Tianjiuju , a life Treasure Item invented by the dragon style.

There are low-key and luxurious decorations, spacious and comfortable seats, warm and soft lighting, soothing and beautiful music, and air conditioning that is warm in winter and cool in summer... The above are all foils, the main three Such an attached Treasure Item is the essence of Tianjiuju.

The infinite brewing of'Tianjiu gourd', no matter how powerful the chakra is, anyone can experience the feeling of being drunk and drunk!

The'bubble teapot' for making unlimited fragrant teas, no matter how hostile people are, you can take a sip and immediately turn hostility into peace!

The most amazing thing is the third one. As long as you report the name of the dish, you will be able to cook an excellent and delicious cooking-'Tianxiang Pot'!

"Tianxiang hot pot, beef steak, medium rare..."


A rays of light flew out from the mouth of the Tianxiang pot, and it landed on the plate. It was a steak of delicious color and flavor, well cooked!

The dragon gracefully holds the knife and fork, cuts a small piece, and slowly manages the taste of Earth Grade in the mouth.

Gudong! Gudong!

By the right hand, Sona drank a lot of wine.

"Hiccups." After a burp of alcohol, she was drunk and confused, holding her little dragon-like shoulders, said with a smile: "jié jié, eat small dragon shrimp tonight~!"

On the left hand side, Yubi shook his teacup, staring at the three Treasure Items in front of him, said curiously: "Dragon style, these three treasures, can you open them for the teacher?"


Dragon style in deadly earnest said: "It can't be opened. Once opened, it will be useless."

In this regard, Yubi Di was puzzled: "Then what is the principle? , Yin-Yang-Style?"

But even Yin-Yang-Style can't do this kind of create something from nothing!

Dragon style cut a small piece of steak in his mouth, chewing and saying: "It is mentioned in quantum theory that things can only be established at the moment they are observed, so I think the other way around. Without observing behavior, it cannot be denied its existence. Based on this theory, I tried to establish a hypothesis. These three Treasure Items confirmed my hypothesis..."

"Well..." Yubidi took a sip of the tea in the bubble teapot.

Longshi added: "So you can't open it, otherwise it will destroy the reference point. These three treasures will not work..."

"Ah...then This kind of thing, everything is fine." After tasting the scented tea, Yubi Di was a momentary buddhist system, and didn't think about the ones that were gone.

For a while, Yubi said resolutely: "disciple, we have stayed in Jianyue Country for a while, how do you feel?"

Long Shi recalled seeing these days All kinds of.

The land of Jianyue Country is small, and it can be exhausted in half a day by flying.

Jianyue Kingdom human beings are weak, chakra, can be ignored.

The country has not yet been born. It is fighting in the form of tribes, and the competition is brute force.

Wipe clean the oil stains on the corners of the mouth, and the dragon objectively said: "This level of civilization does not need to be carried out by your own family. As long as you send a team of Branch House elites, you will be able to conquer..."

Ubily said: "What about humans themselves?"

Dragon Shi remembered an event that happened the day before.

Passing a jungle, a group of soldiers from the tribe are bullying a young girl. The girl is bruised and numb in her eyes.

Long-style can't see it, and it appears in front of the group of people.

Faced with the single-handed, uninhibited little dwarf, the gang of human soldiers who were numerous and powerful, and had weapons in their hands, of course showed disdain.

"Little dwarf, with horns..."

"I have never seen this characteristic, which tribe belongs to?"

"Grab Go back and let the chief interrogate..."

The dragon style shot, just a little aura, and the approaching soldier died suddenly.

The surviving soldiers called out evildoer, and the magic, like the birds and beasts scattered...

Later, I learned that the bullied girl was once the chief of a tribe. The daughter, regarded as Princess, became a prisoner after the tribe's defeat, and became a slave for soldiers to vent their desires.

After the examination, the girl not only suffered from a variety of diseases, but even had severe anal fissure... One can imagine how tortured and abused she was!

Long Shi originally wanted to save her, but thought that even if he saved her at this moment, he even used eyes-power to remove the trauma of her soul. In this troubled world, she lost her support and was defenseless. How dark.

Of course, I can take her back, and even use technical means to give her these options for survival.

But how many miserable lives are there in this troubled world? Can you see one and save one?

To fundamentally curb the tragedy, I am afraid there is only the option of annihilating humanity!

The dragon style really flashed an idea, the urge to kill the owner of this land!

But he quickly abandoned this idea.

The mind returns.

Long Shidao: "From our standpoint, we can't even treat these people as the same kind, and despise them deep in one's heart, sensei, am I? It’s too bad..."

Yubi said: "It's not just you, but sensei often has this idea..."

Dragon-style surprised: "Sensei too?"

Yubi said: "People are destined to be unable to compare themselves with too many weak beings, and give birth to emotions other than compassion. What can be retained is the awe of life itself..."

Dragon pose After deep thought: "Sensei, it's right..."

Yubi said: "Recognizing the insignificance of human beings, do you still stand firm and protect them?"

Dragon Intricately asked: "We, clan, came here step by step like this..."

Yubidi truthfully said: "Those humans have experienced, we have all experienced , There is a slight difference, our fate is more miserable than that of the human girl..."

Dragon Shi said: "Then I have decided to protect humanity..."

Yubi: "Oh? That is to say, you have the consciousness to stand on the opposite side of Clan."

The dragon style said: "I think protecting humans does not mean standing on the opposite side of Clan. ."

"Oh? How do you say this." Yubi gazed the dragon with interest.

Long Shidao: "The fundamental contradiction between clan and the lower realms is the relationship between supply and demand. In order to survive, clan pursues the power of the fruit of the Divine Tree. We cannot deny this pursuit, no matter in the limited length of life. , To pursue the breadth of life, or simply to pursue the infinite life, the pursuit is the pursuit, and there is nothing wrong in itself."

Yubi said: "So, you affirm the'desire'."

Long Shidao: "It is more practical to solve the relationship between supply and demand than to eliminate desires."

Ubi Dimin: "So... do you have any good solutions? "

Dragon pose: "If there is a way to replace the chakra fruit, continue the clan lifespan, and increase the strength, the contradiction will be alleviated."

Yubi Di:" This is true, but the chakra fruit is fundamentally impossible, and desire will not disappear completely. As long as humans have the value of extracting, Clan will reach out to them..."

Dragon pose: "So, I want to help mankind and become stronger!"

"oh?" Yubi's eyes brightened sharply.

"I also agree with what you said. People are destined to be unable to compare themselves with being too weak and to give birth to emotions other than compassion. Similarly, as long as human beings become stronger, they will be even worse than the steel plate of Jianzhou. Be hard! Clan will be in awe, and desires can be effectively suppressed..."

Dragon-style gaze as if a torch: "I know it’s difficult, but I sincerely hope that it’s gazed, human The world of Clan will one day be born an expert that makes Clan’s awe-inspiring!"

Yubidi finally asked: "Then if there is an irreconcilable conflict between the interests of mankind and Clan’s interests, How would you choose?"

Dragon Style thought deeply: "If I were a human being in the lower realm, I would definitely fight for humanity, but I was born in Gaotianyuan. If the contradiction is really irreconcilable. To the point, I, the big barrel wood dragon style, will give priority to the interests of clan!"

"A good conclusion, maybe you are already out of the blue, the dragon style..." Yubi nodded and said to the dragon. Affirmation.

Although the concepts are not exactly the same, he has decided that after returning, he will teach all his ability to dragon style, including Otsutsuki Clan supreme method,'Vajra Body' and'Wuliang Senjutsu' training The way!

[The new year is here, and those who can see this passage must be Juan’s husband fan. Although Juan cannot be your bride, your traces have long been mixed in... In the book, on the Spiritual Plane, we have established a strong and special relationship...

Jie~, getting back to business, double Kamui will come to an end this year, with the love of Hokage, so far No matter what kind of talk, I never thought of giving up.

Never dared to surpass original work, and only strive to dig out more connotations and extensions based on the blueprint outlined by original work. This is also the meaning of the same person.

The honorable pet is not surprised, and always has to be, 2021, happy new year! 】

Double Kamui qq group number: 941816534.

The second group: 573561147.

Three groups: 1137468848.

Four groups: 1040967018.

[Author's digression]: The new year is here, and those who can see this passage must be Juan’s husband fan. Although Juan cannot be your bride, your traces have long been Mixed in the scroll of... the book, in a sense, you are the spiritual companion of the scroll.

In addition, Double Kamui will come to an end this year. With a deep love for Hokage, no matter what kind of lip-service, I have never thought of giving up.

Never dared to surpass original work, and only strive to dig out more connotations and extensions based on the blueprint outlined by original work. This is also the meaning of the same person.

The honorable pet is not surprised, and always has to be, 2021, happy new year!

Double Kamui qq group number: 941816534.

The second group: 573561147.

Three groups: 1137468848.

Four groups: 1040967018.

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