Chapter 149 Broken Sword VS Hongjun Ancestor! ?

Seeing that the good words and good words were incapable of speaking, the ancestor Hongjun directly threatened Duanjian, trying to get some information about Luohu from it.

“If you want to add a crime, why don’t you have any trouble?”

Broken Sword didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, so he chose to shoot directly!


Twitter is so annoying!

With a violent wave of the broken sword, the powerful Sword Qi burst out in an instant.

Thunder and lightning suddenly flashed, and the wind screamed.

A terrifying Sword Qi wave swept across the entire wilderness, and all creatures that touched it were cut off, instantly turned into nothing, and wiped out in this wild world!

Three thousand rhymes were evident during the period, and Earth Fire water and wind shook them.

It was another violent blow, and Hong Huang was beaten to the ground again!

And the ancestor Hongjun obviously did not expect Broken Sword to attack suddenly, using his whole body strength to resist the sword.


Although the Spirit Power group of the ancestor Hongjun blocked this sword, the Sword Qi of Broken Sword was not a vegetarian, and Yu Bo still injured the ancestor of Hongjun.

What a strong Sword Qi!

The ancestor Hongjun was angry.

“Do you dare to be so to this seat?”

“This seat is the first person in the wild, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao-Hongjun ancestor!”

“So? Can the first person in the primordial land pour dirty water without evidence?”

Broken Sword retorted sharply.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone began to talk about Hongjun’s ancestor again.

“That’s right, the old ancestor Hongjun kept saying that Nuwa Empress and Tong Heavenly Dao are in the same group as the devil ancestor, but he didn’t see any evidence from him…”

“Just so, it seems that I can only talk about it…”

“I didn’t expect Dao Zu to be this kind of person… Do you think it was the super strength of Nuwa who was afraid of using the world to prove the truth, so he spread rumors and slandered Nuwa?”

“It may be possible…”

All these unbearable remarks were heard all over the sky, and they were immediately furious!

These walls are grassy, ​​the wind blows on both sides!

He is afraid of Nuwa?

He spread rumors?

Huh, ridiculous!

A bunch of ignorant things!

The ancestor Hongjun was so angry that he looked at Broken Sword fiercely.

“You are so to this seat, are you really afraid that this seat will be punished?”

“Punishment down?”

Broken Jian dismissed it.

“My lord is not bound by Heavenly Dao, even the strength is far above Dao Ancestor you, Dao Ancestor, do you think I will be afraid of a heavenly punishment?”

Hongjun: What an arrogant tone!

Is the strength far above him?

Then its owner must be Luo Huo!

In the entire prehistoric world, only Luo Hu’s strength can be compared with his Hongjun ancestor!

But how did Luo Hu do it?

This was only a few thousand years after he was born, yet he has returned to his original strength? !

What’s more terrifying is that you are not bound by Heavenly Dao?

How did this guy do it?

If you continue to keep him, wouldn’t it be your biggest resistance and threat in the future?

The ancestor Hongjun really regretted not making it at the beginning!

The Demon Ancestor Luohu should be wiped out at the beginning!

If he had been a little more careful at the beginning, where would Luo Hu’s remnant soul escape?

Where is there such a threat as today?

“Huh! So it seems that your master is really Luo Huo?”

“The identity of my lord is inconvenient to reveal, but you—Hongjun, must be less than one ten thousandth of my lord.”

There was another wave of merciless ridicule, Hong Jun was angry!

What is less than one ten thousandth?

He is the most prestigious man, and his strength is comparable to Luo Hu, why is he less than one in ten thousand?

How can it be so unbearable?

But how did the ancestor Hongjun know that the master in his mouth and the one in the mouth of the broken sword were not the same person at all.

He thought that the owner of Broken Sword was Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, but the owner of Broken Sword’s mouth was indeed Chen Sheng-Luo Hu’s new master!

“If you speak madly, then let your master and the deity have a try?”

“My broken sword is enough.”

Broken Sword provocatively said.

“It is said that you Hongjun is the first person in the prehistoric world? I will try it today!”

Broken Sword’s provocation completely angered the ancestor Hongjun.


Something that doesn’t live or die!

With a sword, dare to provoke him?

If he doesn’t let him take a lesson, he is not Hongjun!

“The deity will let you die! Become a real broken sword!”

Speaking of Hongjun, the ancestor called out his proud Magic Treasures-good fortune jade disc.

Everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.


The ancestor Hongjun actually took out a good fortune jade disc? !

What is good fortune jade disc?

That’s the pride of Hongjun’s ancestor Magic Treasures!

Together with Kaitian God Axe, Creation Qinglian, Chaos Bead and the four great chaos treasures.

It records three thousand avenues, and the owner can master the power of good fortune and Karma.

With this treasure, you can basically be invincible in the war!

The good fortune jade disc exudes the aura of mystery and mystery, and instantly overwhelms the original strong Sword Qi.

Everyone just smelled the qi of the Great Dao, and they actually had some understanding of the Dao. The Dao, which was originally completely unaware, had thoughts in the moment.

A trace of Dao Qi is still so, how strong is the good fortune jade disc that contains three thousand Dao Qi?

Nuwa and others couldn’t help but sweat for Broken Sword, Broken Sword confronted Hongjun’s ancestor, fearing that it would be too bad for you…

“Good fortune jade disc!”

Ancestor Hongjun gave an order and saw that the qi of the great avenue in the good fortune jade disc was continuously injected into the ancestor Hongjun.

Countless Daoyun surrounds him, and many more golden runes appear in front of Hongjun’s ancestor.

The ancestor Hongjun suddenly felt that he had a deeper understanding of Tao. The Spirit Power in his body swayed like a tide, and the ample power made Tongtian want to fight a battle.

“Take it to death! Broken sword!”

He slammed a Spirit Power ball. The Spirit Power ball, which is rich in Spirit Power and Tao Yun, exudes terrifying potential energy, even more terrifying than Nuwa’s red hydrangea!

If this is accidentally hit, I am afraid it will be destroyed directly in the predicament…

Everyone sighed for Duanjian.

This is a blow from the ancestor Hongjun!

Can this sword really take it?

How do you feel… a bit hanging?

“Broken Sword senior…”

When the Spirit Power ball hits Broken Sword, Broken Sword is still very calm.

Mount Tai collapsed before moving!

Cut it down with one sword!

A sword breaks through the four directions, unmatched in the sky!

The endless Sword Ray and Spirit Power balls are entangled, and neither is willing to regress, and the two sides are in a stalemate.

But Broken Sword is only the quasi-sage’s strength after all. Although staying with Chen Sheng, absorbing the essence of Dao Yun, proficient in this kendo, dealing with ordinary Sage is naturally no problem.

But the ancestor of Hongjun was the first Sage in the predecessor, and with the good fortune jade disc in his hand, he still had the strength to defeat Duanjian.

Ancestor Hongjun pushed his hand and saw the Spirit Power ball suddenly broke free from the restraint of Sword Qi, and then dissipated in the air.

But the aftermath of this Spirit Power ball has affected the entire Heaven Court!

The strong aftermath quickly swept the entire Heaven Court.

With a loud “bang”, the entire Heaven Court was blown to black by the aftermath, emitting a pungent plume of smoke.

All the saints were shocked and evaded one after another.

Heaven Court was actually blown up? !


Those who were unfortunately splashed by the aftermath were either blown off or wounded.

For a while, the entire Heaven Court was in a mess, smoke filled, bloody smell filled it, and wailing.

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