In front of Yu, the image disappeared here...

You Tanbula, borrowing Tongtong’s words, said: "What happened later, your daughter asked me, I won’t let you see, I follow her wishes."

She turned to look towards the ice cube: "But frozen like this, you should understand that her choice..."

Feather was sitting on the ground with endless pain in his eyes: "How come this, my daughter, is facing such a cruel choice..."

Tong Tongdao: "Only you live in the future Can you really? She is protecting her important people. She firmly believes in this, strangling her feelings and heart, and accomplishing what I told her..."

"By the way , I’ll tell you, she’s done That’s what I tested in the “future” of you before, and you chose to resist, that’s why I strangled you."

"My intention is to train you to be a faithful killer The machine, kill everyone I let me kill, nothing more."

"It was her appearance that made me change my mind, so this time in a similar timeline, I set Brand-new test content, use Senju Linger's reincarnation body to test whether you can keep yourself!"

Yu was suddenly shocked: "You used Senju Linger's reincarnation to test my daughter! !"

Senju Linger, many people may not remember.

Her Tobirama's cousin is also childhood sweethearts. The two have a very good relationship and hope to get married.

But then, Ling'er died in the war, Tobirama cut off the love thread, whole body heart into the troubled Uzumaki, dedicated his life to Senju and Konoha.

If Linger hadn't died, Tobirama would have had children and grandchildren around his knees long ago, so that he would not have left a son and a half until he died.

Tobirama is willing to endure a hundred years of loneliness in this bi-monthly space for the future of Ninja World. Yu has always wanted to repay Tobirama and solve his lifelong major event!

But now that the one-hundred-year mission is approaching the end, the whereabouts of Ling'er is still like finding a needle in a haystack...!

The time of Yu's death is approaching, I thought it would become an eternal remnant!

[About Linger, see Chapter 781, Jiuchirou Rin]

Yu asked: "If I killed Linger's reincarnation, what would happen...?"

Tongtong said with a smile faintly: "It’s not going to happen, I will still leave you..."

Hey, stay?

Even if Uncle Tobirama doesn't blame me, I have the face to meet him? Even if Gou survives, do I have the face to eat the fruits that he has been protecting for a hundred years?

Killing someone to punish the heart, that is a more cruel punishment than killing him!

"Because Tongtong has a private message to you, she was the one who sent your daughter back before. In order to prevent her from interfering again, I did not tell her the truth of this test, so she always thought that only Kill that girl to complete the real test."

Yu lowered his head and suddenly: No wonder, Tongtong was so eager for me to do it at the time, so she didn't want me to die...

Tongtong said with a smile: "It seems that you all understand..."

Yu raised his head and said, "No, there is one more thing, I don't understand! Why, you insist on letting Xueer replace me Is it important to be a soul chasing agent?"

Tong Tong said quietly: "It is very important, take the fruit of Divine Tree chakra, you will become the person of Eternal Life, Eternal Life represents not under the jurisdiction of the land. If you have been able to keep your original mind and not be an enemy of the underworld, that’s fine, but the most unpredictable thing in the world is the human mind! Even if you pass my test, it doesn’t mean that you will be able to keep it in the future after you have the strength. Kaguya is a living example!"

Yu coldly said: "So, instead of saying that my daughter is working for you instead of me, it is better to say...the hostage you used to restrain me!!! "

Tong Tongdao: "You understand it that way, it's okay. I have seen too many social snobbery. I have long disbelief in the so-called promise vows. Only the feelings between your father and daughter let me There is a slight expectation, but, as far as I'm concerned, it is only a convenient tool to check and balance you!"

Yu half compromised: "Then, there must be a time limit, right?"


"Forever, unless I die..."

You Tan Bharat is very determined, and there is no room for negotiation!

"..." Yu's eyes flickered.

Tongtong’s purple eyes are glowing with light that penetrates people’s hearts: "Let me guess what you think, first bear the weight, wait until there is a strong enough bargaining chip, and then negotiate with me, even... …Turn your face, right?"

"..." Yu Moran, his thoughts can't be concealed from the existence in front of him.

Tong Tong faintly said: "You so-called transmigrator, mostly with this so-called cleverness..."

Yu simply raised his eyes and said, "Since you have all seen through, You still have to stay with me, that means you have no retreat!"

Tong Tong said: "My retreat will always be more than you. I stayed with you because compared to hanging roots, You are now a little cute, nothing, Uchiha Yu, I will give you a chance, you have to thank our daughter!"




You Tan Bo Luo's thoughts have left Tongtong's body!

Tongtong recovered, staring at Yu with big eyes: "You used that broken arrow to hit me into the sun, right?"

Yu scratch his head: "Sorry, I thought you were going to kill me..."

Tong Tong pursed his mouth and kept beating Yu, the childish voice said: "You have no conscience, kill you!" Kill you!!"

Yu smiled, at least Tongtong has no evil intents towards him.

After a short episode, Yu looked towards the ice cube and said solemnly: "This is the snow of the future, what will happen to the snow now?"

Tong Tong said: "As a result of interfering in the future, there are already two worlds with different branches. They coexist and will merge into one in a true sense..."

Hah! Huh!

The ice melted, and Cher’s claustrophobic eyes slowly opened. Rinnegan stared at the old feather in front of him, and whispered: "Father, will you blame me..."

How could it be weird? After changing the feathers, I will do the same!

He just feels distressed, piercing.

"Xue'er, made you suffer..."

"This is my choice, and everyone also voluntarily gave their lives under the circumstances of knowing everything. Father......"

Shoo! Cher's body was scattered into light spots.

Snow face with expectations: "I believe that the day Yuyu clarifies, it will finally come..."

Yu decisively: "I promise, it will!"


In the bi-monthly space, aura is drawn, and the soul, memory, and power of Xiaoxue in the future are all inherited by the present Xiaoxue!


The branches and leaves of the Divine Tree sway with the wind.

"..." Tobirama raised his eyes, and on his lap, was a little girl sleeping peacefully, which was Ling'er's reincarnation.

weng! Blood Spider’s imprint coincides with Xue’er’s back and Fengyizhizhao, turning into a magnificent, flow Manzhushahua kimono, which belongs to her, the dark Mitsuyu!

"I...understand, if this is fate, then I choose to accept it!"

Cher's claustrophobic eyes slowly opened, and six tomoe Rinnegan appeared!


Yellow Springs opens in Hirasaka and goes straight to the depths of Avici Hell, under the Divine Tree that belongs to the underworld!

su su 簌!

On the tree trunk, a spider silk hangs down, at the end, the incarnation of Yama, the human-faced spider, Slaughter Dao: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Uchiha Snow...!"

"This is your first errand, and it is also the key to whether your father can really be saved!"


In the hands of Xue Erqian, the hell scroll is unfolding, and the name of the target is impressive!

——Datongmu god style!

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