——Kamui Body Substitution Jutsu!


As the dragon-style Taijutsu hits the attack, Yu's body explodes into a powerful Kamui vortex!


split second...... The dragon-like left arm, torn from the shoulder blade, is involved in temporal space!

"..." The dragon turned around, and gazed, together with the Ten-Tails chakra, moved to Yu Yu outside thousands of zhang. His complexion was not good.

Long-style raises the right hand and places it on the left arm fracture, with dignified eyes: the left arm and the soul corresponding to the left arm have been twisted off and transferred, which means...there is no way to regenerate .

Yu said rudely: "One left eye, one left arm, now, you have become the disabled of the genuine~, dragon style."


The dragon's right eye condenses.

——Asura Path!


The organ armor becomes the left hand, and with the dragon-style clenched fist, a mecha sound with rich texture is emitted!

Fu Dou Ling Ming: "You can't blame me, my partner! In the situation just now, there is simply no solution!"

Dragon pose: "Ah, I understand, no blame You, Jianyu Yiji's fate has been broken, and the means he can still use, I can think of it with my eyes closed..."

Hana's eyes narrowed.

——Kamui ?heavenly demon dazzled!


Yu's Ten-Tails, once again emits Kamui beams covering the starry sky!

But unlike before, this Ten-Tails attack was used as a back-range fire support!

Yu himself, out of the Ten-Tails chakra body, goes hand in hand with thousands of beams, both eyes exude dark waves!

——Izanagi shikigami mode!

The beam is approaching, and the dragon pose has begun to dodge endlessly!

Under the invincible protection of Izanagi Shikigami mode, Yu approached the dragon pose!

"Kimimaro, borrow your power!"

——Kamui? Kill the ashes!

Shoo! In the release of Kamui Uzumaki from Yu both eyes, the endless co-killing gray bones are rolled out, creating greater pressure on the dragon!

Shua! Shua!

The dragon walks in the gap between the Kamui beam and the co-killing gray bones, thinking: Izanagi fate, this shikigami is different, after opening, the surgeon is truly invulnerable, even with the cooperation of Nether Senjutsu The'inverse Yin Yang Release Jutsu' cannot be resolved. Under the premise that both parties have a life-saving method, it depends on whose chakra is stronger... Well, I deliberately only dodge and don't attack him, just take a look. Can you let him relax his vigilance and unravel this pattern, but he, It shouldn't be such a low-level mistake, right?

Yu's thoughts flowed: "Oh? Deliberately not attacking me...Is you wanting me to unlock Izanagi, and then split second to kill me? I won't be fooled!"

Yes Yes, even if the dragon only dodges and does not attack, Yu dare not to save chakra, so he exits from the Izanagi shikigami mode. He is very clear that the dragon has the'eyesight' to judge whether he is under Izanagi's by virtue of Chakra Flow. , Once he rushes to unlock Izanagi, the dragon-style will kill the dragon...I am afraid that the split second will pierce his head!

Seeing that Yu didn't mean to take the bait, Long Shi thought to himself: Sure enough, he saw through my intentions... Would you consider other tactics? Humph, that’s all, he squandered the power of Ten-Tails chakra and Kamui, and at the same time turned on the Izanagi shikigami, which consumes more chakra and eyes-power. At this rate of consumption, at most seven days and seven nights, his chakra will be exhausted, and I His chakra is far better than him. Even if he maintains the maximum power of his life, he can continue for ten days and ten nights. I don't need to take risks at all, just wait for him to hold on!

In this way, two battle-tested Child of the Prophecy fought a battle of attrition for seven days and seven nights in the star in the sky!

Everything should have been as expected by the dragon style... But he counts, only one thing is missing!

'Zengpojiali' is still in effect!

Even if the dragon pose avoids all attacks, only the fire of Amaterasu on his body can only be passively endured!

The fire of Amaterasu burned for seven days and nights, and invisibly weakened the dragon-style Vajra Body by one step further!

When the dragon pose suddenly felt shocked...Vajra Body has fallen to the Eighth Layer!

The pain of burns constantly stimulates the dragon's nerves: "damned, Amaterasu's flame, does burning hurt so much?"

"Wh, hu, hu... "On the other side of the starry sky, Yu adjusted his breath, and the corner of his mouth made a chuckle: "Every time the Vajra Body is weakened, the defensive power will be weakened ten times. At the moment, the Vajra Body with eight successful powers, you can resist it and wait for it. By the 70th percentile, this black flame can kill you! Even if you win, you won’t be able to survive the moment of taking the fruit of Divine Tree! Let’s be more blunt, dragon pose, wait three days, you Vajra Body falling to the Seventh Layer is your death date!"


Behind the dragon-style gazed feather, there is already a Ten-Tails chakra body that is the same size as normal, coldly said: "Then what about you, for these seven days and nights, you have used Kamui and Izanagi endlessly. Chakra has been there is not much left? Especially Kamui, it is almost unusable~!"

The dragon raised his left hand in the mechanism, covering his empty left eye, secretly thought: "When I defeat you, this period of time when the fruits of Divine Tree are ripe, just use your'left eye' to fill my left eye. The vacancy, the same eyes, should suit me. When the time comes... it won’t be a matter of minutes to get rid of this Amaterasu."

"Heh, what you think is so beautiful, but only if you can Beat me..."

zi! Yu's reincarnation Tenseigan, in the sadness, reappears brilliance!

——Jianyu Yiji Ming!

The end of Izanagi is the revival of Jianyu Yiji's fate!

"..." If placed seven days ago, the dragon style will surely rush forward, and a violent combination of punches will blow Jianyu Yiji's order and Yu together!

But after eight days of fierce battle, Long Shi has fully experienced Yu's tenacity. He has even been deep in one's heart and recognized that Yu is an expert who can truly threaten him!

So, this time the dragon pose did not choose to get close: "I admire you for your tenacity!"


The fire of crimson's Ten-Tails chakra ignited in his body and turned into the form of Ten-Tails!

"Wuliang Senjutsu has been unable to use, then use Kaguya and the three chakras as a substitute!"

xiu! xiu! xiu! Hoop!

In the background of the starry sky, four "Gods? Chibaku Tensei", who are bigger than Earth, moved to the top of the dragon pose and the Ten-Tails, and sucked out a huge amount of chakra from them!

Especially the one that sealed Kaguya, and the refined Chakra Reserves, there are as many as two Ten-Tails!

These chakras are all used by dragons. With inhalation, the scale of Ten-Tails outside his body grows rapidly. Although it is not as good as Senjutsu, it is not much worse!

xiu! xiu! xiu! xiu! xiu! xiu!

Then, thirty-six super-large Truth-Seeking Balls emerged behind the huge Ten-Tails! !


Then, the dragon used his right eye to manipulate the'strong force', forcibly twisting the 36 chakra nuclei inside the Truth-Seeking Ball!

What was finally born was a super large drop-shaped product!

Long Shi said: "This teardrop is more than three times stronger than the wartime with Nana in the past. It is terminated by it, and you can look at it!"

— —Tears of Datai's seeking for the truth!

The starry sky is shattered all the way, black tears are dripping, whizzing towards Yu and the Ten-Tails behind him! !

"Heh..." Yu smiled, his left eye suddenly focused on the teardrop!

——Shaoming Vikuna! !


The teardrops are on the move, shrinking rapidly!

Dragon's hurriedly: "What!?"

Yuyou's eyes condensed suddenly.



Kamui is involved in teardrops that have shrunk to the extreme!

——Flying Thunder God Jutsu! !

The figure of Yu disappeared out of thin air, now behind the dragon-style Ten-Tails, his eyes condensed suddenly: "This is the last power of Kamui......!!!"


The teardrops are released, and the Shaman Vikuna is relieved. Susanoo pretends to install Ten-Tails, Kong Wu holds the tears of Datai’s seeking for the truth in his hands, and protects with Jianyu Yiji's life, exploded towards the dragon-style Ten-Tails Hou Xin!

"Tears will be returned to you!!!"

rumble long long long......!

The explosion of heaven shaking, earth shattering... annihilated everything!


Double Kamui qq group number.

One group (ninja country): 941816534

Second group (Gao Tianyuan): 573561147

Three group (Konoha Subsidiary Country): 1040967018

Four groups (Yellow Springs country): 1137468848

[Author's digression]: Double Kamui qq group number.

One group (ninja country): 941816534

Second group (Gao Tianyuan): 573561147

Three group (Konoha Subsidiary Country): 1040967018

Four Groups (Yellow Springs Country): 1137468848

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