Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees, with the blooming buds, poisonous pollen quickly diffuses in the enclosed barrier!

"This is..." Saori's voice was suddenly shocked.

Huh! All the petals, in the sky, gathered into the silhouette of Nadeshi Saori. She almost without the slightest hesitation, using'Secret Jutsu ·covering moon, shaming flowers', but...

"Disperse, can't it?" After realizing the fatal problem, Nadeshiko Saori immediately held his breath.

Lin Yu said: "If the growing tree is controlled by Ninjutsu, then the poisonous pollen released is a natural phenomenon. It is not Ninjutsu anymore. Of course you can’t disperse it, but you choose to remove the petals. It's also a wise move, because that technique will only increase your contact with the pollen, and you will fall into a poisoned state sooner. It won't work if you hold your breath."

After a while, Nadeshiko Saori calmed down: "It's also a hold of your breath, but you've held your breath for one and a half minutes. I have just started, and in the end, I will win!" Lin Yu said with a deep gaze: "You can be so sure of mine. Is the limit apnea time just something?"

Yes, from the moment Senju Hashirama's power is gained, all body-related abilities have undergone a qualitative leap to maintain life in an anaerobic state. The ability to move is of course no exception!

hearing this, the pupils of Nadeshiko Saori shrank suddenly, she tightened her fists around her waist, and the powerful chakra gathered.

Taijutsu Secret Art · Black Qilin!

The dark chakra wrapped his fists and turned into two mighty Qilin heads.


The moment Qilin both eyes were lit by golden light, they made a majestic roar.

Lin Yu gazed Qilin head on Nadeshiko Saori's double fists, thought: the density of chakra is too high, which causes the color to become pitch black, and such vivid Shape Transformation, she also has the imagination and The power of the form of the'yin escape' is quite terrifying Taijutsu, is it to bet all the power in these last few minutes?

Should I just open the penetration directly, and persist until the end of her breath-holding time? No, in this confrontation where life and death are not the stakes, it was too decent...a little bit, let's play with her.

Lin Yu has given up the idea of ​​opening penetration while thinking.


sou! Nadeshiko Saori approached behind her at a very fast speed, her footsteps closed like a seal, and a figure like a dream and illusion.

Lin Yu Sharingan circulates, dodges the attack while thinking: This step...is similar to Hyuga Clan's gossip, ordinary Sharingan, a bit reluctant.

zi! The three-tomoe under the mask was converted to Mangekyo. With the improvement of motion capture ability, Lin Yu's dodge movements became more natural and fluent.

"Hah!" Nadeshiko Saori speeds up the attack. Under the open boxing, hand-offs are inevitable!

Shoo! ! The purple chakra covers Lin Yu's arm, Senju's Chakra Enhanced Strength punch is right!

Boom! ! Huh! ! Huh! ! Every time a fist and foot collide, there will be a dull and huge sound!

There is a Uchiha flame array blocking, people outside can't really see it, they can only judge by movement, the battle is very fierce!

"What's going on!"

"That is true, the head of Nadeshiko will definitely be defeated. Uchiha Yu is on par with Five Kages."

"don't underestimate our Saori sama! Our Nadeshi Village is not as good as Five-Great Hidden Villages, but Saori sama is definitely not weaker than those shadows!" Female Ninja from Nadeshi Village said fiercely. But her heart is extremely nervous, because Nadeshi Saori has never been in the past in a battle that lasted so long, even if she faced the previous generation of Nadeshiko Queen.

On the high platform.

"Qing, how is the battle going?" Terumi Mei asked.

Qing turns on Byakugan, sees through the Uchiha flame array, and waits and sees: "The two are fighting fierce melee..."

"Melee? Fierce?" Terumi Mei looked strange.

"Uh...it's the Taijutsu contest!" Qing hurriedly changed his rhetoric.

"How is it going?"

"At present, it seems to be evenly matched... But, Uchiha Yu's Chakra Flow is stable, and Nadeshiko Saori is already weak ."


Terumi Mei thought: "According to the information, Uchiha Yu seems to have the ability to make all physical attacks and Ninjutsu penetrate the body, but he chose to fight Taijutsu with the opponent. It seems that this man is more gentleman. Demeanor..."

In the Uchiha flame formation, the Taijutsu battle lasted two minutes.

The pace of Nadeshiko Saori has been visibly disordered. She bit her lip, controlling her breathing instinct.

"Your strength and speed have been weakened. It seems that while holding your breath, while maintaining a high-intensity attack, your chakra has bottomed out. It is better not to force it..." Lin Yu With ease.

Bear! !

The head of Qilin with both fists of Nadeshi Saori disappeared, and the whole person crouched on the ground...

The face covered by the black veil lifted up, and Nadeshi Saori stared in his eyes Looking at the Yu in front of him: "The Ai family originally wanted to rely on the high-intensity attack of the stake all on one throw, which made you unable to withstand it first. As a result, the Ai family itself became tired and paralyzed. Your shadow, you let the Ai family see the world. Big..."

Lin Yu said flatly: "Growth is a process that everyone has to go through. I have to say that your starting point for growth is already very high, and you are fully qualified to compete with the shadows... "

"I'm really ashamed."

"So, do you want to admit-defeat?"

"No, there is another trick in Laijia, Because it will cause unpredictable consequences, she was regarded by Queen First-Kage Nadeshiko as Forbidden Jutsu, and she personally sealed it. The Maid will now use her hand to seal her ..."

Lin Yu both eyes squinted, wanting to grab it.

bang!! The strong whirlwind swirled around Saori , Lin Yu couldn't get close for a while...

"hmph!" Lin Yu was coldly snorted, Susanoo turned on.

The whirlwind dissipated, and Nadeshiko Saori made a hand seal similar to a'heart turn around' with both hands, aiming at Lin Yu.

At the same time, a halo of ever-changing colors circulates in the hollows of Nasushita Saori's hands...

There are six kinds of changing colors!

Forbidden Jutsu · Six desires are dazzling!


Shining to Lin Yu!

Of course, this seems to be similar to the mind turning around. It directly affects the spirit and is an indefensible technique!


The operation is over, all the chakra's nadeshiko saori was exhausted, and she fell to the ground feebly...

"Now, now you can breathe and breathe, because, because... …I don’t even have the power to use Genjutsu's Genjutsu..." Nadeshiko Saori said prostrably, huh! On his forehead, Nadeshiko Hidden Villages, a flower-patterned headband, fell down.

Lin Yu relieved Susanoo, and then used Wind-Style to disperse the pollen in the flower and tree world.

After a few breaths of fresh air, Lin Yu asked Nadeshiko Saori: "What did you do to me before, and what is the effect of that operation?"

Nadeshiko Saori said: "Six, six desires are dazzling... Greed, hatred, delusion, food, color, sex, and the human body have six desires. This Forbidden Jutsu can interfere with a desire in the subject's body, causing it to be greatly reduced, or Significantly enhanced."

Lin Yu frowned: "Desire, what kind of desire do you interfere with me, and why, I don’t feel anything?"

Nashko Saori said with a smile: "Hehe, this Jutsu, sad, sad, not yet fully mastered...so the interference is random, I don’t know which one will take effect, but it’s big and greatly enhanced, it’s for sure. It will take effect soon."

"No matter which one takes effect, you will lose self-control in public, then, then, you have no face to continue doing shadows, no, it’s okay, sad , Ai's family won't despise you, come back to Ai's family, Fuzi Village..."

Although Nadeshiko Saori said so, there is a kind of uneasiness in the depths of beautiful eyes... …

Lin Yu stood there, clutching the fist tightly. Suddenly, on his forehead, veins burst, and both eyes couldn’t hide the light like wild beast: "Look at what you did well. , Woman!"

Seeing this, the proud queen Nadeshiko Saori suddenly became a little bunny of lose one's head out of fear: "No, No way! Six desires, random interference, why It's such a coincidence... It happens, yes, it is..."

[Author's digression]: What kind of thing is it? jié jié jié ……(to be continued)

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