“What? You say that Sakumo suffered a serious injury?” Hokage’s Office, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was startled by the news from Anbu.

The Second Shinobi World War has just ended, Hatake Sakumo has made great achievements, and Konoha’s White Fang has made the enemy come wrong-stricken at the news. The previous Mission Failure brought a little loss to the village, but Third Hokage not at all blame Hatake Sakumo. But some people are unwilling to spread rumors intentionally, amplifying a small matter Mugen, and it is too late for Third Hokage to get the news. This matter is actually a fact. If the next password is meant to be concealed.

Third Hokage wanted to wait for a while before the villagers’ emotions stabilized. He came forward to clarify. He did not expect that the companions rescued by Sakumo three days ago also began to blame Sakumo, and things were completely out of the control of Third Hokage.

Originally, Third Hokage was worrying about this matter, but Anbu brought news that Hatake Sakumo serious injury was dying. Third Hokage’s anger was ignited, and Third Hokage at this time was not the old man of Konoha 60 in the original work. It was when Peak’s Third Hokage was just a trace of imposing-manner that made the reporting Anbu Ninja sweat.

“How is Sakumo now?”

“Hokage-sama, Yamanaka Ryo and Kigi Junko are now at Konoha Hospital.”

“Let’s go to Konoha Hospital.” Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed the anger, and now it is Hatake Sakumo’s life that matters.



“How is Sakumo?”

“This … Hokage-sama, White Fang Lord, he is dead!”

“What?” Third Hokage was silent.

“White Fang Lord is not dead yet! I can save him.” Just when everyone was afraid to speak in fear of offending Third Hokage, they could consume it. Hatake Sakumo couldn’t wait. The frozen 20 minutes had passed. Restore the heart’s function within 5 minutes.

“It’s impossible, White Fang Lord’s heart is pierced and there is no life activity. The body is already cold, how can you save the dead?”

“Hokage-sama, I can save White Fang Lord!”

“It’s you! Yamanaka Ryo?” Third Hokage clearly remembers that Yamanaka Ryo was reading medical ninja-related books 2 months ago in the library.

“Little Brat, don’t make a joke!” Third Hokage looks-at Yamanaka Ryo said.

“I can do it!” Yamanaka Ryo’s gaze revealed his firm self-confidence, and he faced Third Hokage without fear.

“Yamanaka Ryo, can I believe you?” The confidence in Yamanaka Ryo’s eyes moved Third Hokage.

“Hokage-sama, the medical ninja in the hospital said that White Fang Lord is dead. This is already the worst result, can there be worse?”

“Junko, what do you say?” Yamanaka Ryo’s words impressed Third Hokage, and reasonably told him that Yamanaka Ryo was just a child and had only learned the medical ninja technique of 2 months. Third Hokage needed another voice that supported Yamanaka Ryo.

“Hokage-sama, I believe him!” Junko didn’t think of that many. The medical ninja here said his husband was dead. Only Yamanaka Ryo said that he could be saved. Yamanaka Ryo is Junko’s only hope.

“Okay! Yamanaka Ryo gave it to you! Don’t let me down, Sakumo, he is a hero and shouldn’t die like this.”

“Yes, Hokage-sama! Hokage-sama, please give me a few Food Pills. It may not be enough to cure White Fang Lord. My Chakra.”

After receiving Food Pills from Sandaime, Yamanaka Ryo and a few nurses entered the operating room.

The efficiency of Konoha Hospital is still very high. After preparing for the expert surgery, the ice is frozen for 12 minutes, and Yamanaka Ryo must restore heart function within 12 minutes.

Outside the operating room, Third Hokage consoled Junki Junki, and now everything can only be seen by Yamanaka Ryo.

Yamanaka Ryo stepped on a small stool, and a Food Pills restored his Chakra to more than half of his previous-life surgical experience. In this case, Yamanaka Ryo was not nervous at all.

Yamanaka Ryo used Chakra scalpel to cut the flesh at the heart of Hatake Sakumo. [Mystical Palm Aura Technique] directly repairs the heart of Hatake Sakumo, and the effect of blocking Mystical Palm Aura Technique without flesh is greatly enhanced. After the heart was repaired, Yamanaka Ryo repaired the trauma of Hatake Sakumo with [Mystical Palm Aura Technique].

Ox-Rabbit-Monkey [Chidori]! Yamanaka Ryo not at all training has Chidori, it is impossible to use the real Chidori, and Yamanaka Ryo does not need a full version of Chidori. The hand seal is completed and Yamanaka Ryo’s faint Lightning spark in his left hand starts to jump.

Although Hatake Sakumo’s heart was repaired, but not at all resumed beating, Yamanaka Ryo stimulated the heart with a previous-life electric shock, allowing the heart to resume beating. Stimulated repeatedly by Yamanaka Ryo’s lightning current, Hatake Sakumo’s heart began to beat slowly.

Freezing, Hatake Sakumo’s body functions slowly resume as the heart resumes working.

In 12 minutes, Yamanaka Ryo successfully pulled Hatake Sakumo back from the edge of death.

Look-at Breathing Hatake Sakumo, Yamanaka Ryo finally let go of her heart, stretched taut’s nerves relaxed, and Yamanaka Ryo’s eyes lost her consciousness.

The operating room door opened and Hatake Sakumo was pushed out by the nurse.

“How is Sakumo?”

“Hokage-sama, White Fang Lord is all right! The Lord ’s medicine is very difficult to deal with.”

Kigi Junko wept with joy. Third Hokage was also relaxed when he heard that White Fang was safe.

“Wait, what about Yamanaka Ryo?” Hatake Sakumo was launched without seeing Yamanaka Ryo. Today’s performance proved his value and can bring him back to life. In Sandaime’s view, Yamanaka Ryo is a medical ninja who is not inferior to Tsunade.

Tsunade was afraid of hemophobia in the two wartime because of the death of the younger brother and sweeteart Katō Dan. Tsunade took Katō Dan’s niece to leave Konoha Tsunade. The sadness of Third Hokage was sorrowful. Also sorry for Konoha who lost the best medical ninja.

Today’s Yamanaka Ryo’s performance made Third Hokage see the rise of another “Tsunade”.

“That Lord, he’s exhausted and fainted!” Yamanaka Ryo’s performance made the three nurses look at him.

“Well, that’s good!” Third Hokage was completely relieved. Hatake Sakumo and Yamanaka Ryo are fine. And profit from disaster Third Hokage found enough medical ninja to replace Tsunade.

“That Hokage-sama!”

“What’s wrong with Junko?”

“Hokage-sama, an Anbu Ninja in my house was killed by Sakumo just now.” The dead Ninja of mask Ninja thought it was Hatake Sakumo.

Naruto’s World’s Anbu and previous-life Anime behave completely differently. Anbu Ninja has at least Chunin’s strength.

Yamanaka Ryo can kill the mask Ninja. In fact, it’s pure fluke. Yamanaka Ryo disguised it too well. Mask Ninja didn’t find his Chakra scalpel. Yamanaka Ryo cut off the legs and meridians. It was too weird to add his Kyoto teleport ability. Ninja was killed so easily.

“En?” Third Hokage knew that Anbu’s Ninja hadn’t been to the Hatake Family, and that was Danzō’s roots.

“Junko, you can relax I let Anbu handle it.”

“Thank you, Hokage-sama!”

“Junzi, don’t stay with me, Old Codger, go with Sakumo!”

“Then Hokage-sama, say goodbye.” Kigi Junko has been worried about Sakumo’s situation, and hurried away after saying goodbye to Third Hokage.

“You dispose of the corpse of Root Ninja. Danzō’s hand is too long.”

“Yes.” Ninja in the dark replied complied.

“Danzō, don’t let the old man down!”

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