On the river beach of Saiheyuan, seeing his looked-up father stepping into the gate of Yellow Springs, but unable to stop him, Xiaoxue's expression was sullen.

It's true that she uses Zhan to go back to the past, but unlike Pu-style's Xiao Da Xiao Nao, what she has to do involves the core interests of Underworld, so she can't directly interfere with Yu!

If possible...she would rather knock out her father, never want him to step in that door again!

That was an unfortunate beginning, at least from the results of future feedback, it is true!


The laughter is secluded, and the silhouette wearing a small purple kimono floats in the mist behind Koyuki.

That is... Tongtong.

In the future, after Yu was sentenced to death, it was Tongtong who told Xiaoxue the bad news in Bilun Space, and she gave Xiaoxue the Treasure Item that she had seized in the Pu-style World War I. .

It can be said that she is the one who contributed to Koyuki’s crossing time and returned to this era!

Xiaoxue asked in a cold voice: "You helped me come back, why not let me stop father!"

Tong Tong said: "It is inevitable for him to become a soul chaser. , Even if he doesn’t step into that door at the moment, he will set foot in the underworld from other ways in the future. I just don’t want you to do useless work..."

Xiaoxue gnashing one's teeth said: "Sure enough, it was yours alone. You are the root of evil and the culprit that destroys our happiness! Return my father!!"

Tongtong childish voice said: "Don’t say that. People don’t want him to die, so they take a risk. Sending you back, the descendant family will inevitably be confined!"

The lord of the underworld, the quiet tampala, sits in the pure land of bliss all year round, and has three other incarnations.

One of the incarnations, the Netherworld River jellyfish, supervises the Yellow Springs country.

The second incarnation, the human face spider, is in charge of Avici Hell.

Tongtong is the third largest incarnation and the only incarnation with an independent personality.

In some cases, she might even do things beyond what the true body expected.

She is full of mysteries, and even Yubi Dizhi only knows why, but not why.

But it is rumored that You Tan Bo Luo gave him personality when he created Tongtong, which was intentional, leaving a handful of uncertainty for the future...

Xiaoxue’s eyes trembled with helplessness "What should I do to make father stop repeating the same mistakes?"

Faint light is exuding in Tongtong’s purple pupil: "Do you really want to know, maybe you will die~"


Xiaoxue is decisive: "You will die!"

"hehe ~" Tongtong Moxie said with a smile: "Then go see her, try to convince her..."


"My main body......"

"You Tan Bo Luo......" Xiaoxue's eyes suddenly became deadly.

"I don’t understand why I have to make a special trip to see it in the past and it in the future, at least gaining the entire process of development, which is more conducive to negotiation, isn’t it?"

"hehe... "A ghostly light exuded in Tongtong's eyes, revealing an appalling truth: "You are wrong, no matter the past, present, or future, she is the only existence..."

"What!? "Rao is that Xueer who doesn't change much, she trembles at the moment.

"Hehe, are you scared?" Tongtong said resolutely: "Yes, she has surpassed time! In this world, there are only two existences surpassing time. My main body is You Tan Po Luo as one. Secondly, for her number one enemy, King Otsuki Tsurugen...! "

"..." Xue was so startled by the explosive news that she couldn't speak for a while.


Tongtong stretched out her hand, and a dark tunnel appeared in front of Cher!

"Go, I have already said hello, you are in front of you with the'Bridge of Helplessness' leading to the'extremely evil world', she is waiting for you on the other side of the bridge, you have to be careful~ She is a very picky person. On the way across the bridge, you will go through many dangers. Once your original heart is shaken by the slightest, or a slightest fear occurs, the soul will immediately fall into the hell of the blood pool and never come back! "

"The world where father is absent is not hell, what am I afraid of?" Xueer said righteously, turning her eyes towards Tongtong: "What about you?"



A purple light fell from the sky and enveloped Tongtong.

"I have done something bad and will be locked up immediately. According to the success or failure of your trip, my future actions and his future will all change..."

"Is that so, thank you."

"Then, I wish you good luck..."


Tongtong, disappeared.

"Father, my daughter will save you, no matter what the price..."

Xiaoxue regained her gaze and stepped forward to the entrance to the wicked world!

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