In the Land of Fire, on the shore of an unnamed lake, Tsunade leaned on the railing of the pavilion in the center of the lake, and drank to the wine gourd. The red clouds in the evening were bright and reflected on the water, golden brilliance Madara...

What she was pinching with her fingers was a letter filled with Jiraiya's touching love words...

Tsunade beautiful eyes flashed and muttered Words: "This idiot, after recovering, everyday all sent me a letter. It has been rejected 99 times, and I still don’t give up..."

Huh, suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and love letter slipped through my fingers. , Fell on the water.

Shua! Tsunade jumped up from the railing, landed on the water, leaned over and picked up the soaked letters, dried the water, and flattened the paper, then put it away solemnly, and muttered, "If you can Persevering until 999 times, I will consider agreeing to you, Jiraiya..."

" Hey , it seems that I came at an untimely time, Tsunade Ji..." Suddenly, a playful low voice sounded behind him. .

Tsunade's brown pupils, suddenly fierce, she turned around and punched.

bang! The water waves were swept up into the sky by Chakra Enhanced Strength, and then fell.

"Sakura is rushing up, do you hate me like that, Tsunade Ji..." In the distance, Lin Yu said helplessly.

"Uchiha, Yu!!" Tsunade stared sharply, ka! bit his fingertips and quickly hand seal.

Summoning Justu!

bang! In the white smoke, Katsuyu's huge body descended on the water.


"Ah, I saw a nasty guy, so summon you came out, Katsuyu." Tsunade straightened up, shaking the back of his head. braid.

gu lu! Katsuyu has brewed the acid and is ready to spray it to melt Lin Yu.

The corner of Lin Yu’s mouth under the mask slightly raised: "Tsunade, I don’t have an evil intent here, just talk to you..."

"I have nothing to do with you Nice talk!" Tsunade said without buying it.

Lin Yu raised the corner of his mouth: "Resurrect your younger brother Nawaki and your sweetheart Kato Dan, does that count?"

Ka! !

Tsunade's whole person shook for a moment, and the brown pupils flickered violently: "You said...what? You say it again!!"

"Let you see your beloved The younger brother and sweetheart, don't you want to?" Lin Yu changed his expression.

ka!! Tsunade clenched the fist tightly, his lips trembled, and said with clenched teeth after a moment: "What is your condition and what is your purpose..."

"The condition is simple, I want to learn Shikkotsu Forest Senjutsu, the purpose is for freedom..."

"Hu Se Kai Na (less cracking a joke)!!!" The roar burst, and the painful feet fell...


The lake was sunken, and the waves washed over Lin Yu, knocking down the pavilion behind him.

“I was obviously moved just now, and I refused without the slightest hesitation in a blink of an eye. Do you not believe that Uchiha Yu can do it, or do you believe that I can do it, but still refuse with blood? Well, Tsunade Ji..." Lin Yu already knew the answer, but still asked.

"I have nothing to say with people like you! Anyway, Shikkotsu Forest Senjutsu, you just give up!" Tsunade clasped the bleeding fist and said loudly.

At this time, Katsuyu behind Tsunade also said: "Although Shikkotsu Forest does not refuse to teach outsiders, we will not accept those whom Tsunade-sama refuses by name!"

"This is really regrettable..." Lin Yu lowered his head, although he had expected this result a long time ago.


Susanoo was liberated. In the palm of his hand, Kamui tomoe appeared, Mangekyo under the mask, focusing on Katsuyu behind Tsunade, suddenly threw it over!

"Tsunade-sama, this move is..." Katsuyu has an impression of this move, knowing that it cannot be intercepted and is a must-have tactic, but there is a method... but it can be invalidated.

That is, dismiss summon!

Tsunade hand seal: "Summoning Jutsu · Solution!"

Now, Kamui! !

Ka! Lin Yu both eyes release Kamui together.

He was waiting for this moment! When Tsunade releases summon, Katsuyu is sent back to Shikkotsu Forest in reverse, Lin Yu can reach Shikkotsu Forest directly with the power of Kamui and his resonance!

Because of Summoning Justu, it was originally a kind of Space-Time Ninjutsu. Lin Yu once relied on the Nagato summon Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and used Kamui to synchronize with it and arrived at Hidden Rain Village in an instant!

Shoo! ! Lin Yu's main body disappeared in Kamui Uzumaki, and only a wooden clone was left in Susanoo for the purpose of concealment.

This Wood-Style clone, as it should be by rights, will be killed by Tsunade, but it doesn’t matter...

Shoo! !

An endlessly distant place, Shikkotsu Forest, Lin Yu descends with Kamui Uzumaki.

After landing, he saw himself in a shadow.

gu lu! gu lu!

A terrifying voice sounded from the sky, Lin Yu raised his head, and was shocked by the scene in front of him, shocked the pupils: "This is...!?"

It is a big one. To the unimaginable behemoth!

If you insist on describing it, I am afraid it is ten times bigger than Complete Body Susanoo! ! !

In front of her, Lin Yu fully realized his own insignificance: "This is Shikkotsu Forest...Katsuyu Sage's main body?"

Katsuyu, who was taken by Tsunade summon, It is a very small part of Katsuyu Sage's body, it may not even reach 1%. When the summon is over, the clone body returns, and Lin Yu comes to Katsuyu Sage through Kamui resonance...

This is plain... almost suicidal!

Katsuyu Sage's two protruding eyes are downward, and he stares at Lin Yu coldly.

"The sea of ​​osteolytic acid!"

hua!! An ocean of acid, poured down from the sky, if it gets drenched, Lin Yu has no means, only dead end! !

"Catch up for me!" Lin Yu both eyes started Kamui together, at the crucial moment, escaped into temporal space!

"Huh..." Lin Yu slumped on the square, his clothes wet with cold sweat.

"Yun, I rarely see you in such a difficult situation." In front of him, Orochimaru lightly said with a smile.

"Fortunately, Shikkotsu Forest has been marked by Kamui's time and space. I can go back anytime..." Lin Yu murmured, stood up, said resolutely: "You are here to prepare How is the land?"

"It's ready..." Orochimaru said.

I saw that on a platform made up of several large squares, the technique formula of Impure World Reincarnation was painted. A female Yuyin ninja was used as a living sacrifice, and an unidentified life substance had been placed. In place.

"Let's start..." Lin Yu looked solemn.

pa! After the Orochimaru hand seal, my hands suddenly folded.

Ninjutsu · Impure World Reincarnation! !

"Ah!!!" The living sacrifice let out a scream, and then an unprecedented brilliance!

Orochimaru has a long hair with no wind, and his expression is very high: "This Impure World Reincarnation is specially prepared by me. It can make that sama, with a nearly perfect posture, summon back into the world."

"Yes, the Princess of Uzumaki Clan, the wife of Hashirama sama, the first generation of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the grandmother of Tsunade, the first man who has perfectly mastered Shikkotsu Forest Senjutsu for a hundred years, is also in Katsuyu Sage In front of us, the human with the most right to speak——Uzumaki Mito!" (to be continued)

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