Chapter 137

Regarding Hou Tu’s questioning, Di Jun obviously sneered and disapproved.

The patron behind him is Taoist ancestor, is he still afraid that Nuwa will not be punished?

Moreover, as long as the witch clan is destroyed and oneself becomes holy, it can also protect the monster clan from Transcends Tribulation.

This time the Witch Clan’s calculation is completely wrong!

“Houtu fellow daoist said this difference.”

“Because you are the only witches who suffer, and the emperor of the witches can bless them safely in Transcends Tribulation.”

“Di Jun, what do you mean?”

Hou Tu was stunned.


What does it mean to suffer only from the Wu tribe?

Heavenly Dao specifically targeted the two groups of the Lich, in order to make the two groups of Lich fight desperately.

When both sides are defeated miserably, the Human Race will be smoothly arranged to unify the predecessors.

If the witch clan is not immune to disaster, how should the demon clan be spared?

Besides, even Nuwa Empress may not have blessed the demon clan, so how can Di Jun come to bless him?

It’s a fantasy!

“The emperor meant… As long as your Wu Clan is dead, the Demon Clan will be safe and sound.”

“Dijun! Are you dumbfounded?”

“Do you think Heavenly Dao will let go of the monster race like this?”

“Tell you, it’s impossible!”

Hou Tu and other ancestors looked at Di Jun angrily.

This emperor is absolutely brainless!

“What’s impossible?”

Di Jun curled his lips and smiled coldly.

“You know, the patron behind this emperor is the ancestor Hongjun!”

“The Taoist ancestor has promised me that as long as you kill your Wu Clan, you will not only protect my holy position, but also protect the entire Demon Clan and save it from disaster.”

The ancestors were even more angry when they heard it.

“I’ll just say you guys don’t panic at all, dare to have a backing!”

“Huh! It’s just Hongjun’s lackey, dare you to be a master?”

“Sure enough, it is a despicable and shameless monster race! He actually colluded with Heavenly Dao secretly! No wonder the big brother was bullied so badly!”

“Dijun, don’t forget, the future overlord of the prehistoric world is the human race, and it can only be the human race! It has nothing to do with your monster race! You can’t be the overlord!”

The ancestral witches screamed unbearably, and Di Jun frowned and spoke viciously.

“The twitter is so noisy!”

“Don’t be afraid to tell you, Dao Ancestor said, the demon can also be the master of the prehistoric!”

The ancestors were shocked.

This ancestor of Hongjun also paid a lot of money in order to attract Emperor Jun!

Really overcast!

“Too lazy to talk nonsense with you!”

“Universe star battle array! Start!”

Di Jun turned around and returned to the formation’s eyes, leading all the demons to start the Universe Star Dou formation.

I saw the huge Universe star battle array gradually attacking the ancestor witches, and the terrifying Star power overwhelmed the ancestor witches.

“Hmph! Your monster clan’s breaking formation is simply not as great as the witch clan’s celestial evil formation!”

Zhu Rong patted his chest proudly, said.

“Since you are using the Universe Star Dou formation to deal with us, we also have to use the Dutian God Shama Formation in return!”

Zhu Rong’s words are true. The only one who can contend with the Universe Star Dou formation is their Witch Clan’s Capital Deity Sword Formation!

This formation is based on the power of the twelve ancestor witches gathering the spirits of the twelve ancestor witches, urging Pangu Blood Essence, gathering the heaven and earth Killing intent, and condensing into the Heavenly Demon god, can condense the real body of Pangu, which is equivalent to the body of Heavenly Dao Sage The power of shots.

Not to mention the small Universe Star Doo formation once it was shot, even ten more will break it all.

“Houtu, Gonggong…what are you still doing in a daze?”

“Come and join me to form a big formation of the gods! We broke that shit Universe star battle!”

Zhu Rong turned his head and shouted at the ancestors.

The ancestors were speechless.

Zhu Rong…Did you forget something?

All of the gods and evil spirits need the twelve ancestor witches to be present, and they are indispensable.

If one is missing, not only will Father Pangu be unable to be summoned, but even the power will be greatly reduced.

At that time, let alone breaking the formation, it will be a problem to shake the Universe star formation.

“Zhu Rong, are you elder brother seriously injured and unable to form a formation?”

Zhu Rong was awakened by Gong Gong.


The big brother Dijiang was injured and unconscious!

Then the formation of all the gods and evil spirits is impossible!

“Yeah! So… what should I do?”

Zhu Rong’s arrogant arrogance immediately went down, his expression flustered

Di Jun laughed at this.

“Hahahaha, it really is a simple-minded wizard with well-developed limbs!”

“You have no retreat! Take it to death!”

Upon giving the order, the Universe Star Dou Great Array exuded a powerful force to quickly evade towards the Ancestral Witch, attempting to hang all the ancestral witches with the murderous aura in the Great Formation.

“What to do! Work together!”

“How do I know! Zhu Rong, don’t hold me!”

At the critical moment of the ancestral witch’s critical survival, a red hydrangea fell from the sky, forcibly pushing away the Universe star formation formed by the monster clan army.

I saw a woman with a snake-headed body and a male protagonist with a snake-headed body both descending from the sky on auspicious clouds.

The ancestors were overjoyed.

It’s Nuwa and Fuxi!

Empress Nuwa blocked a fatal blow for them with red hydrangea!

Is Nuwa Empress here to be fair?

The flames of hope ignited in the hearts of the ancestors…

When Di Jun saw that the person was Nuwa, he looked panicked at first.

Why is Nuwa here?

And Fuxi is here too?

But soon he straightened his back again, and instantly disappeared from panic and anger.

No, what is he afraid of?

You know, the backer behind him is Hongjun’s ancestor!

How strong is Nuwa?

Isn’t it still under the ancestor Hongjun?

What are you afraid of Nuwa with the support of Hongjun’s ancestors?

Really are……

Nuwa furrowed her brows, her beautiful eyes bursting with a piercing chill.

He quickly came to Di Jun and asked sternly.

“Di Jun! Do you know what you are doing?”

Although I was thinking about how unbearable Nuwa was, when Sage fought in front of him, the powerful Shengwei still made Dijun agitate.

Emperor Jun did not speak, but he did not deny his own behavior.

“I saw it with my own eyes, you led the monster clan to go to war against the witch clan!”

“Why? You are deaf to me, right?”

“As soon as the Yao Clan signed the peace agreement with the Wu Clan, you seriously injured the Ancestral Witch? What kind of style!”

“Don’t you take Bensheng’s words to your heart?”

Nuwa was angry.

The holy power made the enchanting soldiers out of breath, and fell to the ground one after another, breathing hard.

This emperor is really Damn it!

Always poke her some unnecessary baskets!

Then she will come to clean up the mess!

“Manny Nuwa, regarding Emperor Jun breaking the contract and seriously hurting my eldest brother, please be sure to give the Wu Clan a word!”

“Otherwise… The Witch Clan doesn’t mind going to the end with the Demon Clan!”

Hou Tu stared at Di Jun fiercely, gritted his teeth and said.

Nuwa froze for a moment.

Is this… still Houtu?

Then looked at Emperor Jun with hatred of iron and steel.

This guy!

How far is it?

Can actually push Hou Tu, who has always been good-tempered, into a hurry!

She knew that the Wu Clan was angry right now.

If the monster clan does not satisfy the witch clan, it is inevitable that the Lich War will be inevitable…

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