ka! Lin Yu stabbed the last place Hanzo to death and threw the captured knife aside.

This announced the collapse of Hanzo's last barrier.

bang! bang! bang! bang! Suddenly, Hidden Rain Village has towering purple walls on all sides. The walls are embossed with hideous and terrifying reliefs, like scrolls of hell.

When the four walls are completely raised, the sky is also covered by a layer of purple mist, and the rain is isolated.

chi chi chi 哧... By Lin Yu's feet, the bodies of the dead men were corroded and turned into dead bones.

bang! Hanzo stepped on the huge Salamander top of the head and landed in the distance of Lin Yu, with a deep voice sounded: "This underground Tibet is full of poison qi that only me and Salamander can bear, except for me and it, No creatures can survive in this world..."

Sharingan under Lin Yu's mask scanned.

Sure enough, all the air is toxic.

Hanzo directly summoned a poisonous space, although the scale of this space is not worth mentioning compared to Kaguya summon's foreign world.

It also shows that the name of Hanzo Demi-God is not false.

"..." Lin Yu looked back after finding out the situation.

Hanzo both eyes squinted slightly: "You can choose to use Space-Time Ninjutsu to escape, then you will also lose the only chance to kill me, because I will leave here and you will never find it again. I..."

Lin Yu is indifferent: "I will leave, after killing you..."


Heavenly Dog Susanoo is liberated, Divine Item · Jiu Zhi Shen Kong Jian releases huge space vortex, absorbing all around poison qi......

Hanzo said: "It’s useless, There are poison qi everywhere here, some are missing, and it will flow from other places. Even if you overdraw your eyes-power, it will not suck cleanly..."

Lin Yu indifferent expression, hold your breath , Driving Susanoo towards Hanzo.

bang! Salamander withdrew back, and distanced himself from Suzuo.

Hanzo said: "I heard that you used the whole way to hold your breath before defeating Queen Nadeshiko, which is quite remarkable, but I will not fight with you. I will use the vast terrain to fight you. Guerrilla, when you can't hold your breath, I won."

"Also, your unavoidable black tomoe, the maximum distance you can release is only one hundred meters, I don’t It will bring you close to me within a hundred meters..."

Hanzo said so, it seems that he has studied Lin Yu thoroughly in order to deal with all situations.

"hmph..." Lin Yu is coldly snorted, and continues to maintain the absorption of Kutasami Kōkan, and has no plans to escape through Space-Time Ninjutsu.

A few kilometers away, the people of Hidden Rain Village are under the protection of the Pain barrier.

Besides the barrier, Hidden Rain Village has become an Absolute Death Region.

Konan said: "Nagato, this is not the way to go, this barrier consumes chakra very much, it is difficult to maintain for a long time..."

"Just trust Mr. Yu's strength, he must There is a way to defeat Hanzo, and..." Pain Deva Path changed the conversation: "I chose to betray Hanzo. It really was the right choice. A village chief who doesn't even care for the lives of the people is talking about the peace of Ninja World. How about this? Convincing, Yahiko, was actually given this kind of person..."

Konan's eyes were drooping when he was evoked from sad memories.

bang!! bang!! bang!!

Susanoo and Salamander are still in the chasing battle. During this period, the absorption of Kujikami Kōkan has not stopped. Before, Lin Yu and Pain had a wartime and Lin Yu had never been so crazy!

Salamander top of the head, Hanzo gazed Lin Yu bleeding pupils, both eyes slightly squinted: "As expected, your eyes are overused, and the rumors of eyes-power overdraft are true. You are not Madara after all. , And also, you have been holding your breath for more than six minutes, even if you have Hashirama cells, you shouldn’t be able to hold it..."

Shoo! Suddenly, Jiu Zhishen Kongjian stopped absorbing, and Heavenly Dog Susanoo disappeared.

"Yeah, that's right..." Lin Yu lifts the head, Mangekyo with his right eye, releasing Uzumaki.

Hanzo top of the head Uzumaki suddenly appeared, Lin Yu descended with Uchiha fan, long hair hunted and landed on Salamander top of the head.

"What!?" Hanzo jerked back and patted his palm at the same time.

Fire-Style · Blaze a burst of flames!

bang! Lin Yu underfoot, countless Explosive Tags have emerged...

rumble long long long! !

Poor Salamander, was blown into countless pieces, mixed with poisonous blood mist.

Wind-Style · Tornado Hurricane! !

Huh! !

The hurricane passed by and dispelled the poison mist of Salamander's explosion...

Hanzo was shocked: "Wind-Style!!! Why can you breathe in this Tibetan realm!!!" You are impossible to have resistance to this poison in such a short period of time. This is absolutely impossible!"

"It is indeed impossible. Honestly speaking, even if you breathe in this diluted poison qi, I feel it I feel unwell..." Lin Yu bowed his head and gazed his slightly shaking palm.

"You said...dilute!?" Hanzo was shocked. He observed the concentration of poison qi in the air, and sure enough...has fallen below half of the original level!

This is still fatal to ordinary people, but for Lin Yu who has Hashirama cells, it is not necessarily!

Hanzo is unbelievable: "Could it be that you used Susanoo to absorb it, not to absorb all the poison qi, but..."

Lin Yu said: "Yes, you It’s said that there is poison qi everywhere, some parts are missing, and other places will flow over, that is to say, the absorbed part, the overall concentration will also be lowered, and the impossible will be absorbed, but it can still be done if it is diluted to the extent that it is not fatal to me. ......"

"You said it is light!!" Hanzo clasped the fist tightly: This is the poison qi accumulated for several decades in the Tibetan realm. He actually got him in just six minutes, Just dilute it in half, Susanoo’s mirror, where is the Divine Item...

But Hanzo thought about it, and said: "But your eyes-power has been overdrawn, right? You just got close. , Obviously there is a chance to kill me through black tomoe, but no, this is the iron proof!!! And... the concentration of poison qi at this moment, even if it is not fatal to you, will cause a paralyzing effect. Prolonged fighting is still beneficial to me!"

"Yes, so next, let me break this damned poison world!!"

pa!! Lin Yu hugs his palms together, it is the seal of'Si'!

"That's Wood-Style!" Hanzo pupils shrank.

Body Flicker Jutsu!

bang! Hanzo disappeared in place and reached the peripheral zone of Ksitigarbha.

Lin Yu did not care about Hanzo, but extracted a huge chakra!

Wood-Style ·Infinite tree world! !

bang! bang! bang!

Earth cracked, and countless saplings rose from the ground, and quickly grew into towering trees. After crowding all the places where you can directions go crazy...

When the rioting tree world spread to Pain’s barrier, he took the initiative to bypass and walk on both sides...

"This is Mr. Yu’s technique, I used to cooperate with Yugito Nii and Susanoo to block my super Shinra Tensei!!!"

bang!! bang!! bang!! bang!!

The tree world is at the end of the Ksitigarbha world, above the surrounding walls... nothing can resist, that majestic force of growth! !

Click! Click! Click! Click! Presented on the walls of the Tibetan realm, with a burst of roar... Yuyu clarified!

Hanzo, who had hidden deep underground, was completely shocked: "Forcibly broke the Ksitigarbha boundary, is this the power of Wood-Style!?"

【Author Digression]: This battle will not last for too long~ Since Yu is here for revenge, he is a killer move, no nonsense~ (to be continued)

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