After listening to Yubi Di’s narrative, Yu was unable to calm down for a long time.

He couldn't even dream that the dragon-like life was so irritating, and even for the first time, he had feelings of sympathy for the enemy.

Dragon style... This soul born in Naruto World, before the birth of its mother, has been an observer and wandered through the three-dimensional world!

Yubidi knew the truth that the narrator didn't know, but Yu knew it well.

When I first heard it, it was no exaggeration to say that the feathers and hairs were upside down.

Although it is different from the genuine transmigrator like myself and Wan Sheng, the dragon-like resume can be described as blessed by heaven......

It's a passionate development......

Yu's blood boiled after a long time.

There is also the toad immortal ancestor's death prophecy.

"Heaven and Earth are one, reversing the world, it’s amazing, even this step can be counted..."

Yubidi continued a cup of tea, moisturizing Some dry throat.

"Heaven and Earth are united, and the universe is reversed. I have been thinking about the true meaning of this prophecy since my death. I didn't really figure it out until you appeared..."

"To reverse the world, you, a man on the earth, cannot do it with your own strength, and a man in the sky like the dragon cannot do it with your own strength alone. If Heaven and Earth are combined through a bond called'wedge' For one, it may be able to create miracles."

Yu said with a slight smile: "It turns out that sensei thinks so too."

Yubi said: "I just don't know , Long Shi Wu didn’t realize this meaning... But I think the chance should be very slim."

Yu surprisedly said: "The chance is slim? For such a smart person like the Dragon, he couldn’t think of it for so many years. Is this level?"

Yubi Di Shaking one's head, helplessly said: "You don’t know yet, the dragon style is the reincarnation method of wedge created by clansman's life, but it can’t benefit him. He..."

"What!?" Yu was shocked: "What the hell is going on."

Ubily said: "His power is already strong now. It is beyond imagination, looking at the entire Weiyuan country, no one is qualified to be his "weapon". This is the news I heard from Yan Luo. About 100 years ago, the 2600-year-old dragon-style, immeasurable Senjutsu Great Accomplishment , He used to find a container for reincarnation."

100 years ago... That pair of Ninja World was not even the Warring States age, Hashirama and Madara were not born yet.

Ubily said: "The dragon style hit the wedge on the most expert body of Jianzhou country, but that night, the most expert died suddenly. Since then, the dragon style has been I don’t report the hope of using wedge reincarnation, and naturally I won’t think about it..."

Speaking of which, Yubi looked towards Yu Yu with a shocked look, and said meaningfully:" Of course... If the dragon-style gains your existence, it is another matter. Right now, your battle is inevitable..."

Ubi Di’s unspoken implication, today’s Yu is undoubtedly qualified as a dragon-style weapon, but the dragon-style may not be known.

Yu's eyes are low...The previous words of Yubi Diren not only made him re-recognize the dragon style, but also repositioned the teacher-student relationship between Yubi Dili and the dragon style.

They are not turning their heads against each other, but voluntarily fulfilling them.

In a sense, this is the deepest bond.

Then, Yubi Dimin, the motivation to help herself seems a bit...

Yubi Dimen's eyes seem to penetrate people's hearts, and I can see the deepest worries in Yu's heart. , He got up and turned his back to Yu: "Disciple, the time I spend with you is very limited. To be fair, the bond between me and the dragon style is indeed deeper than you..."

Yu busy raised his head to explain : "Sensei, I..."

Yubidi raised his hand to interrupt Yu's explanation, and said frankly: "sensei has only one wish from beginning to end, and that is the end. for a long time, absolute control over living beings and all things...

"Then establish a new order that is more suitable for human existence. "

"The answer that Long Shi gave back then did not deny clan or human beings. He has always used his own way to ease the contradiction between clan and humans, even if it is more or less right for the lower Human beings are injustice, but as a man in the sky, he has really done his best. "

Yu is nodded, he has to admit one thing, if he changes to stand in a dragon position, he really may not have his dragon-like mind and belly.

Yubi The back of the earth is deep, and the words reveal the vicissitudes of life: "Heaven and Earth unity is based on the'wedge' created by the people in the sky as the link. After unity, the people in the sky are the main body, and the people on the earth are the container. After the fact, since is unwilling as a victim, the research you let'Amado' engage in is an anti-object-oriented approach, and then let the people on the earth as the subject, from their respective standpoints, no one is wrong..."

"Dragon pose, so far, too much has been lost..."

"As a dear friend, I and Yubi Diren as the elder, as a sweetheart Sona, as a relative and friend of Tiger Style and Heart Style, both left him one after another..."

"The more you pursue a powerful force, the easier it is to lose yourself, lose your original intention, and lose what he loses. Those are precisely the key factors that restrict the variables..."

"Dragon pose is to change clan, in order to achieve its own goals, and on the road of become-stronger, the only thing that can restrict him is the Clan, for human beings, pure dedication..."

Yu fell into deep thought, taking Hokage's story as a mirror, and the only one qualified to represent dedication is Uchiha Itachi, but Itachi’s dedication The biggest support point... is his beloved younger brother, Sasuke.

"Even if he borrows your body, successfully reincarnation, and completes the "Heaven and Earth unity" called by Toad Immortal Ancestor, I Nor is it optimistic. The dragon pose, who is already alone, can go to the end with sheer dedication, no..."

Yubi is clenched both fists behind him, his closed eyes trembling. I can’t bear it: "I can’t bear it, I can’t bear to watch him go down alone, thousands of years, thousands of years..."

Speaking of which, Yubi turned around and looked at Yu: "So, for The teacher finally chooses to stand on your side. You have many people who walk with you. The probability of losing yourself in the future is very small..."

"Sensei has only one requirement for you. If two years later, you lose to the dragon pose, don't resent anything, because his strength is indeed far superior to you, and the defeat is for granted. If you win by luck, remember to give him a place of fetters..."

Yu Wubi seriously said: "sensei, please rest assured ,I remember! "

Ubi patted Yu's shoulder, earnestly said: "Go and prepare for the battle, two years later, everything will be Akatsuki..."

After Yu leaves, Yubi is near. I sighed inwardly: "Dragon pose, you and I are all people who sacrificed their lives for ideals. I hope you can understand the approach of sensei..."

Two Ten-Tails recovered from Yan Mo and He Mo Yu has made the following arrangement.

A Ten-Tails will be divided into two parts and sealed in Kushina and Minato respectively.

Why not seal Kushina for a whole one? Although Kushina chakra is strong and suppresses Nine-Tails enough and to spare, Ten-Tails and Nine-Tails are fundamentally different. Kushina cannot afford a complete Ten-Tails alone, so it shares the same with Minato.

The second Ten-Tails, Yu brought back to this world, and sealed into Uzumaki Mito.

So, after Hashirama and Madara, Mito also became Ten-Tails Jinchuriki!

Then, in order to meet the catastrophe two years later, Yu and the ninja country are all elite British pillars, whole body training, even if only one percent of the odds of success is increased, everyone will do their best!

Not for those ambitions, just for down-to-earth... to live!

Fortunately, because of the infinite Kotoamatsukami, there is no enemy in the Ninja World today...this world, everything is stable.

p> the calm before the rainstorm arrives!

The years have passed...Two years, just a click away!

……………………… …

Please look forward to the next volume of "A Thousand Autumn Tribulation"!

[Author's digression]: Please look forward to the next volume of "A Thousand Autumn Tribulation"!

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