This is the Land-of-Bears far away from Hidden Rain Village!

The former leader of Hidden Rain Village, Hanzo of the Salamander, placed his family in a village in Land-of-Bears.

Of course, just a few hours ago, the leader of Akatsuki, the new Hidden Rain Village chief Pain, erased this village from the territory!

At this moment, Pain Deva Path, sitting on the ruins of the Gobi, the desert yellow sand in front of gazed.

Konan came over and conveyed a message to him: "Pain, just now, the new member we recruited last month, Konoha Missing-nin'Bei Liu Hu' was killed."

Pain faces forward, with a low and cold voice drifting behind him: "He has the'Ghost Bud Luo Art' that can absorb other ninja powers and even Kekkei Genkai. It has merged four bloodstain boundaries. Strength second only To Konoha Sannin’s humble liuhu, was it killed? Who did it?"

Konan’s light orange pupils were deserted: "It seems to be three children......"

"Child?" Pain Deva Path turned his head slightly unexpectedly.

"Well, Beiliuhu seems to have underestimate the enemy at first. Of the three children, two of them have extraordinary skills. They cooperated with each other and cut his face."

"Oh? The two are extraordinary, and the other must be mediocre, that is, Beiliuhu. Was it killed by those two children?" Pain Deva Path said naturally.

"No~" Konan shook the shaking ones head calmly, neither slow nor hurried said: "Hui Liuhu became serious immediately after realizing the underlying the enemy. The two children joined forces. None of them are opponent."

"Are there any reversals?"

"Well, the problem lies with the seemingly mediocre third child, that child licks He took the blood of Bei Liuhu on the knife, drew a circle on the ground, and then stabbed his body frantically with an iron rod, stabbing the ground with great excitement, and every time he stabbed the sword, Bei Liuhu appeared a blood hole on his body. In the end, Beiliuhu was lying on the ground motionless, and the whole body couldn't find a good place."

"Oh? A co-killing attack...what happened to the child?"

"Oh? p>

"He was not dead until the information was intercepted, shouting vigorous and lively..." Konan said.

"It seems that Beiliuhu's substitute member has been decided~" Pain said.

"Well, at the door of the house, Kisame and Sasori, who are you going to send?" Konan asked for instructions.

"Since that kind of ability is for flesh and blood, please send Sasori in Puppet's body to go out. By the way, remember to let him take back the humble corpse..." Pain said.

"If you encounter a hindrance, what shall you do?"

"Anyone who disobeys the will of God will be punished."

"Understood, this Arrange it."


Half a day has passed since the incident, Lin Yu wanted to find Nagato and Konan, and explain the matter clearly, so as not to cause some oolong, but Nagato and Konan are not in Hidden Rain Village at the moment.

Lin Yu think about it and forget it, and then make it clear, anyway, it’s not a major event......

So, he made the bloody, unrecognizable corpse In the income space, no matter who it is, since it can be selected by Nagato, it means that there are two brushes. Let Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation come out, return it to Nagato, or keep it as an undead sandbag for practice...

In this way, Lin Yu took Itachi, Yugao, and Hidan three people and continued to move towards the destination Land-of-Wind.

Behind the team, Hidan was whistling, holding the back of his head, swaying, just like a okay person, no matter how you look at it, he is a simple-minded, a little not very clever child!

It’s just that Uchiha Itachi and Uzuki Yugao can no longer treat Hidan as a simple idiot!

And Lin Yu was also at this time, telling Itachi and Yugao about Hidan's life experience, the Jashinists, and the principle of this Jutsu.

After the two listened, they were both shocked.

Especially Yugao, she stared at Hidan from the corner of her eyes. From Lin Yu’s description, she had confirmed one thing. The night almost a year ago gave Lin Yu half a foot. The one who stepped into the gate of hell was the kind of unknown guy behind him!

While Itachi was shocked, he thought to himself: It seems that I must be extra careful in the future and never let him get half of my blood. His temperament is extremely unstable and he goes crazy and kills him. My companion is not surprised. If there is an accident in my life, Sasuke will...

Lin Yu has been paying attention to Itachi's look, and the corner of his mouth under the mask reveals an imperceptible smile.

He formed this special warfare team, not intended to play a family-like partner game.

Lin Yu knows that based on the characters and experiences of these three people, they will never completely believe in each other.

Most cooperation does not necessarily need to be built on the premise of absolute trust, as long as relative trust can be carried out...

In the original clear field of view, wind and sand gradually appeared. It is close to the junction of Land-of-Rivers and Land-of-Wind.

"Look at this Celestial Phenomenon. It is estimated that there will be a big sandstorm tonight. Let's spend the night in that cave..." Lin Yu gazed in the wind and sand, the faintly discernible cave, facing the three behind him Said a child.

Four people were settled in the within cave.

Hidan fell asleep simple-minded.

Itachi and Yugao each have concerns.

Lin Yu closed his eyes and rested.

At night, the sandstorm rolled over the cave, covering the sight, leaving only the sound of hu hu wind, ringing non-stop.

dīng líng líng! In the sound of the wind, a bell rang suddenly.

A rickety silhouette faintly discernible, approaching in the wind and sand, with his head against the hat, bells swaying on both sides of the hat, and behind the black fire cloud robe, a long metal tail extends...

dīng líng líng...As he approached, the sound of the bell became clearer.

Finally, the silhouette stopped at the entrance of the cave.

"The people inside, come out..." A low, husky, and venomous voice came from the entrance of the cave.

Itachi, Yugao opened his eyes at the same time, ready to get up to greet the visitors.

"You retreat..." At this moment, Lin Yu shouted to stop the two of them, and slowly opened his eyes under the mask: "From now on, nothing to do with you, obediently and honestly Just stay."

"I hate waiting, I will give you three seconds..." The voice at the entrance of the cave became impatient: "I can't wait, I'm going to kill you !"

bang!! When this voice fell, countless thousands of poisonous poisons came and shot...

Lin Yu sit cross-legged in front, Motionless As Mountains, raging! The flames of the blue chakra rose and instantly turned into a giant skeleton, blocking the thousands of lasing shots ...

"Is this...Susanoo!" For the first time I saw this As far as the powerful Itachi and Yugao are concerned, the shock can be imagined!

"Oh? It seems that the prey this time is worth collecting..." And the voice outside the cave was surprised, and there was a hint of inexplicable ecstasy...It's like a scientist has discovered the truth , The artist, inspired!

Fighter Uchiha Yu, the corner of his mouth under the mask evokes a slight smile: "Are you here, eternal art, Sasori of Akasha..."

[Author's digression] : Nothing, I'm going to die suddenly... I have to go to bed, five more complete... Silver, silver ticket... (to be continued)

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