Chapter 114 The Lich War, Reinvigorated!

In Heaven Court.

Emperor Jun was furious and questioned the officials.

“How did the ten princes get out?”

Although this matter must be inseparable from the Wu Clan, the officials who are in charge of looking after His Royal Highness can’t escape the responsibility.

Can’t even stand it personally?

This is going to be said, where is his demon clan’s face?

The group of officials looked at each other only as they did.

Feeling the anger of Emperor Jun, the officials kowtow quickly begging for mercy.

“Your Majesty is forgiving, your Majesty is forgiving, the ministers really don’t know when the little majesty sneaked out…”

“Weichen neglected his duty, please forgive your majesty…”

“A bunch of useless waste!”

Di Jun was so angry that he couldn’t wait to slap him one by one.

At this moment, Kunpeng suddenly ran in with a look of embarrassment, ragged and unkempt.

I saw him complaining to Emperor Jun miserably.

“Your Majesty is going to be the master for me!”

His eyes were slightly cold, and he responded angrily.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Now that the top ten Golden Crows have not been found, this Kunpeng is good, and it’s time to add chaos!

Kunpeng cried with snot and tears.

“Your Majesty, this time I saw a bald head passing by Tanggu, and I saw it sneakily. I am worried that this person may be inseparable from the disappearance of the little majesty.”

“So I went forward and wanted to argue with him, but I never expected to be beaten by him…”

Di Jun slowly raised his eyes.


Isn’t that the place where my son often goes?

Have a bald head?

Could it be…the West’s quasi-promotion and reception?

Di Jun suddenly became angry.

“Damn it!”

How do they clean up their Yaozu’s ideas one by one?

Was it the witch family first, and then the western quasi-promotion and introduction?

It’s true that their monster race is no one! ?

Dare to move his precious son, don’t want to live anymore?

At this moment Kunpeng spoke tentatively.

“This bald head seems to be most afraid of the sun. After all, after losing his hair, the top of his head is very fragile…”

He said these words to imply that Di Jun gave him the Sun Jingjing so that he could contend with the bald head.

In fact, how can there be any bald heads?

But it is Kunpeng’s guise for getting the Sun Essence, as long as he can get the Sun Essence, he can do nothing!

This is the only way for him to become holy now!

At this moment, Emperor Jun was eager to save his son, and he was not concerned about the true or false, so he immediately planned to take out the sun crystal to Kunpeng.

Kunpeng stared at Di Jun’s hand greedily.

The Sun Essence… it will be his soon!

At this moment, the Demon Empress Xihe came.

Di Jun’s hand was put back in an instant, and he quickly turned around to help Xihe and put Kunpeng aside completely.

Kunpeng secretly said: The Sun Jingjing almost got it! Forget it…wait next time…

“Welcome the Demon Empress!”

“The Demon Empress…”

Don’t welcome me, my son is gone, and I welcome a woolen yarn!

Demon Empress Xi and Lima Lihua rushed into Emperor Jun’s arms with rain, pulling at the corners of Emperor Jun’s clothes.

“Your Majesty, your Majesty, you have to give your concubine the master! What happened to the child being arrested?”

“Xihe, calm down first…”

Is he also very good?

How does he know what is going on?

“I can’t calm down! That’s our child. If you are caught, you will be arrested?”

“Also, who caught it? Where did it go?”

After thinking for a while, Xi He cried and yelled suddenly like crazy.

“Is it the Wu Clan? It was the Wu Clan who caught our precious son, right!”

“Your Majesty, please, we must save our children! Don’t let them have any accidents…”

The Wu Clan is indeed the biggest suspect at the moment, as for the quasi-referencing and receiving…I will find them to settle the account later!

“Okay, okay, the emperor will send troops to rescue my son!”

After comforting Xihe, Di Jun passed on the order.

“Monster tribe army, follow the order!”

“Now that the little majesty has been arrested, the biggest suspect is the Wu Clan! You waited for a part to search for the little majesty’s traces, and the rest went to the Wu Clan Xingshi to inquire!”


The demon clan that has been silent for a long time has accumulated a lot of resentment against the witch clan. Now that he has obtained Dijun’s permission, he finally has a legitimate reason to go to the witch clan to inquire about crimes, how can they easily let it go?

A large army of monster tribes pressed towards the Wu tribe in darkness.

On the other side, the Witches are further strengthening their bodies in the Pangu Hall.

Suddenly, a little witch ran in in a panic.

“Report to Master Ancestral Witch, Demon, and Monster Clan for bringing troops to invade my Witch Clan…”

The monster clan shouted outside: “Despicable and shameless witch clan, if the witch clan today does not give us an explanation, my monster clan will not let it go!”

When Di Jiang heard anger, he slapped the stone table in front of him.

“What’s wrong with this monster race? I vowed to avoid war before, and now I bring soldiers to my witch race to make trouble?”

“Dage, as far as I can tell, they are just full and owe a beating!”

Gonggong raised his fist, and he didn’t feel any pain for many days. His hand was itchy!

“Big Brothers, don’t be impulsive, but our witches have taken an oath, so we must not recklessly challenge.”

“Once we challenged, wouldn’t it be in line with Heavenly Dao’s will and Hongjun’s ancestor’s will?”

After Hou Tu’s persuasion, the ancestral witches who were ready to move calmed down again.

“The little girl is right, so I can’t fall into the trap of Heavenly Dao!”

But the demon clan outside didn’t think so. Seeing that the Witch Clan hadn’t moved for a long time, he was determined to be a guilty conscience. Without a word, he rushed into the Witch Clan’s territory and killed the Witch Clan wildly.

Seeing this, Kuafu, the great witch guarding the border of the Lich, quickly blocked the demon clan’s attack with flesh and blood.

But outnumbered, the Yaozu is not a vegetarian, and immediately surrounded Kuafu.

“A big witch dare to be a hero in front of us? Humph, let you see the fate of the hero!”

The monsters were fierce and evil one by one, attacking Kuafu from all directions with blood and blood.

Kuafu stood there without running away, come and fight one by one!

With his Kuafu here, this group of rubbish would never want to step into the territory of the Witch tribe!

But in the end, the outnumbered people were bitten and eaten by the monsters and died. Kuafu died and the monsters were still unresolved, and they directly swallowed Kuafu’s life, eating so much that there were no bones left.

“Master Ancestral Witch… Monster Race, the Monster Race has devoured the Great Witch Kuafu’s life!”

This time, the Witch tribe was completely angered. The Twelve Ancestor Witch immediately led the Witch tribe’s troops out and looked at the Witch tribe with anger.

These beasts!

The big witch Kuafu, who dared to kill them, should be killed!

The Yaozu stared back unwillingly.

Still staring at us?

This group of despicable and shameless people have no idea what they have done?

“Bold beast! Actually dare to brutalize the great witch Kuafu, looking for death!”

“Obviously your witch race is deliberately picking things up! Then don’t blame my monster race! If you don’t hand over the little majesty, my monster race will level down on the witch race territory!”

“You are looking for death!”

The ancestral witch is completely angry!

Obviously it was the Yaozu who took the lead, so he dared to beat him down?

What little majesty?

This is simply an excuse, I want to die straight!

The two clans of the Lich are not pleasing to each other, the relationship at this moment has been tense to the extreme, and the Lich War is on the verge!

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