Feathers fell into the soft ground created by Yubi Di, and Madara and the others also fell all around.

The hot warm current, surrounded from all sides, Yu said comfortably: "It's so warm, it's like lying on an electric blanket..."

"After all, under the soil , Is the lava deep into the center of the earth."

Yubi land fell aside and said politely: "How are you, my dísciple."

Yu said with a bitter smile: "I don't have the strength to even move my finger. I am afraid that an unarmed human can kill me!"

Yibi said with a smile: "Also I can laugh at myself, and it seems that soon, I will be alive and kicking."

Yu said: "If it weren’t for sensei pulling strongly against a crazy tide, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even have the chance to lie on the ground and talk. You are the one who has made the most of the credit!"

Yubidi said indifferently: "This battle result is the result of your work with a common purpose. I just gave it a boost. It’s not so great..."

Yu said: "Count the time, the child of the sensei is already born."

Yubidi said: "Not yet , But it should be coming soon..."

Yu is not surprised, pregnant in October, for Otsuki, it is not an absolute rule, like a dragon, staying in the mother body for thousands of years !

Yu turned to ask: "child’s name, have you taken it?"

Yubi said: "Not yet, we want to take a human for that child The name, after soliciting human opinions for this, the young man of the Feng Family thought about the gods and Buddhas. We really couldn't stand it, and this matter was delayed... By the way, do you have any good ideas?"

Yu was lying on the ground, muttered said: "The boy is called You, and the girl is called Qiong?"

Yubi Dimin: "Oh? What's the saying?"

Yu said: "In the distant sky!"

Yubidi nodded: "Yes, very artistic, so set it down."

Yu:" Is this okay? I just say it casually..."

Yubi said: "There is nothing wrong with the name you choose, and you can cultivate them in the future, can you?"

Yu: "Of course I am happy to help, but I shouldn't need me..."

Although the fierce battle has come to an end, Jianyue Kingdom has become a death star, except for Ubi Di’s production At this footing, other places were eroded by underground lava, and the atmosphere suffered heavy injury!

Yubi said resolutely: “said truthfully, it’s no longer suitable for living here, in various senses.”

If Earth itself was damaged, it’s okay. It took time to repair, but things were far from simple. The fall of a great person like the dragon in Jianyue Kingdom, one can imagine, what an uproar would be caused on Gaotianyuan!

In the past, the way of secretly growing by using the information asymmetry between the two parties is no longer possible. Seeing the moon country will definitely be regarded as a scourge!

Those who see Genin strength great injury, simply have no spare capacity to deal with the coming storm.

Yu also knows this well.

"When I regain my vitality, I will take everyone to find a new piece of land to settle down. After training and rejuvenation, I will find another plan!"

Yubi is nodded:" Hmm...it can only be done right now. Fortunately, Gao Tianyuan needs to pass through Narumi in order to enter and leave Weiyuan country. It is not possible to come in just six months. It should be able to deal with the past in half a year."

Compared to the destruction of homes, the more serious is the casualties.

In this battle, none of the 100,000 White Zetsu survived. There were no fewer than 60 people killed in the Kage Level ninja!

Yubidi seriously said: "disciple, let me give you some information for your teacher, White Zetsu, they are impossible and resurrected again. Their souls are originally the humans of the Ancient Times of Jianyue Kingdom. , But because he became White Zetsu, he ignored the age ring, which seriously interfered with life and death, and Yan Luo would not allow it..."

Hearing this, Yu's face is not good-looking, but there is no other way.

He can only half-complainingly ask: "Sensei, I have been curious about what kind of existence Yan Luo is? What is his course of action? Is he really a pure maintainer of order? He has such a powerful power. Life and death are not all things he says in a word?"

"Hey." Yubi sighed and said: "Being a teacher can only tell you, Yama acts. , You must also follow a set of guidelines, you are not in his position, and some things are invisible...In short, the only ninja you can resurrect are those ninjas, which may be time-consuming!"

Yu Firmly said: "I will bring them back to life! Whether it takes 10 years, 20 years, or even longer!"


“Um..." far away , Sasuke opened his eyes.

"haha, you finally woke up, Sasuke, this time I won, I woke up one minute earlier than you!" Naruto jokingly said.

Sasuke said: "hmph, really an idiot that can't stay idle, even if you win...Dragon pose?"

Naruto: "Dragon pose has been defeated by uncle , Didn’t you see it?"

Sasuke: "Of course I saw it, just confirm the result..."

In the Kamui merger mode, the image that Yu saw was due to chakra Implicated, and passed on in real time.

Sasuke only saw the dragon-style being shot by the sky's sun-by-the-sky bow. He didn't see the dragon-style death with his own eyes. When he heard the faith, he let out a long relaxed breath in his heart. After all, this is Yau A major event for their survival!

Hashirama and Madara lie in another place, their consciousness is awake, but because chakra is over-consumed, they can't move for the time being!

Madara gazed in the dim sky, whispered: "Hashirama, are you willing?"

Hashirama calmly said: "You mean that you must use the power to give Xiaohan to Do you want to defeat the enemy?"

"No, I am not as narrow as I was before... I am not willing to, I will be on Uchiha’s most passionate battlefield, deep in One's heart, give birth to inferior emotions!"

Speaking of which, Madara is holding the fist tightly. He is a former expert and knows the psychology of expert better than anyone else!

Dragon pose is high-spirited and vigorous on battlefield, despising the superior aura of the heroes, Madara once had it too!

But unlike the past, this time, Madara looks up at his opponent as a subordinate!

Madara Zhengzheng said: "I don't want to have this kind of experience for oneself anymore, Hashirama, we must become-stronger!"

Hashirama said with empathy: "Ah, I don't either. Be willing, Madara, I will go forward with you!"

"The act of weakling and licking each other's wounds, let's go to the province first..."

Suddenly, gloomy The voice suddenly rang, black fluid, broke out of the ground, and penetrated into Madara's body!

Madara both eyes moved down in the tremor, gazed occupied the black body, he lost his voice: "Black Zetsu...!?"

"Oh? Black Zetsu...you too Do you call "us" that way? Speaking of which, Kaguya also has the power to make us, but my will does not belong to Kaguya."


In the gloomy words, Black Zetsu of unknown origin, manipulating Madara's body, stood up!

Seeing this scene, Hashirama was stunned, and immediately shouted: "What are you going to do!?"

Black Zetsu said: "I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. At this moment, It is a thousand years of opportunity to cut weeds and eliminate the roots of the dragon style!"

"Then, let me experience for oneself. In clan, it is regarded as a taboo "God Photo" Dojutsu !"


The pitch-black palm, the five fingers separated by a gap, and the right eye was concealed. The six tomoe Rinnegan was shaking and locked the feather that was unable to resist at this moment!

Hashirama exclaimed: "Kohane!!! Be careful Madara, he is controlled!!!"

The Black Zetsu manipulated Madara, raising upwards: "It's too late... …"

——God photo!


At the crucial moment, a silhouette stood in front of Yu.

That's... Yubi Di!

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