Aqi country, as its name implies, the mountains and rivers are the characteristics of this land.

The vast land is divided by countless foothills, forming countless villages.

The humans here have not mastered the use of chakra, and do not have the conditions to cross mountains and ridges.

Majority of people, for a lifetime, can't get out of the mountains, civilization is backward, but it is profit from disaster, so that the residents here retain the most simple folk customs.

Natural Energy is scarce, not enough to plant Divine Tree, it is a place where Datongmu dismisses it. After all, it is as leisurely and leisurely as Yubi Diren, not far away, to enjoy the scenery of the Datongmu clansman, It's just an example of an individual case.

Therefore, the natural landforms here are completely preserved, the majestic mountains and rivers, and the magnificent scenery, which can be called the superb scenery of Weiyuan country.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yu would never believe that there is such a hidden land of peace and prosperity in this world!

His numb heart has been touched for a long time!

It is the nature of kind-hearted to take care of beautiful things, and Yu is no exception.

He lingered in this beautiful scenery, forgetting about it.

But the reality is cruel.

This beautiful mountain and river will turn into scorched earth later, and those simple human beings will sink into the depths of the gloom in the mournful scream.

At least... to alleviate the pain of these human injuries.

"Pain is not needed to go out..."

After keeping the mountains and rivers in his heart, Yu came to the most peak of Aqi country. The style decided wartime, the technique that once gave up the use.

That is a technique used to harvest life!

" Hoo ..."

On the gazed'Heavenly Eye'Treasure Item, the light spots that walk like sparks, each light spot represents a living human being.

Holding the crutches in her hand, Yu was trembling violently as she previewed the tragedy that will be staged in her mind.

"hehe." Tongtong said with a smile: "Can't you do it?"

"..." Yu Moran.

It is different from all the errands performed in the past.

Those human beings who were once killed by him have violated the taboo of Mingtu, intentionally or unconsciously.

But the humans here are different. They are truly innocent people, complete victims.

"There is nothing you can't do, it's this step!"

Yu strangles the heart, closes both eyes, and after brewing eyes-power, raises the palm of his hand!

Shoo! A cluster of dazzling golden light, shoots high into the sky!

So far, there is no way to look back!

Yu cheered for himself with a choked voice: "The golden wheel...extinguish the sky!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The front end of the cluster of light , Blooming and diverging from thousands of miles above the sky, it turns into a “death firework” that envelopes the entire Aqi country. Each cluster of deadly fireworks locks a creature of Aqi country, no matter where they are in the corner, what they are doing, Fireworks will ruthlessly penetrate their chests and send them to another world, the world named Hades!

Heavenly Eye...the light spots that symbolize all living beings are extinguished in patches.

The light of extinction, reflecting the mountains and rivers, and the sound of turbulence, faintly resounded from a long distance...

Yu's heart is suffering the greatest torment of this life.

He knows that his sins will be washed away no matter what!

He will be a person of Eternal Life, which is even more cruel, because suffering will With Eternal Life continuing .

Yu gazed his own palm and said with a smile: "hehe, the executioner, it’s so dirty..."

The mountains and rivers are dead. Extinct.

On Heavenly Eye, there is only a small spot of light, which is still flickering indefinitely.

Yu browses frowned: "It’s because there are too many people. Have I got any mistakes? ? "

Tong Tong said with a smile: "Hehe...Go, this is the last." "


A corner of Aqi country, a cozy village, has been riddled with defects.

People’s corpse spread all around.

A little girl, sitting beside her parents in a daze .

Yu is far from gazed this scene: "Her chakra is too weak, so weak that I can’t even sense it, so I let her Did you survive that move? "

Yu asked the Tongtong behind him: "She's the only one. If you leave it alone, she can't survive. Can't you let it go?" "

Tong Tong harmless to humans and animals said: "Hehe, mission is absolute, and none of them can leave." "

Yu's eyes drooped: " Yes , let her live, wouldn't it be more cruel..."

Da! Da! Da!

Feather squeezed Walking up on crutches, the highest reincarnation Tenseigan looked down at the fragile life in front of him .

He couldn't help but remember that he killed him at the end of the mission to annihilate Ise Shrine in Kono Country. That little baby.

"It should have been the beginning of my inner degeneration..."

"By now, I am numb enough. "

"If Mingtu wants to kill my heart, I have to say, you succeeded..."

The little girl still bowed her head and didn't realize her death The land is coming.

gazed walks around the corpse, Yu whispered: "Kill your relatives, this is not my intention. This world is so cruel. Someone must become a victim in order to fulfill the majority of people. Even if there is no fault at all, it is also inevitable to die. "

"In the first few years I came here, I would snort disdainfully to my current self..."

"Hehe, after all, I am alive. The most annoying look. "

Yu smiled to himself, the red light in his hand, condensed as a blade, he raised the butcher knife, and slashed towards the little girl in front of him!

At this time... little girl lifted up. He started, those innocent eyes reminded Yu of his daughter, Xiaoxue, the butcher knife that he cut down, and he couldn't help but pause.

The little girl said innocently: "grandfather, your body is so innocent." Thin, holding a knife, aren't you tired? "

This gentle child's words pierced through Yu's dark and clouded soul!

He... broke the defense!

Tong Tong urged: "Hurry up! " Ah, what are you waiting for, kill her and it will be over. "

Yu ignored Tongtong, just stared at the girl in front of him and asked: "Why, are you not afraid?" Why don't you cry? "

Little girl innocent and unaffected said: "I'm afraid, but everyone is asleep. I'm afraid crying will wake them up. Can you eat grandfather? After everyone wakes up, they must be hungry. ......"


Yu sighed, and the butcher knife in his hand was trembling, slowly letting go.

"Sorry... I can't do it. "

Tong Tong frowned: "Do you know what you are talking about?" "

Yu resolutely said: "I know, I voluntarily give up, and I will bear all the consequences!"

"You! ! "Tongtong was anxious for the first time, she stepped forward and pulled Yu's clothes vigorously: "Big idiot, what are you doing with her, do it quickly and kill her!" ! ! "

But no matter how Tongtong makes trouble, Yu is motionless.

"Remember my words, no matter when, don’t lose your heart. This is the last thing you can do as a teacher. I taught you..."

In his mind, he recalled the teachings of Yubi Di last time.

"Run, or you will..."

Persuasion to no avail, Tongtong said something uncharacteristically, but her voice came to an abrupt end. Her little head slowly lowered, and the purple light lingered around the whole body, her small body, ascending into the air, and the spider web from her The back spreads out and is connected to the sky.

bang! The powerful chakra beyond understanding, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

Tongtong’s purple eyes are wide open, and there is no emotion. Color, on the forehead, a gap opened up, blood red background color, three circles of ripples, nine tomoe... That was, Rinne Sharingan!

Yu sighed: "So, is that so... I am early What you should think of, Tongtong, is the Lord of the Underworld, the incarnation of You Tanbula! "

The mighty voice comes from the netherworld through Tongtong's mouth.

"The soul chaser, you defy the will of the netherland and leave the root of evil without authorization, and you will immediately sink into hell. , Forever unable to reincarnate......! ”

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