The black curse pattern emanating from the wedge spreads across the pocket, symbolizing the horns of the big barrel wood, also emerging from the fortune.

The process experienced by the Danzo clone is different!

The thawing of the pocket was exceptionally smooth, and there was not even a painful expression on its face!

Until...the color of his both eyes fades and turns into Byakugan!

The wedge, and the curse pattern emanating from the wedge, completely disappeared!

The thawing of the wedge is complete!


The white chakra flow, rushing to all sides.

Amado, standing behind the tempered glass of the experimental platform, asked: "Now you, are you a pocket or a pu style..."

The calm of the eyes is deep and deep. .

"Am I..."

He lifted his finger and pressed it in the middle of the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose.

"I am not a pocket, nor a pu style... to be precise, I am the Yakushi Kabuto who has gained the strength of the pu style!"

Amado's hanging heart, let go NS.

He took off his glasses, and his bloodshot old eyes were wet.

Forty years of hard work finally paid off.

At the last moment, he succeeded.

Wipe away the tears, put the glasses back on, the depths of the tired eyes, a glimmer of energy.

"Pocket, for the sake of caution, from now on, you have to accept a two-week quarantine observation. If there is no abnormality in your body and spirit, you can formally engage with the emperor..."

"Ah, I understand."


The news of the success of the wedge improvement came.

At the same time Yu also received a notice from Amado.

In the next two weeks, he must adjust his body, otherwise, with his current physique, he will not be able to withstand the force of wedge thawing, and there will be accidents in the process.

In the bedroom.

"Huh, hu~~~" Rin sipped the hot medicine, handed the spoon to the feather mouth, and said softly: "Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

Yu turned his head to the side and said bitterly: "Little Rin, I really can't drink it anymore. This medicine is too awful to drink. It will lose your life..."

Orochimaru and Tsunade made God together Level Military Rations Pill is said to have used Heaven and Earth Treasure from Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest. The tonic effect is God Level, and the'strong' taste is also God Level. You must soak in boiling water and dilute the taste before taking it.

But even the taste after dilution is still hard to describe.

"No way, no medicine, how can I pull yourself together."

Rin continued to pass the spoon forward, but Yu closed his mouth tightly, the spoon Can't fit in.

"..." Upon seeing this, Rin pouted, and simply put the bowl aside, took off his tight-fitting vest, revealing a pair of exquisite...

Yu is surprised: "Little Rin, are you?"

Rin has lifted the quilt, lying on Yu, and rubbing his upper body constantly...

su su su su.

"Hey... Rin, isn't this great?"

"Why is it not so good, Obito refuses to drink medicine obediently, so I can only pull yourself together like this ."

su su su su ......!

Rin even took off his panties, his whole body stuck to Yu like a loach, and even his little hands grabbed Yu... to make it fit tightly.

She sexy bearing and charming temperament said: "Do you like Rin like this?"


At the moment Yubari's mouth responded, Rin His little mouth suddenly kissed, his little tongue pressed, and the pill already in his mouth was pushed into Yu's mouth.

"Um...hmm!" Her small body moved forward.

Before Yu tasted the bitterness, let him swallow it!

Rin’s eyes are full of tenderness: "Now, don’t you feel so bitter?"

"Rin, I..."

" No matter how hard it is, we will help you share it..."

At this time, the sunset, Yugao, and Wan Sheng all climbed into bed.

They vowed to use their whole body and mind to let Yu pass the last darkness before dawn...

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