After many days of conditioning, Yu's complexion has improved significantly.

He sits on the throne of the temple, with one arm supported, Amado gazed in front of him: "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time..."

Amado not one thread loose said: "Please, please show your wedge!"


Yu lifted off his shirt, and on his muscular atrophy chest, a golden dragon wedge, especially eye-catching!

Colors, shapes and specifications are all unusual wedges.

Of course, the dragon pose is the creator of the'wedge' method of birth, and his own wedge is of course different.

Amado helped his glasses, and focused on the pattern on the chest of feathers.

"Well, it's just a different appearance, and the strength of the big barrel wood boarding is different. The surgeon makes the wedge like this according to his personal preference, but the essence will not change..."


Speaking, he leaned over and opened the tool box he was carrying.


An aperture appeared on his back, and the optical fiber extending from the circle connected the photon pen in his hand. This is a complete set of equipment.

Yu showed the curiosity of the man: "Is this the lithography machine of the sky? It is really a cutting-edge equipment. I can even see the photon, no, the fluctuation of the quantum..."


Amado pressed the button on the spectacle frame, the precise graduation line, and the mysterious number, beating on the lens.

He adjusted the focus to focus on Yu's chest.

In his eyes, the wedge pattern has been enlarged tens of thousands of times, showing tens of millions of bytes.

His brows are hung with needles, and he is looking for a key string in the ocean of bytes.

Because the dragon wedge structure is different, the process is relatively laborious.

Amado asked indifferently: "Emperor Yu, I heard that you and the dragon have wartime. He used to hand me over as a negotiation condition to help you complete the Heaven and Earth unity. At that time, It’s a big headwind. This is undoubtedly a wise move, but you have rejected his proposal..."

Yu calmly said: "No matter what your motivation is, what you say is my companion, for Selling out my companions for profit is not in line with my creed of being a human being. The reason why I have achieved what I have today and why everyone is willing to follow me is because I am a principled person. I will not change my principles for the sake of strength... "

Amado sighed with emotion: "No wonder, people with power and ambition are like crossing river carp, but you are the only one who came to this step. Originally, I was forced by circumstances and chose to cooperate with you. , But now, I am sincerely fortunate that I chose you."

He found the source code shared by the wedge, erased it, and used the nano-level contact of the Tianzhi lithography machine , Wrote the source code that he had spent 40 years of hard work in exchange for...

That is the code that allows the essence of the wedge to be converted from a compressed package to a patch!

"Huh..." Amado put away his equipment, took off his glasses, and wiped off the sweat on his face: "In this way, the pre-preparation work is complete."

Yu surprised "Is there really a change? Why don’t I feel anything?"

Amado took out the special rag and wiped the spectacle lenses: "This is a very delicate thing. There will be any difference."

Yu said: "Then, let’s thaw the wedge, right?"

Amado put his glasses on again: "During the experiment We are artificially injecting chakra to promote the thawing of the wedge. This is actually an act of spoil things through excessive enthusiasm. In order to speed up the test process, we have to do it as a last resort. The correct way is to defrost yourself, that is, rely on your own Strength, complete this thing."

"..." Yu looked thoughtful and put his hand on his chest.


Amado lit a cigarette. Yu is the monarch. This was a misconduct in front of the palace, but he acquiesced.

Amado exhaled a mouthful of smoke and said deeply: "Subjective emotions can change left and right. This has been fully confirmed in other'organs'."

"Try to think about the things that make you resentful..."

Yu slowly closes the eyes, with thin hands, holding the handrails of the throne: "That kind of thing, how much do you want How much, isn’t it just one right now? For me, for this Ninja World, Cher, my treasure daughter, is required to make such a huge sacrifice...!!!"

Echoing his heart Anger, the dragon wedge on the chest, exudes a dazzling golden glow!

The dark golden lines flow towards the whole body of the feather!

Yu shouted: "Minato, take Amado, let everyone evacuate and leave this area!"


Yellow Flash came, Amado disappeared in a blink of an eye...

Then, the golden chakra turned into a stormy sea, a palace, and a throne, together with a hundred miles of land, split second Was flattened...


The chakra vented out, turned into countless golden dragons, soaring in the sky, and then one moment , Arrived in the most core zone!

Yu's spirit in the world.

The small dragon-like body, lying in midair, whispered: "I really made him do it..."

Yu said: "Well, I look at people's eyes, Not bad?"

Long Shi said: "hmph, don't get too early, can you eat the fruit, it is not necessarily?"

"En?" Squint slightly.

Dragon-style said with a smile: "Forget it, I was hit by Uchiha Shisui's Dojutsu, who was'said to be old and late.' I've only three days of life left..."

Yu shaking ones head: "Three days, three more days, but it's okay this time, the fruits of Divine Tree are ripe, just three days... …"

Dragon style said with a smile: "Don’t forget, the Time Flow Speed ​​of the bi-monthly space is ten times that of you. Going in early is equivalent to suicidal behavior, and going in late is also dead, only waiting for the fruit to ripen. You’ll be successful if you reach there at the same time and serve it..."

Yu deeply gazed the dragon pose: "You...set the settlement of the special betting contract as today, set aside three days, just for Look at how I am extremely worried?"

The dragon slapped a yawn: "Clam~~Who knows~."

Neighborhood earth, ruins.

Yu has been completely transformed into a figure of a big tube wood.

His consciousness and appearance are still undoubtedly his, but his height is forcibly shorter by 10 cm! From 1.82 meters to 1.72 meters!

This is not the most important thing. The golden chakra is on the surface of the body and cannot stabilize for a long time. That kind of heat... makes his whole body several hundred li all turned into scorched earth!

Yu: "Wait, what is going on with this chakra? You didn't show such a chakra at the time!!!"

Dragon pose: "Oh, forgot to tell you , Before I died, I absorbed some of the'power of the sun', should you feel it? The essence of the power of the sun is the'natural' chakra nuclear fusion reactor..."

: "Hateful, I can't control..."

"Burn it, fight! If this is the reason for survival..."The dragon-like figure is straightened, holding his chin and said:" Hmm, Ruo My calculation is correct, it's almost the same, it's time to come."

Ha! !

Black Uzumaki suddenly appeared in the sky......

Assassin outside the sky, come!

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