Chapter 144 You are a little rubbish, you have no strength!

“Yuanshi Tianzun…you, are you doing a sneak attack?”

Can’t you afford it?

Nuwa stared at Yuanshi Tianzun angrily, resisting the pain and cursing.

“Also engaged in a sneak attack? You little rubbish, don’t you have the strength?!”

How could Yuanshi Tianzun, who had always been arrogant, afford this person?

Where can this accusation stand?

His face was sullen immediately, and the whole person seemed to have eaten shit.

“Nuwa, you are looking for death!”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing daddy gradually approached Nuwa with the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Now that their holy face drags Nuwa’s “blessings” are all lost. If this doesn’t kill Nuwa, how can they understand their hatred?

“Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter!”

“Panlong Squat!”

The two used Magical Item to attack Nuwa one after another.

Nuwa was already injured by a sneak attack by Yuanshi Tianzun in front, and it was difficult to even stand up, let alone resist the attack of these two!

She is now like the fish on the knife board-she can be slaughtered, and there is no way to fight back!

These two people!

Really shameless!

Use the big to bully the small, and even if you bully the less with more, do you actually engage in a sneak attack?

How could Nuwa be convinced if she died in the hands of such a person? !

What a shame!

Everyone couldn’t help but sweat for Nuwa, but they could do nothing.

There are ants under Sage!

Most of them are just golden immortals, Daluo, and the strongest are only quasi-sages.

They are so weak in front of Sage that they are not worth mentioning!

No one in the audience can save Nuwa!

“Is Nuwa going to lose to Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy?”

“Although I don’t want to admit it, but at the moment, it’s not a good thing!”

“This is obviously a victory without war! Still doing a sneak attack? Point your face…”

Everyone fights for Nuwa, but they are also helpless.

Just when the attack was about to reach Nuwa, a strong light flashed, and the strong and sharp Sword Qi distorted the surrounding time and space.

“Bang! Bang!”

There were two loud noises in a row, and then the Samboyu Ruyi Scepter and Panlong Scepter were knocked into flight.

Everyone was shocked!


They read it right!

These two chaos treasures were indeed knocked into the air!

Nuwa was wondering where the fellow daoist saved him, and when he took a closer look-he saw a man and a sword in front of him!

That sword is not another sword, it is senior’s broken sword! !

Looking at Tongtian on the side, Nuwa knew that it was Tongtian who had asked Chen Sheng senior for help, and then senior gave the sword to Tongtian to save himself!

Gratefully glanced at Tongtian, said.

“Thank you Tongtian fellow daoist! And…thank you senior for letting Duanjian come to help!”

Tongtian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

“It’s all a matter of effort, just help Nuwa fellow daoist!”

“Fortunately, it came in time!”

Fuxi on the side was also taken aback when he saw this.

“Broken sword?!”

Isn’t this the senior who cuts all directions with one sword?

This seems to be the sword in Immortal Cave, right?

Knowing that Mei Mei was in trouble, she immediately sent Broken Sword to help…

This is obviously worried about Wa-mei!

Mei Mei also said that the two of them have nothing…Who believes it?

Taiqing Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun were so surprised that they almost fell out of their eyes.

what’s the situation?

Why is Nuwa not dead yet?

And their Chaos Treasure was beaten up? !

Who is causing trouble?

After feeling the sky full of Sword Qi and seeing the familiar figure, both of them were furious.

To the sky! ! !

It’s actually him? !

“Brother! Look at what your third brother has done!”

Because the two hadn’t noticed the existence of Broken Sword, they agreed that it was the sky flying their Magic Treasures and ruining their good deeds!

Yuanshi Tianzun jumped with anger.

“This damn Tongtian actually belongs to Nuwa! No wonder I haven’t seen him for a long time!”

“How could the third brother?! It must be the devilish energy that controlled his mind and made him do such a foolish thing!”

Daddy also hates iron and steel.

I never expected that the two of them were actually planted in Tongtian’s hands in the end!

Recovering Magic Treasures, the two of them did not stop for a moment and immediately issued a fatal blow in the direction of Nuwa.

They don’t believe it anymore, and they still don’t die this Nuwa today!

Broken Sword watched the menacing attack, and his whole body instantly exuded a chill.



Why do you always engage in sneak attacks?

Is it a little rubbish with no strength?

Nothing but a sneak attack? !

Duanjian hates people who don’t speak martial arts!

Immediately stepped up.

Along with the strong light, the broken sword was suspended in midair.

The fierce Sword intent made the space distorted.

Faced with the second attack from the menacing Chaos Supreme Treasure, Broken Sword did not fear in the slightest.

With a sword swung down, no one can beat the sword through the sky!

Countless things of Star are cut into dust in this!

The terrifying Sword intent quickly enveloped the sky, as if the entire prehistoric land was the battlefield for its broken sword at this time!

Suddenly, the wind is surging, and the world is shaking!

The Chaos Supreme Treasure was also beaten back by this terrifying Sword Qi, and directly gave Erqing a heavy blow!

Once Broken Sword shot, Daddy Yuanshi didn’t have it in an instant!

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun never expected that the Magic Treasures they threw out would be beaten back so easily, and even hit own! !

This feels like a dumb eating coptis —— there is hardship to tell!

What’s the situation?

Both were seriously injured by their own weapons!

This wave is careless!

I would not use my best if I knew it!

“These three brothers…something!”

“Ahem… Brother, it’s not right… When did Tongtian become so strong in swordsmanship?”

“Can you all be one enemy two?”

Yuanshi Tianzun raised doubts.

In his impression, Tongtian’s swordsmanship is not so terrifying, is it?

When Yuanshi Tianzun said that, Daddy also found out that something was wrong, and said.

“Second brother, I always feel that this Sword Qi is very familiar…”

“Me too, brother!”

The two slowly looked up, their eyes widened, and their hearts were frightened.

There is nothing else in the sky, it is the broken sword!

The broken sword that defeated the entire monster race and Yuanshi Tianzun with a single sword! ! !

“Brother…it’s the sword!”

“Sure enough, it’s the senior’s sword! The old man said that this breath is very familiar!”

Taiqing Daddy gritted his teeth and gave the sky angrily.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually asked that expert to be a helper! ?

This is not easy!

How horrible this broken sword is, they haven’t experienced it before!

The arrogant arrogance disappeared in the second Qing instant, and the two of them went down one after another.

Everyone was shocked to see the broken sword in the air.

The demons and ancestor witches present had naturally seen the power of this sword!

Yaozu: It’s over, it’s over! How come this ancestor is here!

The last battle between the monster and the human race failed because of the broken sword of the human race!

And this broken sword also cut off one arm of His Majesty the Demon Emperor!

It’s terrible, I have to stay away from the battlefield…

In case one is not careful, I might be chopped into dregs…

Ancestral Witch: It’s actually Broken Sword? !

It seems that the senior was rescued secretly!

As a result, Yaozu and Erqing did not dare to easily attack Nuwa Empress and their ancestor witches!

Very good, very good!

This sword came in time!

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