The collision of celestial bodies is a visual feast from the perspective of the observer, but it is a terrifying disaster from the perspective of the witness!

The comet itself does not emit light, and reflects the sun's rays like Moon, so when a comet that is dozens of times the size of Earth approaches, the path of sunlight will be blocked!

Sun Devouring Celestial Hound is just a pediatrician, cold and dark baptism earth, people on the ground don’t even know what’s going on, they just feel the infinite oppression force, falling from the sky!

Of course, except for a very small number of people with strong vision!

The sound of the piano ceases, and Byakugan stares at the sky, suck in a breath of cold air!

Back then, she went down to Gaotianyuan and crossed the starry sky to see Moon Land. On the way, she encountered a huge comet and almost died...

So, she always remembered that in her dreams. Aura of the scourge!

Cold sweat, flowing from Wan Sheng’s cheeks: "It can’t be wrong, it’s the one I saw at the beginning. It runs in an area far away from Earth and cannot be reached by manpower. How can the dragon style do such a thing? Yes!"

Yu said: "It’s not difficult to say that it’s not difficult. Use Tenseigan to manipulate gravity and change its trajectory..."

Wan Sheng asked: "You There are also the same eyes-power, can you push it away?"

Yu shaking one's head, said with a smile: "In another two hundred years, I can almost do it."

Wan Sheng smiled bitterly: "Then what should I do now, are you going to die?"

Yu said: "It may not be true. I can manipulate Earth to escape, but the enveloped range is too amazing. With this speed, the probability of successful escape is almost zero, unless..."

"Unless, make it smaller!"

Uzumaki Mito came out and hid it in the Yin Seal of his forehead , The "wedge" liberation of the big barrel wood zero style, the lines spread, turning into black eyeshadow, covering the surrounding Tenseigan.


After closing her eyes-power, she suddenly focused on the dark sky!

——Shaoming Vikuna!


The approaching comet, at the speed visible by naked eye, shrinks rapidly, even sunlight can darken the edge, faintly penetrate...

"oh?" The comet, which was forcibly shrunk to almost the size of Earth, was also surprised: "It turned out to be that technique..."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahh said with a bitter smile: "For a celestial body of this size, is this the limit!"

"Enough, goddamn!"

Yu smiled and got up, reincarnation Tenseigan, brilliance circulating.

Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the sun shines from the dark deflection angle, half night, half day, and the day area is constantly getting bigger!

This means that Earth is about to escape from the comet-shrouded area!

"Oh, so that's how it is." In the sky outside the starry sky, the dragon smiled meaningfully, and his fingers lightly hooked.

Shoo! The comet immediately corrected its trajectory and pursued Earth at a faster speed!

Darkness is shrouded again!

Wang Sheng frowned: "Can't you get rid of it!"

"The other party is manipulating the comet to approach." Yu both eyes squinted: "It seems... he intends to We're fighting."

"Never mind, just to my liking!"

Yu raised his palm, and the Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a golden Heavenly Sword, accompanied by silver The arc of light is entangled on it!

Ha! Hold the near end and slash the sky!

——Jinluntian magnetic burst!


The comet of the same size as Earth was divided into two!

The cut surface of an object split by this move will permanently have the same magnetic field, which will generate a great repulsive force!

Yu's move is to divide and conquer at the same time, to prevent the dragon from using the means of manipulating gravity to keep the comets together!

Dragon smile: "It’s not bad, it’s a long-term view..."

The divided comet is far away due to the repulsive force, but as a whole, it is still hitting Earth!

Shoo! Kaguya appeared high in the sky with Yellow Springs Hirasaka, arms stretched, long sleeves hanging down, and his eyes had unprecedented perseverance!

"This land is guarded by the Ai family!"

——Expanding Truth-Seeking Ball!

bang! Kaguya transforms into a round rabbit, and the Truth-Seeking Ball swells rapidly with itself as the center. After reaching the front end of half a comet, it continues to swell and stalemate with it!

The other half of the comet collided towards Earth at an astonishing speed!

The collision between celestial bodies, accompanied by intense energy, if this half-Earth-sized comet really collides, the impact would be enough to destroy Earth dozens of times!

“It seems that it’s time for the will of our soil to give play to the residual heat!”

On the plain, Onoki, Kitsuchi, Kurotsuchi, grandchildren Third-Kage are on the same front, together Forge the seal of the Meridian.

Bear! Bear! Bear!

Heavenly Grade blessing is activated, the chakra of Comparable with Six Paths is transformed into different styles on the body of three people, full-length coats, Onoki's style is a coat, Kitsuchi's style is a coat, and Kurotschi's style is cheongsam.


Facing the darkness and lifted into the sky, after hand seal, clap with both hands!

——Six Paths · The Art of Light and Heavy Rock!

bang bang bang!

The weight of half a comet has been reduced thousands of times!


The chakra coat burned out, Fu Dun's eardrop broke, and the exhausted three people fell to the ground!


White light and shadow passed by, and it was a fighter jet made of detonating clay.

Boom! Huh! Onoki and Kitsuchi both fell on the clay layer of the fighter, and Kurotsuchi was firmly caught by Deidara with both arms.

Kurotsuchi's eyes are dim: "Deidara...Brother."

Deidara said sternly: "Don't talk, find a place for yourself!"

"... …" Kurotsuchi blushed, and put his arms around Deidara's neck tightly.

There was a strange flash in Deidara's eyes.

簌! sieve!

The clay holds Onoki and Kitsuchi firmly.

"Catapult take off, uh, uh!"

bang! Fighter tail section sprayed flames, the tail changed shape, swished, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"It's time to assemble." Feather's eyes flowed, and the tin rod that the Truth-Seeking Ball had turned into knocked on the earth.

The deep part of the deep depression in the basin is Hashirama and Madara, which are still unfinished after the war.

Hashirama: "Madara, Kohane is at summon us!"

Madara: "It seems that the warm-up exercise can only end here."

Further place.

Naruto: "Sasuke, I am going to abandon it!"

Sasuke: "Remember, the battle plan I just mentioned!"

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Hashirama, Madara, Naruto, return to the original place. At this time, gathered around Yu, Mito, Minato, and Kushina!

All are Jinchuriki from Ten-Tails!

Yu Zhen said: "summoned Ten-Tails, don’t care about the consumption of chakra, bomb me with Bijūdama!"

Then, the seven heads are different in size and color. , Ten-Tails, a powerful and unchanging essence, are lined up on the mountain top, and they are outputting wildly against the half comet that is about to break through the atmosphere!

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!

In the big explosion that blasted the sky and the earth, the half of the comet disintegrated into countless fragments. Among them, the small-scale ones burned into dust when friction with the atmosphere, but the large-scale fragments, Successfully break through the atmosphere and spread everywhere...


Wan Sheng vibrated the strings, and the impact of the sound waves cleared all the fragments in the sky within a hundred miles, but farther away, it could not be reached!

"damned, there are too many!"

"It's okay, the'Tenseigan satellite' has located all the comet fragments. Next, let's hand it to our Commander..."


beyond a thousand li, in the ruins of the hidden ninja kingdom, a fort of the'human cannon' was erected.

In front of the fort, Tsunade used the Tenseigan of the transplant to synchronize the "Tenseigan Satellite" of the Moon Kingdom.


Heavenly Grade blessing is activated, and chakra becomes milk-white tight clothes.

——Boom Killing Command·Global Firepower Coverage!

bang! white light beam shoots directly into the sky, diverges at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and weaves a firepower net that covers the sky...

Along with the gorgeous light mushrooms, breakthrough all comet fragments in the atmosphere , All were intercepted under the atmosphere!

"It's not simple, human beings really have infinite probability..."

Seeing all this dragon pose, he sighed sincerely, and immediately he cast his eyes to the end of the starry sky. What's whistling is a luminous body with more magnificent weather.

"Then... the second bigger one should be nothing difficult, right?"

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