Datongmu is a group of gods. They don’t need to eat to survive. The food they eat will become nutrients and be absorbed. They don’t have a chrysanthemum, they don’t need to fart, let alone They need to shit...

But they still need to breathe... Compared to humans who need to rely on outside oxygen, they are more high-level. In a vacuum environment, they can use chakra to create oxygen. This It is their little-known innate talent.

The foul air here makes it difficult for the dragon to adapt, so he is eager to produce fresh oxygen.

"Oudou~" Tobi "kindly" reminded: "I advise you not to do that. The biogas pervading here is flammable. The reason why the Amaterasu fire on your body does not have Ignite. , Because of the lack of'oxygen' for combustion, if you make oxygen, it will explode instantly, and the feces will splash everywhere..."

"You don’t need to say this, I know !" Long Shi coldly emphasized, holding his breath.

Tobi leads the rhythm: "Then let's start, rules of the game, free to play, but it is forbidden to use the technique of time and space!"

"That can't be done by you!"

The dragon-style both eyes condenses.

——Yellow Springs Hirasaka!


But... all kinds of filth, gushing out of the opened Yellow Springs Hirazaka!

The dragon stepped back one step dodge, and closed Yellow Springs Hirasaka with a gloomy expression.

Tobi said: "Forgot to tell you that, like Kaguya's'Tian Zhi Yu Zhong', this is a complex space. The surrounding spaces are sheltered evil people and accept wrongdoing, wanting to escape. It's useless."

The dragon's gaze surged with killing-intent: "Then kill you here, and then slowly find a way to leave!"

"Yes. , That's the look... Let's start our game, let's say yes, I am not that easy to be killed!"


Tobi escapes into the void and merges with this'shit ball space' in one body!

After all, this is 600 million tons of shit, and it is not the shit that Tobi used to make, but pure natural shit. If you use chakra as an analogy, it is the difference between human chakra and Natural Energy.

To control such a huge amount of shit, it is the only way to integrate with space!

gu gu gu Gu...!

Tobi, who merged with the shit ball space, turned into a shit Sovereign!

——Six Paths ·Shit formation pillar!

hua! hua! hua! hua!

The river of shit is surging, and dozens of shit pillars with a height of over a thousand feet and a diameter of over a hundred feet rise in the noise, alternately Rotate and run towards the dragon!

Smelly. Approaching, holding your breath in the dragon pose, moving your arms like a dragon, opening and closing, the golden chakra turns into a giant dragon and surrounds it, actually blocking the approaching filth from ten zhang!

"Ya Lunei [not simple]..." Tobi praised sincerely: "How about this..."


Dragon foot pedal In the dung river, suddenly stretched out a sticky palm, grabbed the dragon ankle, and yanked it downward!

——Six Paths · Decapitation in shit!


Below the dragon head, he was immediately dragged into the dung river, and the foul-smelling soup spread to the mouth and nose!

"You stinky bastard!!"

Dragon-style rage, for the first time in his life, loudly cursed, his forehead veins burst, chakra spurted out of tenketsu, powerful Rotating and stirring all directions, a Uzumaki was created in the dung river......

His small body rose from the gap of Uzumaki!

hua! hua! hua!

Of course, all around the river rises, and countless giant dragons of shit are whizzing down!

——Six Paths ·Infinite Shit Dragon Bullets!

Hua hua hua hua!

The dragon pose was about to get out, and was immediately flooded with dung...

Tobi took advantage of the situation to pursue him.

——Six Paths · Boiling shit reincarnation!

gu gu gu Gu...!

The entire river of feces was boiled, and the strong corrosive and foul-smelling feces vapor was permeated. After the feces vapor rose... It will be lost, and it can loop indefinitely, just like'reincarnation'.

By the way, Tobi calls this kind of cycle the'shit cycle'.


After one minute, the dragon-like whole body shrouded the'Truth-Seeking Ball' shield, rushing out of the shit...

"Huh, Huh, huh..." In the limited space inside the Truth-Seeking Ball shield, the dragon greedily breathes fresh oxygen.

He used the reincarnation Tenseigan, through the surface of the Truth-Seeking Ball shield, gazed shit billowed outside, angrily said: "I swear, must kill that stinky shit!"

After the shit cycle lasted for nearly ten minutes, the shit river returned to calm, and a new storm was brewing...

gu gu gu!

Sure enough, milk-white freaks surfaced. They were huge roundworms of comparable size with Tailed Beast!

Tobi's voice sounded from the background: "This is a'fecal worm'. Aburame Clan uses the selected roundworm insect egg to cultivate and mutate it to absorb the chakra in the feces... …"


The fecal worm opened its mouth in the feces basin, and with the foul-smelling chakra, it rolled up a thousand piles of feces and condensed them into a 10-meter-diameter feces jade!

The dragon style is easy to say: "That kind of thing can't break my shield..."

Tobi’s voice sounded at the right time: "You just fell into the shit, They are already covered with their insect eggs......"

"What!?" The dragon's expression suddenly changed, and he was busy checking his body. Amaterasu black inflammation crackling on him, even if there is an insect egg, It’s also burned thoroughly...

But the dragon pose itself is a bit clean. In this filthy place, he has lost his normal calmness, so he can't pay attention to these details!

Taking advantage of the dragon's distraction, Tobi appeared from the virtual in the sky, and the brown Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a dung stick, slamming on the dragon-style Truth-Seeking Ball barrier.

——Six Paths · Yin-Yang Shit change!

gu gu gu!

Truth-Seeking Ball barrier, turned into shit and dung...Tobi once again escaped into the void and merged with space!

Rumble rumble! !

Shit jade coming one after another from all sides... burst into a sky full of shit! !

"You really annoyed me!!! A vacuum!!!!"

bang bang bang Boom...... ......! !

The shit curtain collapsed, and the white chakra turned into a fist curtain, centered on the dragon pose, shooting endlessly in all directions!


In the sorrow of the pooping insects, their bodies burst into feces mixed with red, white, yellow and green mucus, like the following assorted vegetables in a pan , Fell into the river of shit!

The dragon-like murderous aura swept across the filth sky, staring somewhere in the void, coldly said: "I found you!"


He is like a storm, tearing the space with his claws!

"Uh..." Tobi's body was forced to pop out, and Tenseigan's right eye was brilliant!

Shoo! The brown Truth-Seeking Ball that lined up behind turns quickly and turns into a dung blade. Tobi joins the shit-stirring stick with the lower edge of the shit blade, acting as a sword hilt, and slashing head-on towards the dragon...

— —Six Paths ·Shit wheel bursts!


The dragon's indifference flashed aside, avoiding the shit.

hua! The dung sword smashed down, and the entire dung river, together with the dung mountain at the end, was divided into two!


The dragon hits Tobi’s abdomen by hitting a column of air in the air.

"Uh...!!!" Tobi flew in pain and flew out of the cock stick.

Dragon style coldly said: "That kind of dirty thing, I don’t even bother to touch it..."

Tobi collided with the dung mountain at the end and got up in a mess , With absolute determination on his face: "It seems that it's time to use the final Secret Art..."


The golden flame, soaring from him, urges the power of Sage Mode to the extreme!


both of his hands suddenly hug each other, and the light in the right eye is brilliant.

——Six Paths · Shit burst into the sky!

bang bang bang Boom... …The dung landslides that stretch for thousands of miles collapsed, and the river of dung below solidified from a semi-fluid, splitting into countless pieces of shit, towards the sky in the sky, that little figure gathered...

"Almost all shit..." The dragon's face was horrified, and he could only use the Truth-Seeking Ball to weave the anti-shield layer by layer, trying to resist this move!

rumble long long long Rumble...! !

The outermost part of the shield of the Truth-Seeking Ball is quickly covered by the first shit block, and then large or small, trillions of shit blocks come one after another...


Finally, the sky star of shit weighing 600 million tons and having a diameter of more than 10,000 meters was completed and became the only spectacle in the space of this shit ball!

At the core of the Shit Sky Star, a full seven Twelfth Layer of Truth-Seeking Ball walls are piled up, which perfectly isolates all the filth. The dragon can't help but laugh out loud: "hahahaha, block it! Block those It's shit!"

At the same time, Tobi silently hand-seal, pressing his hands together on the surface of the shit star.

——Six Paths · Super Added-Weight Rock Jutsu!

weng!! !

A thousand times heavier, 600 million tons becomes 600 billion tons, the weight increases, the volume remains unchanged, which means that the density increases, and the texture of the dung sky star becomes the hardness comparable with diamond stone The'dung stones'!

Click! Click!

"..." The dragon-like laughter stopped abruptly with the overwhelming cracking sound of the Truth-Seeking Ball barrier.

"Enough...I've been, completely fed up!!!"

The dragon-like reincarnation Tenseigan burst out with fierce fierce light!

——Wo Jianming!


split second, the star of shit collapses, and the entire space of shit ball, and even this Jutsu of shit, are going to collapse...

[Author’s digression]: Golden ticket, Silver ticket...

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