Blue hair and gray clothes , Puppet body, pulled by ten chakra filaments to in midair, completely motionless in any wind!

Akasa no Sasori's most satisfying masterpiece.

——Human-Puppet ·Third-Kazakage!

"One can play~ (I 'm going to play~)"

Shua! Sasori's center of gravity sank, fingers moved, Third-Kazakage reached out with his left hand, and stretched into three sections, ka! ka! ka! In each section, there are three lids open, and on each lid, there is a Summoning Jutsu style written on it.

Sasori smiled innocently and cast his seal with one hand on his chest.

bang bang bang bang! In summon curse-seal, thousands of Puppet's hands were released by summon!

Mt. Sumeru inside the mustard seed, hide Senju in one arm!

This is Sasori's Puppet mechanism-Senju Caowu!

crash-bang! Thousands of Puppet arms were stacked together and poured into the cave like a torrent.

It seems that Sasori realized that the enemy he was facing could not be killed in this way, and his printing method changed again.

Puppet Master Jutsu · Mechanism arm!

Each arm of the mechanism shoots a poisonous kunai!

In this cramped within cave, such an attack can be called a lore!

bang!! Susanoo rises. Because he is worried about destroying the cave and hurting the three children behind him, Lin Yu only opens Susanoo's Second-Form!

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!! kunai hit it like rain, leaving Madara traces on Susanoo's coat, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! Thousands of Puppet hands follow closely from behind, strikes on Susanoo...

The crack quickly appeared on it, and under the stress, Yuzuo continued to retreat back.

But being passively beaten is not Lin Yu's style. He stopped, Susanoo's big hand grabbed the bunch of Puppet's hand and pulled it violently!

Third-Kazakage, along with Sasori, fell into it together!

"What!?" After Sasori startled, his fingers twitched delicately, and a Chakra Threads like waves, ka!! The arm mechanism is separated from Third-Kazakage's left arm.

"Is there no time to release the poison? Although it is useless to him, if it is used, it will at least distract him from the children..." Sasori murmured.

bang!! Suddenly, the top edge of the cave broke open, and Susanoo came outside with three children.

"You should go to my time and space to hide, otherwise I can't use it." Lin Yu said.

"I see." Itachi said.

"But, I want to watch the duel between my brother-in-law and that person, at least let me stay outside, I can protect myself!" Yugao said.

Lin Yu turned to gazed Yugao and saw her face firm.


A crystal ball appeared in Lin Yu's hand, zi! After making some settings with his eyes, he handed it to Yugao. Yugao put the knife behind his back and held the big crystal ball with two small hands. Asked: "What is this?"

"With this, you can also see the battle outside in time and space."

"Can this be the case?" Yugao was surprised .

"Let's go in first!" Lin Yu put his hands on Itachi and Yugao's shoulders, and Itachi grabbed Hidan who had just woke up and was a little confused, hoo! The three people are drawn into Lin Yu's time and space together.

Lin Yu stood on the top of the mountain wall, Sasori below gazed said: "Sasori, now we can have fun~"

"You can break that move just now, see The usual tricks are useless for you, just serve the main course!" Sasori hand-seals with both hands.

Sand! Third-Kazakage opened the mouth of Puppet, and spit out a black lacquer...

Lin Yu both eyes squinted slightly: "That is Hidden Sand's most terrifying weapon, iron sand..."


It is rumored that the reason why Third-Kage is called the Strongest Kazekage after the First-Kage Kazekage battle is that he can use the highly condensed chakra to freely control the aggregation and dispersion of iron sand. It is called'Magnet-Style 'Kekkei Genkai!

Sasori's printing method has changed.

Sand Drizzle!

咻xiu xiu xiu!

Countless iron sand particles condense into a mass, lasing away, with a very wide range, a very fast rate of fire, and a very strong formidable power......

Ticket-Ticket-Ticket! On the mountain wall Lin Yu underfoot stepped on, holes and cracks appeared swiftly, and rubble splashed and quickly disintegrated... But the hour rain of iron sand penetrated Lin Yu's body without causing any substantial damage.

Kamui is the strongest defense, there is no one.

"Then it is rumored that you can ignore the penetrating ability of all attacks. It seems that there is a time limit. As long as you continue to attack continuously, you will recover the entity sooner or later." Sasori maintains the seal, iron sand continuously Swiftly.

bang! The mountain wall of Lin Yu's underfoot has been completely destroyed, he fell to the ground, Iron Sand Drizzle also adjusted the direction, and continued to keep covering with Lin Yu's body.

"..." Lin Yu stepped forward, facing Sand Drizzle.

While he penetrates, he can move physically! Sasori both eyes shrinks slightly, pulling Puppet decisively, and stepping back into the wind and sand behind him.

The wind and sand obscured Lin Yu's sight, but it also obscured the sight of Sasori himself.

"Iron Sand Drizzle has a large range, but it has a non-saturated attack. I shoot blindly at the moment, and he will only be easily out of the attack range. It is not worth wasting chakra..." After seeing the situation, Sasori stopped decisively. Meaningless Sand Drizzle.


A large amount of iron sand gathers into a huge triangle in midair, and the tip contains terrifying penetrating power!

"Oh? You want to use that, to kill me?" Lin Yu murmured: "No, that Sasori is not naive to this level. He expected that if I attacked, materialization would be bound to happen. Do you want to use that iron block as a deterrent, so that when I attack, refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, the same tactics as Third Hokage..."

Although the idea is good, it is after all Naive, because he has already things are very different now!

Lin Yu stretched out his right hand, hoo! The chakra is released in the palm of the hand, condensed, rotated, and injected with the power of Kamui...

Sasori both eyes suddenly set, and the double-hand seal method changes.

Magnet-Style ·Iron Sand World Method!

Shoo! ! Iron sand triangle, shoot at Lin Yu!

zi zi 嗞! At this moment, Rasenshuriken with a black white sword is in the palm of Lin Yu, like the most exquisite artwork!

Kamui Rasenshuriken!


Shuriken broke the wind, collided with Iron Sand World Method, and exploded into a strong Kamui Uzumaki. The scope and attraction force were so large that Sasori was almost involved. As a last resort, he pulled Third- Kazakage continues to retreat!

Shoo! !

Lin Yu, accompanied by Kamui Uzumaki, appeared in front of him without warning...

"What!?" Sasori was shocked.

Shua! ! Lin Yu covered the lightning hand knife and cut upward... Ka! ! Cut off the ten tenacious Chakra Threads. The Third-Kazakage Puppet, which lost its traction, collapsed with the iron sand wings behind it. It fell from the midair and was caught by Lin Yu.

"It's nice to give Yugao a toy, if she likes it..."

Shoo! ! Lin Yu ignored Sasori's feelings and directly sucked the Puppet from Third-Kazakage into his right eye.

Time and space.

Itachi, Yugao, Hidan are sitting on the square, gazed presents the scene on the crystal ball.


Suddenly, Uzumaki appeared not far away, and the Puppet of Third-Kazakage fell in front of them...

"Yugao, the shadow sama seems to say, this is for you Gift..." Itachi said to Yugao on the side.

Yugao sat there with her little hands hugging her knees, whispered: "Toys, do you think of me as a child? I don’t want such an ugly toy..."


"You said just now, my most perfect collection is a child's toy?" Sasori's dark red pupil, the overwhelming opponent in front of the coldly gazed eyes, it seems that Lin Yu's words just touched his Bottom line.

Lin Yu realized that he seemed to have lost words in front of the artist. He explained: "Sasori, I didn't mean to tarnish your art, but..."

" Enough!! I don’t need the comfort of the enemy. The art of failure is just a waste product. I will justify my art now!!"

hua!! !

Sasori jerked open his robe, revealing his Puppet body and... the four scrolls on his back.

sou! He directly used the Puppet line to hang the last scroll.

The both eyes under Lin Yu's mask squinted slightly: "That scroll, could it be..."

Yes, just skip the Performance of a Hundred Puppets, Sasori wants to use the original work , The last scroll that he hasn't used until his death, he must justify his art!

[Author's digression]: You must think that I will become Third-Kazakage, write Sasori main body, and then to Performance of a Hundred Puppets, right? I don't play the card according to the routine, and go directly to the last scroll! (To be continued)

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