Late night, Heavenly Feather Pavilion, Yugao, who had finished training, returned, walked through the long corridor, and stopped at the door of the room.

"Tower freshman (I'm back)..."

"Yu, yes, pick me up, just like this..."

About to push When I entered the door, I suddenly heard movement inside the door.

Yugao stretched out his hand for a while, slowly retracted it, and whispered: "Souga, brother-in-law is back, starting today, I can’t sleep with my elder sister..."

She turned around and walked towards her room, a little silent from her back.

In the middle of the night, Yu and the setting sun, who had finished Xiaobiesheng’s newly-married couple, hugged tightly together in the bed, their bodies clinging to each other without any barriers.

On the face of the setting sun, there are still red clouds with aftertaste.

"In the future, I won't go out for that long, right?" The sunset's voice was filled with resentment.

"Well, for a while, it won't be over." Lin Yu said.

"I really want to be stronger. You can take me with you when you go out in the future... I don't want to be separated from you." Xiyang said.

"After Orochimaru wakes up this time, let's start the long-term project." Lin Yu said, the long-term project refers to the transplant Mito cell.

"Well, if I don't become stronger, I'm afraid I will let Yugao that child catch up..." The setting sun whispered.

"Oh? Yugao...has a strength close to Jonin." Lin Yu was slightly surprised.

"Yes, since she has Sharingan and learned Chidori, she has learned everything very fast. A-Rank Forbidden Jutsu on scroll, she can learn it in only one day, and, in the past six months More often, her Chakra Reserves grow with each passing day, using Chidori many times in a row, without panting..." Xiyang said.

"Well, next time I guide her in training, I will test her to what extent." Lin Yu said.

"It's just..." The setting sun stopped talking.

"Just what?"

"It's nothing, I should think too much."

"Then, go to sleep."

"Un." The sunset turned off the lamp on the bedside table, and then closed the eyes, resting on Lin Yu's arm.

In the middle of the night, she had a nightmare, Yugao held the knife with her back facing her, and the underfoot was Lin Yu's bloody corpse.

At the time of the sunset, when Yugao slowly turned around, Yugao was still stained with blood, his eyes lost his high light, and with a sickly smile, but he said in a brilliant tone: "Hey, yeah, Elder sister, brother-in-law has been killed by me, so we can return to Konoha together..."

"Yeah!!!" With a scream, the setting sun woke up suddenly, and then gasp heavily for breath.

"Have you had a nightmare?" Lin Yu got up and turned on the lamp.

The sunset startedled, and Lin Yu was so good by his side, he hugged him abruptly: "Yu, yes, or else, don't you guide Yugao training, OK, she is strong enough and protected enough It's me!"

"Good point, what's the matter?" Lin Yu stroked the setting sun's sweaty back.

"I'm just... scared. These days, whenever I think of the day when she first arrived in the Shadow Village to report, I feel scared. I think, is she, is it..." Xi Yang God Six gods have no masters.

"Sunset, looked my eyes." Lin Yu whispered.

The sunset meets Lin Yu's pupils, three-tomoe, which is emitting a soft light, not to impose Genjutsu, but to soothe emotions.

The panic and worry in the sunset eyes gradually faded.

"Okay, okay, don't let the imagination run wild, go to sleep." Lin Yu whispered.

"Un." The setting sun lay down again, nestled on Lin Yu's chest, and soon came even breathing.

Lin Yu also lay down, gazed to the ceiling, his eyes deep but calm.

The next day, Lin Yu came to the Academy to fulfill the conversation that had been releasing pigeons for more than half a year.

In front of Lin Yu, the wind from the mountain city, Yumir and Mirozin three people bow down on one knee. The difference is that they have put on the headband and become the Genin of Hidden Villages.

At this time, Yamashiro Ryufeng said: "Shadow sama, the previous incident was my first hand. It has nothing to do with other people. Please punish me alone!"

Miro Jin Yi said: "Shadow sama, I called other people to start, and I also sin!"

At this time, Yumir said: "Shadow sama, it is because Yumir did not persuade them both. Yes, Yumir is also at fault, please punish Yumir together..."

"Shadow sama, we must punish, even let us punish together!!" An ear-splitting cry came from downstairs.

"Hey, don't quarrel with you." Then came the somewhat helpless voice of White Zetsu.

Lin Yu looked down from the window and saw that the children of Hidden Villages gathered downstairs.

"These guys, it's just fine to let me come!" Shancheng Ryufeng murmured.

Lin Yu drew the curtains and walked in front of the three people.

"lifts the head, come on..."


Lin Yu said with a slight smile: "When will I say I'm punishing you. I want to praise you. You did a good job and didn't lose the face of our village..."

The three people looked up and couldn't believe what they heard.

"Then, why are you only now..."

Lin Yu sat on the table with his arms on his chest: "this period of time, I'm not in the village ."

"Not in the village!?" The three people were shocked.

Shancheng Liufeng blurted out: "Three months ago, the one who preached defecation was justice, isn't it you?"

"???" Lin Yu was stunned.

"Hey, Liufeng, you are so rude!" Yumir hurriedly said.

"Uh." Liu Feng hurriedly covered his mouth.

Lin Yu understood as soon as he thought about it, he couldn't help but burst into a big head: Tobi that bastard, when I was away, my image was destroyed...

He said to three people "All in all, I went out. Genius just came back yesterday. I didn’t find you before. It was an emergency and I couldn’t take care of it..."

In fact, Lin Yu is just a simple nobleman who forgets things. Had it not been for the reminder on the 1st yesterday, he would have forgotten this.

Samiro three people looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes. I thought that what was waiting was blame and punishment. Didn't expect praise and encouragement.

Lin Yu smiled under the mask: "Also, congratulations on your promotion to Genin. My promise remains the same. As long as you can be promoted to Chunin within three years, I will personally guide you."

"Many thanks Shadow Sama, we will work hard!" The three people exclaimed.

"Go ahead."

The three people left happily.

"Long live the shadow sama!!" After a while, there was a cheer from downstairs!

Then...they started their hard work and growth today.

"Looking at these children, they feel that the future of Hidden Villages is bright, mountain city Liufeng, Mirozin, Yumir, I look forward to you, and become the future'Hidden Sannin'" below gazed Lin Yu smiled and said to himself.

"Then, next, go see her..."

Shoo! Lin Yu disappeared in Kamui Uzumaki... (to be continued)

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