Zeng Po Jiali , can freely manipulate the "entropy increase" and "entropy decrease" of the supreme Dojutsu!

The law of entropy is the highest law in nature. Entropy means'the degree of confusion in things!

Everything in nature tends to change from order to disorder, that is, the value of entropy increases. Life needs to maintain a stable and low entropy level by constantly offsetting the positive entropy produced in its life. Life lives by negative entropy.

Take reality as an example.

For example: at the beginning of the week, we will clean up the rooms, but at the weekend, we will find the rooms in a mess. This process is the process of entropy increase.

Another example: the continuous eating, drinking, breathing, and (plant) assimilation of living organisms, that is, metabolism, is a process that fights against entropy increase.

Take Naruto World as an example.

For example: ninja Refining Chakra, given its properties and Shape Transformation, Ninjutsu, which produces great formidable power, is the transition from disordered chakra to order. This process is against the increase in entropy!

Another example: Dragon-style training Vajra Body. With the improvement of skill, the fragile body becomes stronger and stronger, and even impervious to sword and spear, neither water nor fire can approach the point, from the establishment of disorder Order is also a process of fighting against entropy increase!

But Yu uses'Zeng Po Jiali' to artificially increase the entropy of the dragon style, so that the order established by the dragon style through the'Vajra Body' will return to disorder, and then cause success and failure!

Of course, the participation of external forces can disrupt quantum changes, increase disorder, and accelerate the process of entropy increase!

Vajra Body's Ten Times Cultivation Power's'order degree' is too high, and Dojutsu alone cannot return it to disorder in a short period of time!

So, the seemingly meaningless attacks of the ninjas before are all necessary!

"Dragon pose, since the first face we played, I have imposed'Zengpo's Jiali' on you. After that, all my movements are foreshadowing for this moment! "

"The strength of the Tenth Layer Vajra Body is beyond imagination, we have almost exhausted everything... Fortunately, the effort pays off. Your Vajra Body is no longer the tenth percent! The 10th percentile is weaker than the 9th percentile! But as long as it is not the tenth percentile, everything is easy to say, and with our one step further attack, your skill will become weaker and weaker!"

Under the extremely vibrating look of the dragon, Yu will both eyes and focus his head again!



The distortion field produced by Kamui stirs the dragon-like head of the top... Uzumaki's resistance still exists, but it is no longer overwhelming!


The dragon-like neck deformed due to the force, and even the flesh and blood of the back of the neck collapsed, exposing the hideous spine. With the rotation of Uzumaki, bone residue and blood are involved in time and space...

But... the head is always attached to the neck and cannot be torn off! !

Yu clutched his trembling eyes: "This monster... even if his skill drops, in a short time, I still can't unscrew his head, but it is an indisputable fact that it can hurt him!! "

Shoo! call out!

When the Space Gate opens, the ninjas are back on the battlefield!

Yu Na yelled: "Everyone, keep your eyes open and watch. His difficult situation at the moment is the real portrayal after his halo has faded!!"

, Yu was dressed in the arrogance of Gate of Shock, and he stood up first, click...! ! Shaking the fist of escape, kicking off the prelude to the big reversal!

[Sorry, I went out with my fiancé for a day today. I just came back and I was in a hurry. I can only update this chapter, mainly to unlock the secret of Dojutsu, "Zeng Po Jiali"...]

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