Chapter 14 The Guardian God of Human Race

Seeing that the grass is full of resentment, Suiren still doesn’t understand, is this really a grass god?

Immediately accompanied by the smiling face, he said, “Yes, yes, it is an honor of my human race that you can come to my human race!”

You Chao and Jin Yi also reacted immediately, and smiled in praise of the grass.

“Yes, you are so supernatural, if it weren’t for you, my human race would be gone!”

“If you feel uncomfortable in this cave, we will build an altar specifically for you to enshrine you!”

Just kidding, this is the sacred grass that can save the human race from water and fire!

What is the altar?

Even if Qingcao wanted the palace, the three ancestors certainly did not hesitate to repair it!

The three ancestors barely wrote the treasure found on his face at this time, and there was an endless stream of flattery to the green grass!

I didn’t feel that they, as the ancestors of the human race, did so detrimental to their face, but they enjoyed it.

Seeing that the three ancestors were so respectful to him, Qing Cao’s resentment was calmed down a bit, but he still said aloft: “Although the uncle is aloft, he doesn’t like being looked at, so the altar is not necessary!”

The three ancestors nodded immediately, but at the same time he was very moved.

In my heart, I felt that God’s grass was not the kind of person who relied on his own strength to waste money and domineering!

Suiren rubbed his hands and asked cautiously: “Then what, Lord Shencao, how do you call you?”

Qingcao glanced at Suiren, still looking the most labor-management, and said to Suiren, “Remember, this uncle is Nine Sword Stargrass!”

Suiren was taken aback, obviously he had never heard of this name.

But this is not important!

The name of the god grass is of course the highest name in the world!

Immediately, Suiren started his skinless and faceless mode, and continued to praise there without brains: “Yes, yes, Lord Shencao is truly unparalleled in the world, rare in the world, and the strongest grass in the prehistoric! Even God! Master Cao’s name is so thunderous, resounding through the sky, unique!”

There are Chaos:…

Jin Yi’s:…

The two were shocked, is this the Suiren clan?

Why haven’t they noticed that Suiren’s flattering skills are so slippery?

Its smoothness and proficiency are simply outrageous!

The Nine Swords Stargrass is very useful to Suiren’s rainbow fart, and said with satisfaction: “Well, it’s good to know, don’t call me if there is nothing to do in the future, if there is a crisis in the human race, this uncle will naturally take action!”

The three ancestors nodded immediately, and was grateful to the Nine Swords Stargrass.

This time, the three ancestors were able to take it one by one, and praised the Nine Swords Stargrass one after another!

It’s just that the god grass seems to be unresponsive?

After that, the air fell silent…

Jiujian Xingwencao glanced at Sanzu strangely, and said, “Don’t you continue? Let’s go if you don’t continue?”

The three ancestors were embarrassed, not because they didn’t want to continue, but because they ran out of complimenting words.

Seeing that Jiujian Xingwencao had issued an order to chase off guests, Suiren immediately said with a smile on his face: “Yes, yes, we won’t disturb Master Shencao cultivation, we will retreat.”

Immediately afterwards, the third ancestor withdrew from Immortal Cave.

Oh, the world is immortal…

Who would have thought that the third ancestor of the human race would be so respectful to a blade of grass?

Seeing the three idiots go, Jiujian Xingwencao sighed, wondering in his heart!

Originally, it had been staying in Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave, absorbing the avenue overflowing from Chen Sheng’s cultivation, Cultivation Base had been steadily ascending.

However, the sky is unpredictable, who knows why the master suddenly put himself in this ghost place?

Nine swords star pattern grass was full of resentment, but had to obey the owner’s instructions to protect the human race.

at the same time.

The three ancestors left Immortal Cave where the Nine Sword Stargrass was located, and couldn’t help being excited!

The Suiren clan even showed ecstasy and bowed to Immortal Cave where Chen Sheng lived far away.

Excited with emotion, he said, “Although Chen fellow daoist doesn’t want to go out of the mountains, he still misses the human race, and specially asked the god grass to come to protect my human race!”

You Chao Clan was also very moved and echoed: “Yes, with the blessing of Master Shencao, my human race doesn’t have to be bullied by the primordial beings!”

Thinking of the scene just now, the three ancestors felt excited again.

Nine swords star pattern grass can even cut the demon emperor Eastern Emperor Taiyi. With its protection, who would dare to bully the human race in the future?

Thinking of this, the Jin Yi cried even more tears and said: “This is all because of the fellow Da Luoist, I should be grateful to him!”

Hearing the words of the Clan Yi, both the Chao Clan and the Sui Ren Clan nodded, quite agreeing!

After that, the Suiren clan walked into the human race, and solemnly preached to the human race: “My Suiren clan announced that from now on, Master Nine Sword Stargrass will be the protector of my human race and be worshipped by my human race!”

After walking in front of the Guimen Pass, the Human Race had already been grateful to the Nine Swords Stargrass because of the Nine Swords Stargrass Grass. How could they be unwilling?

Even if the Suiren clan didn’t say anything, they would worship the Nine Swords Stargrass. What’s more, at this time, the Suiren clan publicly announced it in the human race?

After Suiren spoke, the three ancestors knelt straight in the direction of the Nine Swords Stargrass.

Seeing the three ancestors of the human race knelt down, many human races also knelt down in the direction of the nine sword star pattern grass with respect.

If it is said that there is eight points of devotion to the Nuwa Empress, after experiencing the critical moment of life and death, the Human Race can be said to be 100% devotion to the Nine Swords Stargrass!

All the tribes knelt on the ground with solemn expressions, and bowed down to the nine sword star pattern grass from the bottom of their hearts.

This pious and huge power of faith, unexpectedly converged into a golden humane luck in the air!

Even Nuwa, after disregarding the human race, it is difficult to obtain such a powerful human luck.

But the human luck is of great use, so from time to time, Nuwa will come to the human race to collect humane incense.

That golden humane luck gathered towards the Nine Swords Star Pattern Grass!

The Nine Sword Stargrass Grass was very surprised when it was so rich that it had even condensed the entity’s humane luck, and it was a little unclear.

As the humane fortune entered the body of Jiujian Xingwencao, Nine Sword Xingwencao felt an indescribable comfort in the body.

After that, the humane air luck entered the veins of the Nine Swords Stargrass, and it transformed the body of the Nine Swords Stargrass a little bit.

Soon, Nine Swords Stargrass felt that he had begun to breakthrough!

Nine swords star pattern grass burst into ecstasy!

At this point, he seemed to understand the master’s deep meaning!

At the same time, in the Kunlun Mountain, the Master Tongtian who felt the Sword intent began to feel a little uncontrollable.

He is obsessed with kendo, and it is rare for him to look twice in kendo.

With this Sword intent, Tongtian naturally has some itchy hands.

After some thoughts, Tong Tian stood up resolutely, ready to visit the human race.

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