, what did the ancestor witch say before?”

“Dijun broke the contract openly? Did he hurt Dijiang seriously?!”

He knew that Dijun was trying to annihilate the Ancestral Witch, but he really didn’t know why the two groups of Lich fought well.

But now he Fuxi knows everything!

It’s no wonder that the ancestors in front of the witches looked angry and cast unkind eyes on the monster race. It turned out that it was Di Jun’s rat shit that broke the whole pot of porridge and lowered the grade of the monster race!

How could their monster race be such a person who said nothing? !

Although the demon race has a lot of thoughts, not as single-minded as the witch race, it is definitely not their noble demon race to break the contract openly and say nothing!

At this time, seeing all the mighty powers gradually dispersed, Broken Sword also left.

After all, it was dispatched by the owner to protect Nuwa.

Now that the ancestors of Hongjun and Erqing are gone, and Nuwa Sage’s crisis has been resolved, there is no need for it to stay here any more, so as not to make a bad luck, it is better to return to the master as soon as possible.

The more Fuxi thought, the more angry, if Di Jun hadn’t gotten his mind to do such a stupid thing, how could it cause a series of things to follow?

Now the Wu Clan Dijiang is seriously injured, but the Yao Clan is not much better!

Not only was Heaven Court bombed, but the demon race killed and injured countless, this wave of blood loss!

Fuxi, who was not angry, rushed directly to Di Jun, picked up his collar and yelled at him.

“Look at what you did!”

Di Jun, who was sprayed by Fuxi’s saliva star, looked ugly, and his anger soared.

“Fuxi, are you sick?”

Is there something wrong with Fuxi? Suddenly he picked him up and asked him inexplicably, confusing him.

what are you looking?

What did he do?

“Is I sick or are you sick?”

“What have you done you don’t have any points in your mind?”

“There will be today’s ending, it is all thanks to you!”

Di Jun still looked blank.

A bunch of Sage fights, it’s his shit?

This Fuxi feces basin can really be buckled indiscriminately!

“Fuxi, this emperor is also a demon emperor anyway! If you dare to be disrespectful to this emperor, don’t blame the emperor for acting against you!”

Seeing that Emperor Jun had no intention of remorse, and he was even more upright, Fuxi went even further, and slapped him directly.


The crisp sound rang through the entire Heaven Court, and Di Jun was drawn so that his head buzzed, and the whole person couldn’t distinguish the north, south, east and west.

Suddenly, five bright red finger prints appeared on Di Jun’s face, and he felt a burning pain on his face. After he staggered, Di Jun came over.

“Fuxi, you!”

“You dignified demon emperor broke the contract openly and seriously injured the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, you still have reason?”

“If it hadn’t been for you to come out like this, the two families of the Lich would be well, and the two clans would be peaceful and peaceful. There would be no subsequent Lich War, let alone the ancestors of the Second Qing Dynasty!”

“If they don’t come, people who pass Heavenly Dao will not invite Broken Sword senior out of the mountain; Broken Sword senior will not come out of the mountain, Heaven Court will not be destroyed, and the Demon Race will not be damaged!”

“So the demon race ended up today because of your gift!”

Fu Xi’s mouth shot completely blasted Di Jun into a daze, and he couldn’t even speak his words.

Because Fuxi’s sentence is reasonable, looking at it this way… it seems that it is indeed his fault?

“Emperor Jun, Di Jun, why did you break the contract because of your brains? If you didn’t break the contract, wouldn’t it be all right?”

Facing Fuxi’s questioning, Di Jun hesitated to answer because of how bad he was.

“Broken the contract…that is, that is because…”

“Because Dao Ancestor promised me, as long as… as long as the Witch Clan is destroyed, I can be granted a holy throne… and let me enter the land.”

The corners of Fuxi’s mouth twitched.

Dijun, are you stupid? !

You believe in such a nonsense excuse? ?

I think you are caught in the door, so you believe Hongjun’s nonsense to do this kind of thing!

“Di Jun, Di Jun, do you believe the nonsense of old dog Hongjun?”

Listening to this, Kunpeng on the side could not sit still, and quickly retorted.

“Old dog Hongjun? Please show the Emperor Xi to respect Daozu!”

“This is the prehistoric! It is the prehistoric Dao ancestor, the predominance of Heavenly Dao! Even if you are Emperor Xi, you can’t be so presumptuous and unreasonable to Dao ancestor!”

“So maintaining Hongjun old dog? Haha.”

Fuxi sneered and glared at Kunpeng.

“You’re afraid that you are not the running dog of Hongjun old dog!”

A word directly cursed both of them.

Kunpeng’s face was blue with anger, and he answered with confidence.

“Our primordial beings naturally have to listen to Dao Ancestor’s words, follow Dao Ancestor’s orders, and follow Heavenly Dao. His Majesty Emperor Jun has done nothing wrong, he just did what he should do!”

“On the contrary, what qualifications do you people who have been bewitched by the evil spirits and spirits have to question His Majesty?”

“His Majesty Dijun following Heavenly Dao is saving the demon race in disguise! And you, every day think of rebelling against the ancestor Hongjun, and going against Heavenly Dao, this is what really pushes the demon race into the abyss!”

Fuxi heard this in his heart.

He just said that Di Jun had agreed to live in peace with the Wu Clan before, but he broke the contract in a blink of an eye.

I think I must have been bewitched by Kunpeng, a damn old dog, to do this messy thing!

This damn Kunpeng, it is crazy to take the life of the entire monster race to block it!

If you don’t give a good lesson today, you will be more likely to harm the Lich race again in the future!

Fuxi swept the tail abruptly, and tripped Kunpeng with a “shoo”.

When his center of gravity was unstable, Fuxi quickly came to Kunpeng and knocked him off with a punch.

Kunpeng fell heavily to the ground, with a broken tooth.

Fu Xi was still unsure of her anger, so she flew directly and pressed it up, violently beating Kunpeng!

An iron fist was smashed, and Kunpeng was instantly beaten with gold stars in his eyes and deaf in his ears.

“Fuxi! I… how can I say that I am also a demon teacher, dare? Do you dare…”

Before he finished speaking, another iron fist fell, and Kunpeng’s right side of his face instantly swelled up and it hurts fiercely.

“Monster? Do you also know that you are a member of the Monster Race? Then you are still doing your own way, regardless of the life and death of the Monster Race?”

“I didn’t…”

“Still sophistry?”

Several more fists fell heavily, making Kunpeng scream.

“stop fighting……”

“Do you know who I am? I am the person next to Dao Ancestor… Fuxi, you insist on this, Dao Ancestor will not let you go!”

It’s okay if Kunpeng doesn’t talk about it, and when he talks about Fuxi, it makes him even more angry.

Huh, Hongjun’s lackey?

Admit it?

Then he can’t easily let go of Kunpeng!

“You dare to be Hongjun’s running dog, you are looking for death!!”

You know, if Hongjun hadn’t tricked him in the dark, he would not be dazzled in the future!

And the humanity that originally belonged to Nuwa would not be crushed by Heavenly Dao!

The Yaozu will not be wiped out so quickly, with heavy casualties!

In a sense, Hongjun is the annihilation of their monster race, and even his Fuxi’s enemy!

And this Kunpeng is actually Hongjun’s running dog, secretly helping Hongjun?

How can he bear it? !

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