In the body, the jade-green Senjutsu chakra turns into six phantom snakes lingering around, with a horn piercing the upper edge of the mask and protruding the tip...

Snjutsu is nothing I can believe my eyes: "He, he has entered Sage Mode!?"

Orochimaru both eyes squinted tightly: "no, this powerful but unstable, I'm afraid it is only Yujun Sage Mode The prototype hasn’t really entered, but even so, Yu-jun’s own chakra shows no signs of disorder. I’m afraid it’s just a matter of time..."

Lin Yu gazed's own posture , Whispered: "so that's how it is, is this Senjutsu chakra? It doesn't seem to be too difficult to control..."

"Boy, you know you sucked it from me, it was refined by me , The purest Ryuchi Cave immortal strength, is also your'safeguard' strength after entering Sage Mode!"

I saw Sage the white snake get up, and her shrunken body gradually returned to its original state... She is Ryuchi Cave The Lord, Natural Energy here, she can mobilize at will, even if it is lost, she can quickly replenish it.

"For a thousand years, there has never been a human being who can do anything like you..." The white snake Sage spit out a snake letter, and the vertical pupil gazed Lin Yu gazedly.

Lin Yu said: "I am a person who never loves to suffer. The reward must be worth the risk I take..."

Sage said with a sneer : "Hmph hmph hum, but now the immortal strength has been taught, even if I kill you, it is not a bad rule."

Hearing this, Orochimaru suddenly became nervous: this is not a cracking a joke. , As long as in Ryuchi Cave, the power of the white snake Sage is unlimited. As long as she has that idea, she can take away our immortal strength at any time, and then...

The scene is silent, but it will be triggered...


The killing-intent is at its peak in the eyes of the white snake Sage, when he is ready to shoot.

Lin Yu suddenly said: "White Snake Sage, at this moment, none of us owes anyone anymore. In other words, the positions are equal. I have a proposal. Would you like to hear it..."


The killing-intent in the eyes of Sage White Snake was slightly reduced, and he said with interest: "Proposal? hmph hmph, it's interesting, I'll just listen..."

Lin Yu supported her waist with one hand, Raised with one hand, full of aura said: "You teach human Senjutsu, just to find a strong sama to work for you, expand the influence of Ryuchi Cave, but expansion of influence does not necessarily have to recruit subordinates, and it can also be achieved by forging allies. Isn’t it?"

Lin Yu turned around and moved towards White Snake Sage: "We can establish a strategic cooperative relationship and advance and retreat together. The difference is that we are equal, not one strong, one Kneel down~"

Sage the White Snake laughed blankly: "hahahahahaha! Do you know what you are talking about? As a human being, your life span is no more than a hundred years. I am Sage and my lifespan is more than a thousand years. I need to get one Temporary ally, do you take the risk?"

Lin Yu turned his face slightly, and said deeply: "How many ways to live forever..."

"En?" White Snake Sage pupils squinted: This kid's tone is not like swearing...

"You can choose to kill me now, but you are bound to lose a powerful ally in the future, and even...backer."

Lin Yu turned and looked squarely at the golden pupil of the white snake Sage at the top of the head, with a deep gaze and said: "You who have been alive for thousands of years are impossible. I don’t know who this Ninja World originated from, and the origin itself. , Is not the only one. The scales outside the sky will sooner or later cholera in the world. At that time, not only humans, but even you immortals living in seclusion will not luckily escape..."

White Snake Sage The golden vertical pupil is blooming with faint light: "little demon, who the hell are you..."

Lin Yu said loudly: "I am the Uchiha who knows the truth about this world, and the only one you can rely on Humans, I can overcome all kinds of things, standing in front of you, telling you this remark, is the most powerful proof..."

White Snake S age gazed Lin Yu for a long time, the killing-intent in his eyes, finally completely converged.

"There is a'Dragon Transformation Fairy Mountain' behind this temple. It is used by the trainees who have received immortal strength to comprehend Sage Mode. You and Orochimaru can go there, let me see How far can you be, if you don’t meet my expectations, I will die here..."

"many thanks." Lin Yu lightly said with a smile.

"Divine Maiden, take them over."

"Yes, mother-in-law!" Snake Ji bowed to salute and turned around indifferently said: "You, come with me."

Dragon Transformation Fairy Mountain, the most abundant place in the entire Ryuchi Cave Natural Energy, it is no exaggeration to say that the little snakes crawling here have immortal strength lodged in their bodies...This also makes them extremely violent. , Are fighting all day long.

But when Lin Yu arrived, the group of snakes that fought with each other scattered like birds and beasts, hiding in the nest and shivering, leaving the corpses of their companions on the ground, as well as messy bite marks on the trees and rocks......


There has never been such a terrifying immortal strength from any tester firstly...

Lin Yu ignores these, sits cross-legged, both eyes closed, falling into long-term meditation.

Orochimaru is sitting outside several hundred meters, because as soon as he gets close to Lin Yu, the immortal strength in his body is like a river gazed and gazed back to the sea, it will pour into Lin Yu's body...

"Ha-kun, when you finish Sage Mode, what kind of posture will you take? It makes me more curious than yourself..." Orochimaru murmured closes the eyes.

In the temple.

The smoke spit out from the mouth of the white snake Sage, as it curls up, reflects the sight of the fairy mountain of Dragon Transformation.

Under the seat, Snake Ji said: "Mother-in-law, that kind of unreasonable human being, why do you want to indulge him, just withdraw the immortal strength and kill it."

White Snake Sage said: "It's easy to kill, but I don't think that there can be a third aptitude tester like this..."

Snake Ji was shocked: "That is Say, he is the second one! Who is the first one?" Sage the white snake has a deep gaze, as if looking through the ages: "Probably several decades ago, before you were born. , Someone found Ryuchi Cave. He also has the power of Wood-Style. His name is...Senju Hashirama."

Snake Ji sits aside, her little hand on her cheek, like The child who listens to the old grandmother’s story is the same: "Uh, I have never heard of it."

"hmph hmph, that kid seems to be brilliant and well-known among humans. What is it called... God of Shinobi, when he came, he was already pregnant with the two major Senjutsu, Shikkotsu Forest and Mount Myōboku......"

Snake Ji was surprised: "Ah! What a courage, I learned Senjutsu from another family. You dare to set foot in Ryuchi Cave, did you not kill him on the spot, the mother-in-law!"

"No, that human being is much more polite than this kid (Lin Yu), he solemnly told me I salute, saying that I want to gain this power, end the war, and create a peaceful world for everyone. This peace also includes us foreigners who have occupied human land for many years..."

" On a whim, I promised him and taught him Ryuchi Cave Senjutsu. He quickly harnessed this power and even achieved unprecedented results. Ryuchi Cave was transformed into Senjutsu, Shikkotsu Forest Senjutsu, Silent Senjutsu, and Mount Myōboku. Senjutsu, compatible with the three, blends with its own powerful chakra to create an unprecedented-'free Senjutsu'."

Yes, free Senjutsu-is the essence of Senju Hashirama'Wood-Style Senjutsu' !

"Is there really such a powerful human?" Snake Ji was shocked.

"I heard that after that, he really calmed the troubled times and reorganized the order, but he was still a human being after all, and could not escape the years. I thought there would never be a second The strange talent that made me break the stereotypes appeared, didn't expect, actually appeared...Although I didn't have two kinds of Senjutsu, it had the power of Wood-Style and Sharingan, two taboos, it was , I want to take a bet on him."

The white snake Sage flicked the soot, the picture formed by the smoke in midair, flashed vaguely, and returned to clarity...

Time slipped away quietly, and another moonlight slipped away in Ryuchi Cave.

Dragon Transformation on the fairy mountain.

"Clearly feel, Natural Energy, as if they are part of my body, they can gather and disengage with my will..."

Lin Yu muttered My eyes murmured, dark purple eyeshadow covered the eyes, and the corners of the eyes each had a touch down, extending to the nose. The Natural Energy in this world, such as Wanchuanguihai, does not know when it will stop but not profit......

The moment of radical change, here comes!

[Author's digression]: The title of the next chapter-Ryuchi Cave Sage Mode, complete! (To be continued)

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